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Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(65)

By:Heather Rainier

Clayton chuckled as she sighed when he stood upright with her and said, “Actually, Lydia, I found the exchange very…illuminating. You’re very protective of us and the ranch. I like that a lot.”

“Me, too, baby,” Chance said. “The house feels more peaceful now without her here. Speaking of her being gone—Clayton, don’t forget to call her aunt.” He turned back and added, “And don’t let Mrs. Perkins send anybody else out here. Lydia makes those calls from now on.”

Lydia smiled, “I already have something up my sleeve. Can I use the house checking account to make an online purchase?”


“Good. I just need all the information so I can set it up. I have the perfect helper in mind. After I’m done I might make you a snack.”

“What kind of snack?” Chance asked playfully as he kissed her temple.

“You’ll get apple fritters that are the best tasting thing you’ve ever eaten. I promise.”

Clayton shook his head and said, “They might be a close second, Lydi. The sweetest thing I ever had in my mouth was this morning.”

“Oh! Well—All right!” She giggled and felt her cheeks get hot at his reminder. Her pussy warmed at the thought, too.

Clayton stroked her cheek with his knuckle and said, “Thank you for trusting us, Lydi.”

“The pleasure was all mine,” she murmured.

Chance replied, “That all depends on your perspective, baby. We’re going to get back to work. See you in a bit.”

They both kissed her on the lips, and she smiled as they walked out the back door. Lydia swiped her fingertip across the touch screen of her cell phone and looked through her contacts list. When she found the number she needed she selected it and listened as it rang and then a cheerful voice came on the line.

“Are you missing me already? How are those handsome cowboys treating you?”

“LuAnn, have I got a deal for you.”

* * * *

Freshly iced apple fritters cooled on a large piece of wax paper on the kitchen counter. Once the confectioner’s sugar icing dried, she loaded them into the basket and took them out to the men.

All of the men came running when she approached with the covered basket in her hands.

“Good morning, Miss Lydia,” Robert Martin said as he reached her first. She smiled because he and several of the others insisted on such formal address in a day where it was unheard of.

“Good morning, Robert. I brought you all apple fritters. There are napkins, so you won’t have to use your bare hands. They might be a little sticky.” She pulled the dish cloth back so they could see the contents. The scent of apple fritters wafted up to the men and they groaned softly.

Jim Cappell said, “My mouth is watering.”

Lydia thanked him as the men helped themselves. Kade Parker watched from the barn entry, and she waved him over. Nobody could accuse her of being unfriendly or unforgiving. Maybe he really misunderstood the nature of her relationship with the Carlisle brothers.

She was coming to understand that polyamorous relationships in the area were fairly well accepted within certain circles. Being new in town might have made it difficult for him to wrap his mind around her being involved with two men. The fact that he must’ve viewed her as the ranch “slut” didn’t exactly endear him to her, but everybody made mistakes, some bigger than others. Perhaps he just needed the opportunity to begin again and hopefully be polite this time.

He grinned and started to approach but scowled and disappeared into the barn when Chance and Clayton both walked up and kissed her cheeks. She put Kade Parker from her mind. If he couldn’t get over himself it was his loss. The ranch hands all dispersed after thanking her, and she spent a couple of minutes talking with Chance and Clayton while they ate.

“My new helper will be arriving in two weeks,” Lydia announced as they ate. “I called LuAnn and she jumped at the opportunity.”

“LuAnn from the Oasis Café?” Chance asked with a big grin as he took another bite of his apple fritter.


Clayton chuckled and said, “Oh, boy. The ranch hands won’t know what hit them. Between you and her they’re all going to be smitten, Lydi.”

Lydia chuckled and said, “LuAnn needed a change, too. I hope it’s okay for her to stay here until she’s settled. We have extra rooms and she won’t make a nuisance of herself.”

After swallowing, Chance said, “That’s your domain, baby. She can stay here permanently if it makes you happy. She’s a nice gal. I don’t doubt for a second we’ll be seeing more of the hands up here at the house once they meet her, though.”