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Little Secrets:Unexpectedly Pregnant(9)

By:Joss Wood

Because when they were, she could, finally and without a smidgeon of  doubt, bury those lingering doubts around whether walking away from Tyce  three years ago was the right thing to do.

She'd know and she could be free of the what-ifs that occasionally  plagued her. What if she was braver? What if she took a chance?

When he told her that it was all one-sided, then she could finally step away from him, physically and mentally.

At the door leading to the alley Sage punched the master code into the  access panel and heard the click. She gave the heavy door a hard push  and stumbled down the two steps that led into the narrow space behind  the building.

"Easy there," Tyce said, grabbing her arms and keeping her from doing a face-plant.

Sage slapped his hands away and tossed him a scathing look. "Did you deliberately set out to meet me three years ago?"

Tyce frowned and his expression turned inscrutable. "Initially, yes."

"And after that?" Sage demanded, hearing the shrill note in her voice.  "Did you keep sleeping with me to get information about the business and  my family?"

"You didn't give any," Tyce pointed out.

"That's not the point! Did you use me for information?" Sage shouted,  slapping her hands against his chest. "Did you keep sleeping with me  because it was a means to an end? Were you into me, at all?"

Sage felt her ribs squeezing her heart and lungs and thought that her  skin felt a size too small. She reminded herself to breathe, telling  herself that she could deal with hearing that Tyce wasn't that into her,  because it would give her the impetus she needed to stop thinking about  him, dreaming about him, being tempted by him.

"Is that what you think?" Tyce asked, gripping her wrists and holding  her hands against his broad chest. And, just like that, heat flowed into  her and her fingers tingled with the need to touch and to explore. She  could feel the slow, hard thump of her heart against her tight ribs and  her nipples tightened, desperate for attention.

Tyce was touching her and that was all that was important...

"Are you seriously asking me whether I was pretending to be attracted to you?"

Tyce's harsh question reminded her that they were standing in an alley  in the rain-tinged wind. Oh, and that she was as mad as hell with him.

"Are you insane?" Tyce demanded, his face saturated with frustration. He  abruptly dropped her hands and slapped a hand on the top of her butt,  jerking her into him. Sage released a surprised gasp when her stomach  connected with the long, hard length of him. Holy cupcakes, he felt so  good...         



Tyce grabbed her elbows and lifted her off the ground, easily carrying  her until her back touched the rough concrete wall. Holding both her  wrists in one hand, he lifted her hands above her head, her breasts  pushed into his chest. His deep, dark eyes met hers as he brushed her  hair off her cheek. Sage held her breath as he slowly, so slowly dropped  his head and his lips finally-God, he felt so good-covered hers.

His lips danced over hers, a soft, slow exploration, his tongue gentle  as it wound around hers. She expected fire; she expected heat; she  expected the maelstrom of want and need that always swirled between them  but she didn't expect tenderness or reassurance. She didn't want to  feel either. She wanted to be able to walk away from him, not be tempted  to step closer... God, how could he make her feel like this?

Sage wrenched her mouth out from under his and glared up at him with what she hoped were stormy, accusing and not dreamy eyes.

"Did you kiss me to avoid the question?" she demanded, begging her heart  to stop its relentless attempt to leave her chest. She dropped her eyes  and, feeling the length of him still pressed against her, tried to pull  her hands from his grip.

Tyce held her chin and forced her to look at him again. "I admit that I  set out to meet you but this-" he hesitated "-crazy buzz between us had  nothing to do with Lach-Ty, with the Ballantyne shares. It was, is, all  you." He pushed his hard erection into her stomach and closed his eyes.  "And me. You walk into the room and I immediately start thinking about  how soon I can get you naked."

Dammit. His voice was deep and slow and lifted every hair on her neck. It made her want to feast on him, to gulp him up.

So much for finding some distance.

