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Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(81)

By:Heather Rainier

Chance grinned at her merriment and replied, “Well, compared to us, you are tiny.”

Lydia nodded emphatically. “You are very big. Yes. Huge. And I love it.”

They lay there in bed enjoying their endorphin-induced high until Lydia sat up in bed and said, “I’ll be right back. I want a cup of tea before my shower.”

The naughty little minx purposely turned her back on them and crawled to the foot, giving them both a great view of her pretty, little cunt before she stood and walked to the chair where her cover-up was laid. She slipped into it and didn’t bother tying it as she winked at them and walked from the room.

Entranced, Chance watched as the silky cover-up floated around her. The light from the window at the end of the hallway glowed through the silky material revealing her silhouette. “Damn, that woman is hotter than a firecracker.”

“Yeah, on the Fourth of July,” Clayton mumbled, his eyes also glued to her graceful form as she descended the stairs.

Chapter Twenty-one

After lunch, Lydia was upstairs in her closet, looking askance at the meager contents. She sighed, knowing something would have to be done soon to remedy the threadbare condition of her wardrobe.

When she heard Chance downstairs she left her bedroom and hurried down the stairs to catch him before he went out the back door. “Chance?”

She heard his boots on the tile as he walked to the landing and said, “Yeah, baby?”

She stopped on the first stair at eye level with him and kissed him as she held on to his shoulders. “I have to go shopping for tonight. I literally don’t have anything to wear.”

Chance nodded. “I’m sorry. I should have taken you to town before now. You’ve got options depending on what you want. There’s Cheaver’s if you want western wear or boots, Stigall’s if you want regular day clothes or shoes, and Discretion for undies and evening wear, and…other sexy stuff.”

A slow smile crossed her face. “Sexy stuff, huh?”

Chance grinned and nodded. “I’ve shopped for you there before. You’d love it and the ladies that operate it. Do you have your debit card—”

The doorbell cut him off in mid sentence, and she wondered who it could be on a Saturday afternoon. They both turned and went to the door, and he opened it. A gorgeous, curvy blonde stood on the doorstep, a big smile on her face.

“Maya! Hey, sweetie! How are you doing?” Chance asked as he hugged her with apparent care and welcomed her into the house. “Lydia, this is Maya Daire, soon to be Warner. She is Richard and Boone’s fiancée, whom you met the other day, along with their brother, Kendall.”

Lydia smiled at Maya, remembering the dreamy look both Richard and Boone had gotten in their eyes whenever Maya was the topic of conversation.

“Maya, it’s such a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard wonderful things about you from Richard and Boone. Can you stay?”

“Well, I brought you a welcome-to-the-neighborhood gift,” Maya said, offering the festive-looking wrapped basket she had in her hands and added, “I’m also offering my services if you’d like to see Divine or just wanted to get out for a while some time. I’m actually free this afternoon.”

Chance chuckled and said, “Maya, it just so happens that Lydia has some shopping to do. We’re going out tonight and she needs something for that, but we also need to stock up her closet.”

Maya’s eyes twinkled, and she said, “Can I take you around? I can show you all the best places to shop.”

Chance held up a hand and said, “That is, if you are up to it, Maya. It’s only been a month or so since—”

Maya said, “I’m fine, Chance, I promise. I’ll sit if I need to.” She turned to Lydia and said, “I was involved in an incident on our ranch a little over a month ago, but I’m recovering just fine.”

“Sweetie, you were shot three times.”

Lydia’s eyes widened at that news, and Maya said, “But I’m okay now. I lived to tell about it. Trust me, I know my limitations. So, Lydia, would you like to go shopping with me?”

Lydia couldn’t help but like the spunky blonde and said, “I’d love to. If that’s okay with you, Chance. I know you were willing…”

Chance shook his head and kissed her temple. “No, this will be a good chance for you to get to know one of the girls. Have a great time.”

“I’ll take good care of her, Chance. I promise.”

Chance said, “You two have a good time and I’ll see you when you get back, baby. I’m going to head out to the barn.”

Chance squeezed her to him and kissed her before bidding good-bye to Maya.