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Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(84)

By:Heather Rainier

They were taking her to The Dancing Pony, which was evidently the hub for social activity in the area. Turning to look at herself in the side mirror, she wondered if Ace and Kemp frequented the hot spot. If she showed up with Chance and Clayton on the same night they decided to go out to The Dancing Pony, she supposed she deserved whatever reaction she got from them. She promised herself she’d call them in the morning.

She did a little happy dance as she hung up the rest of what she’d bought that day in her walk-in closet. At Discretion, she’d stocked up on panties, bras, and all kinds of lacey underthings.

When she’d checked out, she’d discovered that Chance had already covered the cost of her purchases from his own funds. Rachel had chuckled when she told Lydia, seeming completely unsurprised by that turn of events.

After fixing her hair and makeup, she inspected herself in the full-length mirror on the closet door. Satisfied, she grabbed her new purse and went downstairs.

Movement drew her attention to the bottom of the stairs.

“Put it up, here she comes,” Clayton murmured as they stood by the last step. Chance hid something behind his back as she took the stairs slowly.

“Damn,” Chance muttered in an admiring tone.

“Holy crap,” Clayton whispered as she made the turn on the landing, slowing further, and feeling pretty damned good about herself.

She smiled at them and made eye contact as they finally came into full view and she took the last few steps. “Mmm-hmm,” she murmured as she stepped a slow circle around them, taking in their appearance just as appreciatively. “What handsome cowboys.” Running her hands over their chests simultaneously, she added, “I’ve got my hands full with a good twin and a bad twin. What in the world am I going to do with all this handsome cowboy hotness?”

Clayton wore a black felt Stetson and a jet-black Western shirt unbuttoned at the neck so his sexy chest hair was barely visible. Chance wore a white felt Stetson and a crisp, white shirt, also unbuttoned at the neck. They both had on freshly starched and pressed blue jeans and their dress cowboy boots. With their broad chests and handsome physiques they were literally a wall of hot, rugged masculinity, or at least that’s what the hot pulse in her cunt was telling her.

Smiles broke out on their faces, and Chance said, “You’ll think of something, baby.” Glancing at Clayton, he said, “We’ve got something for you.”

Lydia assumed Chance referred to the long box in his back pocket. “You do?”

“Yeah,” Clayton said as they closed in on her, one in front and one behind. Clayton’s hands were gentle as he swept her hair back and placed a warm kiss at the juncture of her neck and shoulder.

Chance held out the box to her, and she smiled from one to the other. “You went shopping today, too, huh? Thank you.” She pressed a quick kiss to both their lips before lifting the lid from the box. “Oh! This is beautiful!”

On a bed of velvet rested a wide, silver, multistranded choker. Hanging from the chain was a large, round, silver pendant about the size of a half-dollar, made up of concentric circles. A polished silver star graced the center, surrounded by a row of clear crystals, a row of twisted silver rope, and finally a wide band that resembled the designs of tooled leather, only done in silver. A twisted rope edge graced the outer rim. She lifted the heavy pendant and chain from the velvet and marveled at the weight.

The stones caught the light and sparkled with many facets, and she looked closer. She glanced at Chance and Clayton and then back at the stones. She’d never seen crystals like these before. A gasp tore from her throat when she looked up at Chance and he nodded.

Her voice was strained when she whispered over the lump in her throat. “Diamonds?” Chance nodded and Clayton murmured his assent. She stood there dumbstruck and felt like she was having an out-of-body experience.

Sounding a little concerned, Chance wrapped his arm around her waist as she started seeing stars in the outer corners of her field of vision. “Come sit, baby. Maybe we should’ve sat you down before we gave that to you.”

“You’re…you’re giving me diamonds?” she asked in a small, weak-sounding voice. Her heart galloped in her chest like a racehorse and her mouth went dry. “You’re giving me diamonds?” she asked again, feeling like a loon for repeating herself.

They sat her down and perched on either side of her, and Clayton said, “Yeah. A friend of ours made it. He’s a jewelry craftsman.”


Clayton nodded. “Yeah. His name is Clayton, too, but he goes by Clay.”

“Oh. I’m blown away, guys. You really surprised me. It’s so pretty.”