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Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(62)

By:Heather Rainier

Clayton pressed a kiss beneath her ear, and she turned to him and kissed him as well. He said, “I’ll bet it’s an even sweeter way to end the day. I’ll stay hard all day, thinking about you, Lydi.”

Clayton’s short hair tickled beneath her fingertips as she stroked the back of his head and replied, “I wish there was a little more time.”

Clayton slowly shook his head and said, “No. We’re going to need all night long with you.” He dipped his head and gave her a kiss that made her toes curl.

Heat rose in her cheeks at the thought of what all they could do in a night, and her pussy trembled, echoing her excitement at the thought. Clayton’s tongue flicked at hers, and he nibbled at her lips.

“I–I’ll look forward to that,” she said as she tried to catch her breath.

Chance helped her when she tried to sit up and said, “Poor baby. Your breakfast is probably cold.”

“Trust me, handsome, when I say I don’t mind. It doesn’t seem fair to me that you have to go to work feeling like this,” she said, indicating the hardened ridges at their groins.

Clayton shook his head and said, “No way am I rushing the first time we make love, Lydi. That was just a little appetizer.”

As he sat up, Chance said, “He’s right, baby. We don’t fuck and run.”

She couldn’t believe her audacity when she replied, “Only because I haven’t asked for it yet.” Lydia kissed them both quickly and climbed from the bed.

Their eyebrows shot up, and sexy grins brought a jolt of happiness to her heart. They rose from the bed, and Clayton elbowed Chance as they headed toward the door and said, “She makes an excellent point.”

As she walked to the bathroom to get dressed, Clayton said, “We’re heading out, Lydi. Chance is running to the hardware store. I’ll be at the barns this morning.”

Lydi nodded as they smiled at her standing there in her birthday suit, and said, “I’ll see you at lunch. Tell everyone that it’s enchiladas for supper tonight.”

“Mmm,” Chance growled and rubbed his belly. To Clayton he said, “We’re in high cotton, huh, bro?”

“Lydi’s gonna make us fat and happy, I think.”

Lydia giggled and replied, “Nope, I’ll work it off of you, too.” She couldn’t imagine either of these two men getting fat, as hard as they worked. They blew kisses and departed.

A little while later, Lydia was downstairs having a cup of coffee and reviewing her to-do list when she saw Chance’s truck return from town as he drove past the kitchen window.

Lydia greeted Presley Ann when she walked in at seven thirty and indicated that there was fresh coffee in the coffeepot if she wanted some. Presley Ann nodded and prepared herself a cup as Lydia looked over Presley Ann’s to-do list one last time. Presley Ann needed such close supervision, she hadn’t been able to deliver another morning snack to the ranch hands. Twice she’d intended to, and both mornings had ended with her feeling she hadn’t accomplished much of anything.

Lydia felt the amount of work she’d assigned Presley Ann today was reasonable. Chance and Clayton weren’t neat freaks but neither did they live like pigs. Tidying the bedrooms and restocking the linen closets upstairs should not take all morning. Maybe she would be able to get in enough time to make the men a snack after all. After discussing the list, they started their day.

Their first stop was Chance’s bedroom. Lydia was tidying the books and magazines on the shelf under his bedside table when a book slid out onto the floor.

She reached behind the table for it, and her eyebrows felt like they reached her hairline when she recognized the cover of The Rancher’s Lady. This copy was identical to the one they’d given her, except it was dog-eared and the spine was creased in multiple places.

Listening for Presley Ann, she looked through the marked spots. She smiled when she found that many of them were favorite passages of her own, including some particularly hot love scenes.

She shrugged as she bit her lip, thinking it was okay with her if Chance wanted to read erotic romances. She hoped to be the beneficiary of his research sometime soon. She needed to write an e-mail to Caressa MacFarland, thanking her for writing that book.

The books and magazines were all stacked neatly on their shelf and dusted when Presley Ann spoke from the bathroom doorway. “Well this explains why someone has a rosy glow in her cheeks this morning.” Hanging from Presley Ann’s finger was the skimpy G-string to her baby-doll nightie.

Chapter Sixteen

Presley Ann twirled it on her finger as she said, “You know, I thought something was going on between you and Chance the other day, but I wasn’t sure about it, since you act like such a lady.”