Love Survives(122)
Kat looked away. I knew she was upset with what I was saying, but I was getting sick of watching her blame herself for everything. People are responsible for their own actions. She didn’t beg to be beaten, and she certainly didn’t invite him to kidnap her from my parent’s residence. “Brooks, please don’t do this when you’re getting ready to leave.”
“Why? It’s how I feel.”
“What if something happens? What if this is our last conversation?”
Then I realized she was afraid of me driving. Of course, she’d just been in an accident. It was expected that she’d assume the worst. “Baby, I’m not going anywhere. When I get there I’m going to call and prove it to you. Nothing is going to keep us from having a future. You keep that in mind while we’re apart.”
She shook her head to agree. I could tell she was choking back her tears.
I kissed her one more time. “I’ve got to get on the road. I love you with all my heart. You better miss me.”
When I left the room, I knew she wasn’t okay. The longer I stayed the more I wished I didn’t have to go at all. While Kat had things to do regarding Bobby, I had other plans that needed attention. Like it or not, I was going to move in with her. Her regret wasn’t going to force me away.
Before leaving the area, I had one more stop. I’d managed to get in with the doctor at the Bethesda medical center to evaluate my injury. I wasn’t in there for more than fifteen minutes and had enough information to know that I wasn’t going to regain full use of my hand. My injury was permanent. I’d never be cleared to operate military issued weapons again.
The drive was difficult since I hadn’t slept at all, and I got news that would basically end my career.
I stopped three times to get a fresh coffee. By the time I made it to base the sun had gone down. I pulled out my phone before exiting the vehicle.
My mom answered Kat’s phone. “Hello?”
“Hey, mom. Is Kat around?”
“Are you there safe?”
“Yeah, I just pulled in.” I yawned. “That drive is hard alone.”
“I bet. Here she is.”
“Hey you. I guess you’re there.”
“I am. I miss you already. Is that crazy?”
“No. They released me to go before lunch time. I’ve been sitting here wanting to call you all day. B misses you. I can tell. She keeps looking in your room and asking when you’ll be back.”
“If I could, I’d drive all night to get back to you.”
“It’s only a few days, Brooks.”
“I know you’re in good hands. Just take care of yourself so you can get home to me. We’ll figure everything else out together.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“Don’t make me worry, Kat. I love you too much to hear you having doubts.” She could deny it all she wanted. Something was different. She was holding back, and I hated it.
“I love you, Brooks. I always have and I always will, no matter what happens.”
Her words made me feel sick to my stomach. I had to end the call before I got upset over it. “I love you too. I’m counting down the minutes until we’re together again. I’ll call you later to tell B good night.”
When we hung up I carried my things into my room and plopped down on the bed. I was exhausted and couldn’t wait to sleep. After setting my alarm to get up and call my daughter, I changed out of my fatigues and climbed under the covers, wishing I was back in my larger bed surrounded by my girls.
Chapter 53
Twenty-four hours after leaving Kat back in D.C., I was miserable. She couldn’t realize how hard it was to be away from them. It was like giving a child a candy factory and then taking it away. I wanted my girls with me. I needed them.
It was so nice to get an early call displaying her number. I’d been sitting at my desk going through my phone looking at pictures from our week together. Each one made me smile a little more. Maybe I was partial because she was mine, but I swore I had the most beautiful little girl.
I answered professionally since I was at work. “Sergeant Valentine.”
“Hey, it’s me.” I already knew it was.
“Are you okay?”
I wasn’t upset for her calling. If I could have kept her on the phone all day I would have.
“Yeah. I’m fine.”
“Kat, please tell me you’re not calling to give me bad news. I’m having a terrible time being here when you’re both there. I can’t take much more this week.”
Not only had I been missing them like crazy, but I’d been by her house, and from looking in the windows it was obvious she wasn’t going to be happy when she got home. From the one room I could see, Bobby had paid the house a visit before going after her. Furniture was turned over and items were strewn all over the floor. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that, not yet at least.