Reading Online Novel

Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(47)

“Hello. Kade, right?” At his nod, she took a step back and continued, “I brought a coffee-break treat for the men.” She gestured to the basket.

He never took his eyes off of her, looking her up and down, as he said, “You sure did, darlin’.” He’d flirted, but he hadn’t been like that at the dinner table the night before, in front of Chance and Clayton.

When she made no reply, he came closer than she was comfortable with and looked her in the eyes. “I’d say you’re a treat. Pretty and can cook, too. Why don’t you come on in?” He took another step toward her.

Guarding her tone, she asked, “Where are the others? Where are Chance and Clayton?”

“Don’t know,” he said as he kept looking her up and down. His tone also implied he didn’t care.

She stopped in her tracks and pulled her phone from her pocket. There was no point in dealing any further with this ranch hand. His mind seemed on one thing, and she wasn’t setting foot in the dim shadows of the barn with him. Her hand trembled slightly as she touched the shortcut to dial Chance’s number on the screen and put the phone to her ear.

“Hello, baby.” His voice was reassuring to hear as Kade Parker continued to stare at her hungrily. The hunger she saw had little to do with the basket of treats she held.

“Hello, cowboy. I’m outside the barn. Where are you?”

“We’ll be there in about thirty seconds. You bring me something to eat?” It was a simple question but she could hear the innuendo in his tone.

“Yes, I did,” she said, being careful to not use a suggestive or playful tone. “I’m visiting with Kade Parker at the moment.”

Kade’s demeanor changed, and he squinted at her with a hint of anger in his dark eyes.

“Shit. Be there in twenty seconds. Stay outside the barn, okay?” She heard hooves approaching and smiled in relief when both Chance and Clayton appeared on horseback.

Kade slapped his hat against his thigh and said, “Can’t even be friendly these days without someone complainin’.” He turned and walked back into the dusty shadows of the barn.

Feeling a little unfriendly all of a sudden, she wanted to call out an apology. “I’m—” But he was already gone.

The men halted their horses beside her and climbed down. Clayton asked, “Lydi, you okay?”


“Are you okay? Chance said you sounded tense earlier. Did Parker say anything to you?”

“Well, um.” Had he? Really? She second-guessed herself. No, he hadn’t really said or done anything, beyond seeming overly friendly.

“Baby?” Chance asked as he came to her and peered down at her. “Did he do something?”

“Um—no. Just a little too friendly for my tastes. Does he know about us?”

“Yes. He was there last night. Actually he was the reason Clayton said anything at all. He questioned who you belonged to.”

Lydia’s lip curled at the term, and she cast a glance to the dimly lit barn. Originating with Kade Parker, the term had a hint of ownership to it, but looking at these two men before her, she couldn’t bring herself to mind if they saw it that way. Earlier that morning she’d wanted to belong to them very badly. She’d have to remember to steer clear of Parker in the future and avoid any further private meetings if she could.

“We told him you’re ours,” Clayton said with concern in his eyes. “You’d tell us if there was more to it, wouldn’t you? We don’t want anyone harassing you.”

“Of course I would, Clayton. No, I don’t guess he was harassing me. He was just…forward, I guess.” The last thing she wanted was for a man’s job to be in jeopardy because she’d overreacted to his remarks.

The men shared a glance but said nothing else. Changing the subject, Lydia said, “I brought you a snack.”

Clayton chuckled and said, “I’ll eat whatever you bring me.” Then he gave her a kiss, right there in the open where everyone could see.

Heat rose even higher in her cheeks when Chance leaned in a kissed her as well. “I hope there’s more where that came from.” The power of speech nearly deserted her when the sparkle in his eyes left no doubt what he was referring to.

“No, I mean something to actually eat.”

“So did I, Lydi,” Clayton said quietly.

Lydia felt a little twitter pated as his innuendo sank in. Her thong was soaked for the second time that day. Clayton whistled loudly, and ranch hands came from all points.

Chance chuckled and said, “You okay, Lydia? You’re flushed. Is the heat getting to you?”