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Lydia's Twin Temptation(Divine Creek Ranch 8)(100)

By:Heather Rainier

Lydia looked in the direction Summer indicated and saw Ace and Kemp talking privately with Chance and Clayton on one end of the pavilion.

“I don’t know. Just so long as fists don’t come out again, I don’t care,” Lydia said with a chuckle.

Clayton came inside and helped them carry the pitchers from the kitchen out to the long table at the pavilion, and they all sat down. After Chance said grace over the meal they all dug in. Clayton winked at her across their end of the table, and Lydia leaned toward Chance, who was closest to her, and asked, “What were the four of you talking about so seriously earlier?”

Chance patted Lydia’s thigh gently under the table and quietly replied, “Nothing serious, baby. They were just making sure we had honorable intentions. That’s all.”

“Oh,” she replied, wondering at Chance and Clayton’s response.

Chapter Twenty-six

The following week flew by in a hurry for Lydia. Between trying to accomplish something in the ranch house, making a room ready for LuAnn, and keeping up with the loving demands Chance and Clayton made on her time, her days were very full. But she’d never complain about that. On Thursday, Chance surprised her by asking her to be ready to go for a casual weekend getaway the following day.

“What should I pack?”

“Whatever you need in the way of toiletries, including plenty of sunscreen,” he replied with a mischievous grin. “You’ve worn yourself to a frazzle around here and we’re taking you away to relax.”

“Sunscreen? Should I pack my bathing suit?”

“You can,” he said with a devilish twinkle in his eyes. “But I’d rather you didn’t. You won’t need any clothes, actually.”

“What about the two of you?”

“We’ll be wearing our standard-issue denim, swim trunks, or whatever. We’re going somewhere private where we’ll get to enjoy seeing you nekkid all weekend long. Don’t even think about bringing panties. You can wear the clothes home that you arrive in because you won’t be in them for long once we get there.”

She’d frozen right there on the spot at the lustful look in his eyes, and her body responded with a rush of heat to her cunt. What would a weekend without clothes feel like? Where would they go? Licking her lips, she glanced down and noticed the hardened state of his cock.

“I think I need a preview, handsome.”

She put down the stack of newspapers she had been taking to the recycling bin and sauntered up the stairs, unbuttoning her top as she went. He grinned up at her with playful promise as she dropped the shirt over the railing and it fluttered down to land on his head. She stripped out of her jeans as she heard his boots on the stairs and left them where she dropped them. He topped the stairs as she peeled off her thong and shot it like a slingshot back at him. He caught it with an easy grab and tossed it on his shoulder with her top. The look in his eyes told her he was ready to play.

Chance caught up with her in her bedroom, and she turned to face him as she unclasped her bra. The roguish lust glittering in his eyes as he watched her made her bold. She looped the bra around his neck and used it to pull him close for a kiss as she brushed her hardened nipples against his chest.

Sliding his hands down her ribs to her hips in a lingering caress, Chance kissed her like there was nothing else for him to do that day. Dropping her clothing on the chair by the bed, he unbuttoned his fly and toed his boots off, while she unbuttoned his shirt to expose his broad, muscular chest.

In a husky voice that communicated his aroused condition, Chance said, “Where we are going there won’t be anybody around for miles. If we wanted to, we could lift you into one of our laps and fuck to our hearts’ content in broad daylight. We’re limited only by our imaginations, your good humor…” He shoved his blue jeans and his boxers down his thighs and sat on the end of the bed. “And your giving nature,” he added as he held his cock for her.

“And you know I’m a giver, don’t you, handsome.”

Lydia knelt and smiled up at him before taking a long, wet lap of the underside of his cock. His breath stuttered in his throat a little, and she licked her lips and stroked him with her tongue again. Her pussy pulsed as she imagined him sliding his big cock into her cunt outside in broad daylight. Chance never failed to do his best to please her, so she went out of her way to do the same for him.

She held his heavy balls in her palm and caressed them as she took shallow sucking strokes on his cock. Chance was fastidiously clean by nature, but she loved the scent of manly sweat that clung to his skin from his labors that morning.