Reading Online Novel

Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(30)

They’d recently traversed that greenbelt along the creek, coming to the Warners’ aid when Maya had been tracked there and shot by her deceased husband’s former business partner. Maya was thankfully recovering and appeared to be doing well the last time he saw her. The man who had tried to steal her inheritance from her was now behind bars in the custody of the State of Texas.

The hills and fields before them were green from recent rains, and the edges of the drive were dotted here and there with yellow and orange wildflowers. Chance wondered how it must look to her and couldn’t imagine a prettier place to live. He hoped she was feeling the same way right now. It said a lot to him that her first question was not how large the ranch was.

Watching the expression on her face, he finally reiterated, “What do you think?”

Lydia never took her eyes off of it but laid her warm, soft hand over his. “It’s magnificent.”

“I think so, too. Thank you, baby.”

“I never dreamed this is what I would see at the end of this trip. You love coming home, don’t you?”

Chance chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. “Yes, I do. Rolling over this spot, right here, is the best ‘welcome home’ in the world.”

Sitting back, she replied, “I believe that.”

He took his foot off the brake, and the truck slowly coasted down the first hill. She switched between looking out her window and looking out the windshield as she got a good look at the place.

He took the long driveway slow and grinned when he noticed Clayton come out the front screen door and stand at the top of the steps on the deep front porch. From a distance he thought his brother did a pretty good job at appearing nonchalant as he leaned against one of the heavy support posts.

He cast a critical eye at the landscaping around the house, or lack thereof, and decided she could hire a landscaper if it made her happy. The two half-grown oak trees in the front yard provided nice shade leading up to the porch but not much in the way of welcoming color.

He pulled around the circular, concrete drive under the shade of the trees and put the dually in park. Lydia turned to him and licked her lips as though she were nervous.

Chance brushed a thick, silky lock of hair from her shoulder, gently stroked the back of her neck, and said, “One step at a time. Why don’t you say hello to Clayton and then go have a look around your new home. We’ll get everything unloaded and I’ll put your things in your bedroom upstairs. Are you nervous?”

Her eyelashes swept down and covered her anxious turquoise-blue eyes and she bit her lower lip then nodded. “A little.”

“Clayton is glad you’re here. See how harmless he looks? I promise he won’t bite. At least not unless you ask him to.”

His comment made her giggle, and he hoped it set her at ease. It was just the first step that was a doozy for her, he supposed. Glancing over her shoulder, he watched Clayton saunter slowly down the steps and reach for her door. Chance hoped this was a good place for them to start.

Chapter Nine

Lydia smiled back at Chance as she heard the truck door open beside her. He nodded reassuringly at her, and she turned to greet Clayton. This is it. Everything has changed now. What must he be thinking?

Myriad, confusing thoughts swirled in her brain as she looked into his more serious, mesmerizing blue gaze. That was the difference she always noticed between Chance and Clayton when they’d come in the café together. Clayton was every bit as kind and gentlemanly as Chance, but there was a hint of reserve to him whereas Chance almost couldn’t help but smile and tease. She found Clayton’s taciturnity intriguing rather than intimidating.

Like Chance, he was dressed in jeans and a button-down shirt. A pale straw cowboy hat sat upon his head, and he was wearing the requisite cowboy boots. Chance opened the driver-side door, and when he pushed it open it drew a draft from her side of the vehicle, pulling in the heat of the late afternoon and the clean scent of a recently showered man.

Perhaps sensing her hesitance, Clayton said, “Welcome home, Lydia. Can I help you down?” She smiled and nodded at him. Even up high in the truck, she was still at eye level with him as he reached in for her. After she released the seat belt, he slid his forearms under her knees and around her back and lifted her from the seat.

She bit her lip at the motion, still a little unsettled by both men’s willingness to do that. None of the guys she’d ever dated had been strong enough or had the inclination to heft her curvy frame around like these two seemed to enjoy doing. Clayton must’ve picked up on her disconcertion because he gave her a small smile.

“You’re as light as a feather.” he murmured reassuringly as he backed away from the truck. He lingered with her in his arms perhaps a second or two longer than needed, then surprised her with a kiss on the cheek. His jaw was smooth against hers, and she detected the barest hint of aftershave as he brushed his lips against her cheek. Proving that her body didn’t care about the particulars or risks of polyamorous relationships, her pussy warmed instantly in response to his scent and touch.