Reading Online Novel

Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(39)

“Discretion? No, not yet.”

Clayton grinned and said, “I’ll bet you’re going to love that place. It’s a ladies’ adult boutique about twenty or thirty minutes away from here. That’s where Chance shops for you. I’ll bet you’d enjoy visiting there, too.” He hoped she spoke with her brothers before she made that particular stop, since their fiancée, Summer Heston, co-owned the shop with her sister.

Lydia looked animatedly out the windows as he drove through Divine. She pointed out the window and said, “Those crape myrtles are just gorgeous. I’m not used to seeing so much colorful plant life.” The crape myrtles lining the main street were in bloom in front of the various storefronts and the courthouse in shades of pink, red, and white. Her declaration gave him something to think about as he pulled into the parking lot of Batson’s Grocery.

Inside the store, he grabbed a cart and chuckled when she pulled out a second cart and said, “We’re going to need two of these, cowboy. Your larder was sadly lacking.”

Clayton chuckled and tried to hide his goofy enjoyment of the nickname she’d given him. It gave him a warm feeling inside that they’d settled into that little familiarity of nicknames and endearments so easily. She pointed out what she needed as they scoured each aisle of the store.

In the pasta section she pointed out a large box on a top shelf. He “accidentally” brushed his forearm against her breast as he turned to place it in the cart and heard her soft inhalation.

“Whoops. Sorry, Lydi,” he said, feeling not the slightest bit sorry.

On the canned goods aisle, she consulted her list and tried to act nonchalant but the blush in her cheeks was unmistakable. “I’m looking for canned, sliced mushrooms, but I don’t see them,” she said, scanning the shelves in front of her.

Clayton grinned at his amazingly good fortune as he placed his hands on her hips and squeezed before reaching for a can of mushrooms directly behind her. “I guess that’s why you have me to help you, Lydi.”

“Yeah, cowboy. You’re just all kinds of helpful,” Lydia quipped, brushing back a lock of hair that had come loose from her ponytail.

He turned a corner and nearly bumped into her with his cart when she stopped suddenly. She looked back at him with big eyes and then peered down the aisle again.

Clayton saw who was beyond her and grinned.

Grace Warner stood in the aisle looking at the label on a jar of pickles. Adam Davis stood behind her with both arms around her middle, stroking her very rounded abdomen as he kissed the top of her pretty blonde head. Judging by the blissful smile on her face she was definitely enjoying his attention because the label could not have been that enjoyable. Ethan Grant walked up and put a couple of boxes in their cart as he caught sight of Clayton and Lydia. Ethan grinned and raised his chin in acknowledgment.

Clayton didn’t yell but spoke loud enough so the threesome just down the aisle would hear. “Hey, no hanky-panky in the grocery store. You’re gonna start a dang riot in here.” Grace looked up and chuckled when she saw him.

He pushed his cart over to the side and then drew Lydia by the hand along with him to introduce her. “Lydi, these are friends of ours I want you to meet. Hey, Ethan,” he said as the man came around to greet them.

“Clayton, how are things out at the ranch?”

He shook hands with Ethan and then said, “Good. Hey there, Grace, Adam.” Lydia stood right behind him acting a little hesitant, and he slid his hand around her waist to draw her forward.

“Clayton, how are you doing?” Grace said as she hugged his neck. “And who do we have here?” Grace noted his arm around her waist, and he didn’t miss the avid curiosity in her gaze. He’d been looking forward to introducing Lydi to one of the girls, hoping it might instill a little confidence in her to see that other women in the town handled their multiple men with little trouble.

Turning to the dark-haired beauty at his side, Clayton said, “Lydia, I’d like you to meet some good friends of ours. This is Grace Warner, Ethan Grant, and Adam Davis.”

They exchanged greetings and Grace said, “Jack will be sorry he didn’t get to meet you, too. He’s out at a construction site this afternoon.”

Lydia’s eyebrows rose slightly, and she echoed, “Jack?”

Grace grinned and quietly said, “My other husband. So you’re Lydia.”

Grace looked like she wanted to pull Lydia aside and have a nice, long gab session but reined in her curiosity. Clayton watched as Lydia struggled with mild surprise and then blushed prettily as Grace continued, “I’ve heard a little about you from Chance and Clayton here. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”