Tyce abruptly dropped her hands and stepped away from her, pushing his  free hands into his hair. "It's cold and-" he nodded to the camera above  their head "-not the most private place for either kissing or  conversation. We'll talk more tonight."

Sage nodded, her head hurting with an overload of information and emotion.

Two thoughts ran through her head like toddlers on a sugar high: I want him bad and it's so bad that I want him.


As an artist, Tyce immediately noticed the windows running from her  floor to the ceiling, and massive skylights maximized the amount of  light streaming into her loft apartment. This place was so Sage, he  thought, looking around. The front door swiveled on a hinge in the  middle of the frame as Sage closed the door behind him. The floor was  comprised of light wooden planks holding a subtle tinge of pink. The  wooden beams in the ceiling were partially stripped of their off-white  cream paint, allowing the natural grain of the wood to bleed through.  The entire loft was open-plan, except for a divider at the far end of  the room, which suggested a bed and a bathroom hid behind. He looked up  and saw the main bedroom overhead. There were two faded couches in a  cream-and-nude stripe, beanbags tossed on the floor, and the back corner  held her workbench and a massive corkboard containing sketches of her  designs.

Tyce, because he appreciated the artist she was, immediately walked over  to that wall, examining her sketches. There was an intricate diamond  choker, a bracelet that reminded him of a serpent crawling up an arm and  teardrop earrings. Tyce looked at her scribbled notes on each drawing  where she'd detailed the stones she'd use. Four-carat emeralds here, a  six-carat diamond there. Sage didn't play around.

Tyce lifted his finger up and tapped the letter-sized photograph of a  ring sporting a massive red stone for its center and delicate diamond  petals. Even he, stupid when it came to stones, could see that this was a  serious piece of jewelry art.

"Is that a ruby?"

"It's a red diamond," Sage said, coming up to stand at his shoulder.  "Ridiculously rare, practically flawless. It's-" she placed a hand on  her heart and Tyce could see the emotion in her eyes "-the same chemical  composition of coal but it amazes me that pressure and millions of  years can turn coal into that."

"Is it really that red?" Tyce asked, intrigued.

Sage half smiled. "That photograph doesn't even begin to capture the color. It's a deep, luscious red that defies description."

"I take it that the Ballantyne family owns the ring?"

Sage nodded.

"Then why wasn't it with the rest of the collection at the  cocktail-party-slash-exhibition? I thought the point of the exhibition  was to display the fabulous stones your family has collected over the  past hundred years. I'd say that this ring qualifies as fabulous."         



Sage picked a pair of pliers, examined the handle and dropped them back  onto the bench. "We decided not to show it to the world."

"Why not? Is it stolen?"

Sage glared at him. "No, it's not stolen." She sighed and Tyce noticed  her eyes darkening with something akin to pain. "I asked Linc not to  exhibit the ring. For personal reasons." Before he could ask what those  personal reasons were Sage held up her hand and continued to speak. "Not  going there, not now, not ever."

Yeah, good idea. Talking was a damn good way to crack the door allowing  those pesky feelings to slide on through. They had enough to deal with  as it was and they didn't need emotions muddying the water.

Bare feet peeking out from under the long hem of her jeans, Sage walked  back to the center of the room and sat down on one of the two couches.

Tyce sat in the far corner on the couch opposite her, trying to put as  much distance between them as possible. If she was in arms' reach, then  there was a damn good chance that he'd say to hell with talking and take  her to bed. As his lack of control in the alley earlier showed,  resisting Sage was not something he'd ever excelled at. And, he  admitted, making love to her would be like adding C-4 to a bonfire.  Stupid and dumb-ass crazy.

They were adults and they had to have a mature conversation about their  situation. Tyce thought that adulthood wasn't all that it was cracked up  to be...

Then again, it was a damn sight better than being a child trying to operate in an adult world.

Sage pulled up her feet and tucked them beneath her bottom. She still  looked a little shell-shocked and he couldn't blame her. Nothing was  simple about this situation... Nothing ever would be.