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Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(90)

By:Heather Rainier

She found them in the office, sitting at their desks in front of their computers. Clayton and Chance both looked up and smiled when she knocked on the doorframe.

Clayton pulled off his reading glasses and said, “You have good timing, Lydi. I was just about to go look for you. Come here and let me show you something.” Lydia came around his desk and allowed him to draw her onto his lap. After he had her situated, he pointed at the widescreen computer monitor. “I’ve been messing around with landscape-design software and want to know what you think. You seemed to like all the crape myrtles in town so we’re going to put in landscaping around the house.”

“I love that idea. Not that it isn’t beautiful out here, but…”

Chance said, “The ranch house could use some color around it, and we thought you would like the idea.”

“I do like it, very much. So, what is your plan?” she asked enthusiastically, aware that Clayton’s cock was hardening and her body was responding.

“I input the basic dimensions for the footprint of our house and…” He double-clicked the mouse and the image on the screen zoomed out. “Tell me what you think. Crape myrtles in red would go here. Three more oak trees in those areas and new built-up flower beds along both sides of the stairs in front, extending the length of the house in either direction. A white crape myrtle on the side, surrounded by mountain laurels.

“In the backyard, there would be roses on both sides of the steps, and a winding path leading out to the covered pavilion area. Mountain laurels would go here and here, and pink crape myrtles in groupings around the backyard. The real topper, though, is this bed right here, tucked close to the east end of the house so it would have morning sun. We thought you might like an—”

Lydia gasped. “An herb garden!” She turned to Clayton and kissed him. “I love it! That’s very thoughtful of you.”

Clayton wrapped his arms more tightly around her, and even though she was very excited about his plan, she grew even more enthused over his kiss.

Chance finally cleared his throat and said, “Before the two of you get any more wrapped up in each other…”

Lydia slowly surfaced from the kiss, and she tried her best to focus on what Chance had to say. She looked over at him, feeling a flush all over her body.

“I’m sorry, handsome. What did you want to say?”

Chance smiled at her as he pointed at his laptop screen which was opened to an e-mail program. “They’ve finished the work on your car and we can pick it up on Monday. They’re closed now. They said the fuel lines had been tampered with but it wasn’t anything that couldn’t be fixed. They gave the engine an overhaul and were able to replace your compressor which was the only thing wrong with your air conditioner.”

“Was it terribly expensive?”

“What they charged to do the work was fair. Not anything you need to worry about.”

“But you shouldn’t have to shell out money for my—”

“Nonsense. Remember how you claimed us? Well, we claimed you right back, including your car repairs and other stuff. It’s not a big deal. Actually,” he began and motioned for her to come to him. Clayton helped her up and she curled into Chance’s lap, noticing that he was already hard. “I was just looking at vehicles. We’d like to arrange for a newer vehicle for you.”

She started to sit up, but he gently pulled her back down. “You don’t have to do that. Gunther is—”

Chance brushed a lock of hair away from her cheek as he broke in. “—Just fine and not going anywhere. Keep Gunther. We just want you to have something that has a little more power, a phone, safety features, and more comfortable for you.”

Lydia bit her lip and looked from him to the laptop screen as he clicked on a link and the image of a luxury SUV appeared on the screen. “Whoa, Chance. Those are expensive. I’m not so sure—”

Chance patted her thigh and minimized the image. “It was just a thought, baby. You don’t have to decide right now. We’ll pick up your car sometime tomorrow.”

She knew their desire to get her a new vehicle came from the heart and didn’t want either man to be offended

“Chance, the Escalade is beautiful and I’m grateful that you’re willing to get that for me. Please don’t think I’m rejecting the offer.”

Chance caressed her jaw and said, “Baby, I don’t think that. I realize it’s a lot to take in. It’s just a thought for down the road.” He kissed the tip of her nose, and she cuddled to him with her face tucked under his jaw.