Reading Online Novel

Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(77)

Brittany was only twenty-one, which Chance had thought was a little young for his brother, but he’d never objected because Clayton was a big boy and she was of age.

One night about five months before, Brittany had showed up at the house and hung out with them. She’d wound up spending the night, which hadn’t been a surprise because it had happened before. What was a surprise, however, was her sneaking into Chance’s bed during the night.

Up until that moment, Chance had liked Brittany well enough, but not that much. When he’d cautioned her quietly to go back to Clayton’s bed or leave, she’d opted to throw a temper tantrum instead.

Clayton found them in Chance’s bedroom and demanded to know what she was up to. Brittany had explained that she wanted both of them. Chance had turned her down on the spot because she’d been so sneaky, rather than being a grown-up and asking them together. In addition, he’d turned her down flat because his mind had already been captivated by a beautiful brunette out in West Texas.

Brittany had lashed out at both of them, probably out of embarrassment, before stalking out of the room. Deciding to mind his own business, Chance had gone back to bed. In the morning, he’d found out that Brittany and Clayton had called it quits during the night.

Clayton had been down in the dumps the whole week after that happened, so Chance had taken him to The Dancing Pony for a night out. Brittany had shown up with some girlfriends, and her group chose a table near theirs where Brittany had proceeded to get drunk…and loud.

When Brittany had obnoxiously stated to a friend that Clayton hadn’t been able to keep her satisfied, Chance had talked Clayton into leaving before she could say anything else to hurt him. Brittany had been fairly likable while she had dated Clayton, as far as Chance could tell, but she evidently hadn’t been able to handle either whiskey or rejection.

The whole affair had been distasteful, and Clayton hadn’t dated anybody since. It was possible that Brittany and her callous treatment of Clayton might have been one of the reasons he’d held back from Lydia.

Clayton murmured, “I’m over what Brittany did and said. And I know Lydia and she have nothing in common. Ace and Kemp are our friends and I don’t want them to think that we’d take advantage of their little sister.”

“They’re going to be protective, no matter what the circumstances are. Let’s just be there for her.” Changing the subject, Chance asked, “Did you hear from that breeder yet?”

Clayton took his phone from his robe pocket and said, “I was just about to turn my phone back on and find out. Hey, bro?”


“You know I love and trust Lydi, right? I have doubts like anybody does, but I love her like crazy.”

Chance grinned from ear to ear and replied, “I know. I could see it in the way you took care of her last night.”

Clayton toyed with his phone and said, “That was pretty hot between the three of us.”

“Yeah. It’s been quite a while since we’ve shared. This was better than any of those times.” Chance’s cock hardened as he remembered watching as Clayton’s cock had sunk into Lydia’s tight, little pussy. She’d looked up at Clayton so trustingly as she’d let him in, and she’d held on to them both as she’d come. He wanted to make love to her again that morning after they fed her, if he lasted that long.

“No comparison, man. A threesome with her is going to be off the charts.” Clayton looked at the screen of his phone and said, “Got an e-mail from the breeder.”

Chance waited as Clayton scanned the e-mail and said, “Looks like I have an errand to run today.”

“Cool. I want to take Lydia out dancing tonight. She’s been working hard and she deserves to have some fun. As far as Ace and Kemp go, whatever happens—happens. I want to make her happy more than I’m worried about that.”

“I agree.”

Chance loaded a breakfast tray and Clayton followed him upstairs. Chance noted when he looked out the window that it was still dark outside. Lydia was an early riser, but given their activity last night she must’ve needed the extra sleep.

They entered the room quietly, and Chance smiled at the sight that greeted him. She’d kicked the covers off again and now lay diagonally across the bed on her side facing away from them.

When she’d slept between them she hadn’t moved or shifted around at all, but with them both gone from the bed she’d evidently gotten restless before settling into sleep again.

He knew what she’d meant the night before when she said she wanted to remember the moment forever because he wanted to remember her like this. Her hair was spread across his pillow, the dark strands wild and tangled. She held another pillow in her arms, and the smooth curving line from her neck, down her spine, and over her hip all the way to the turn of her calf inspired wonder. Some people could sit and look at the Grand Canyon for hours. He could look at Lydia sleeping for hours and be perfectly content.