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Little Secrets:Unexpectedly Pregnant(3)

By:Joss Wood

Sage blinked. "What?"

"Did you ask to meet so that we can hook up again?"

"You arrogant jerk!" Her eyes sparked with irritation and color seeped into her face. "Are you insane?"

Probably. And, if he was, then her incredible eyes and rocking body and  the memories of how good they were together were to blame.

"So, you didn't call me to try and talk me into a night of hot sex?"  Tyce didn't have to pretend to sound disappointed; the memories of  touching, tasting, loving Sage kept him up most nights. He wished he  could ring-fence his thoughts so that he only remembered her scent, her  soft, creamy skin and the taste on his tongue. But, unfortunately, his  mind always wandered off into dangerous territory-how it would feel to  wake up to her face in the morning, to hear her soft good night before  he slept. He only allowed himself the briefest of fantasies about what a  life spent with Sage would look like before he vaporized those  thoughts.

Sage was part of a dynamic, successful family and he wasn't referring to  the immense Ballantyne wealth. Sage and her brothers knew what family  meant, how to be part of one.


He didn't have a cookin' clue. The Ballantyne family, from what he  understood, worked as a well-oiled machine, each part of that machine  different but essential to the process.

Tyce had been the engine that powered his family along-an engine  constantly on the point of breaking down. He'd done his best to provide  what Lachlyn needed but had been so damn busy trying to survive that he  emotionally neglected his sister. Sage's life partner would be an  emotionally intelligent dude, would be able to slide into the Ballantyne  family and know how to be, act, respond... The man who she married  would know how to deal with and contribute to the clan.

Tyce wasn't that man. He'd never be that man and it was stupid to spend more than a minute thinking that he could be.

So, when he'd seen her text message asking him to meet tonight, he'd  jumped to the only conclusion that made sense, that she wanted another  hookup. During his shower he'd fantasized about how he would take her...  Fast or slow? Her on top or him? Either way, the only thing that was  nonnegotiable was that he'd be looking in her eyes when she shattered,  wanting to see if she needed him as much as he needed her.

Instead of looking soft and dreamy, her eyes blazed with pure blue anger. Right, real life...

"No, Tyce, I didn't call you because I wanted hot sex." Sage answered him in a dry, sarcastic voice.

Tyce took a sip of his whiskey, the urge to tease fleeing. Did she  suddenly look nervous? He lifted his eyebrows until Sage spoke. "But I  did-do-have something to tell you."

Tyce looked around the room while he rubbed his jaw, his gut screaming  that whatever she had to say was going to rock his world. He didn't want  his world rocked, he just wanted to either have sex with Sage or to go  home and paint. Since sex wasn't happening, he itched to slap oil onto  canvas, eager to work his frustration out with slashes of indigo and  Indian red, manganese violet and magenta. "Just spit it out and get it  done." Tyce snapped out the words, his tone harsh.

Sage blew air out over her lips and briefly closed her eyes. When they  opened again, he saw her resolve. And when she finally formed the words,  they shifted his world.

"I don't expect anything from you, not money or time or involvement. But  you should know that I am pregnant and the baby is yours."

Tyce was still trying to make sense of her words, trying to decipher  them, when Sage placed a swift, final kiss to the left of his mouth.  "Goodbye, Tyce. It was...fun. Except when it wasn't."

Sage, having said what she needed to, took advantage of his astonishment  and stood up. She was about to pick up her clutch and leave when his  hand shot out and gripped her wrist.

When she looked at him she noticed that his eyes were pure black fire. "Sit. Stay."

Those eyes, God, they still had the power to dissolve her knees. Eyes of  a warrior, Sage thought. Because he made her feel off-kilter, she  handed him a cool look. "I am not a puppy you are trying to train."

Tyce gripped his nose with his thumb and forefinger. "God, Sage, just  give me a sec, okay? You've just told me that you're pregnant. I need a  goddamn minute! So, yeah, sit your ass down, okay?"

Hearing the note of panic in Tyce's voice, Sage slid back onto the high  barstool and crossed her legs. She listened as Tyce ordered another  whiskey from the bartender and watched the color seep slowly back into  his face.

"We need to..." she began.

Tyce shook his head and held up his hand to stop her talking. "Another drink and some more time."

Sage nodded and leaned back in her chair, a little relieved that she'd  told him, that it was finally done. It had taken every gram of courage  she possessed to send that text message asking him to meet, and she'd  known that he'd think she was looking for another one-night stand. Could  she blame him? Their entire relationship had been based around their  physical attraction and he was a guy... Of course he'd think she just  wanted sex.

But their crazy chemistry had led to a very big consequence...

Sage rolled her head, trying to loosen the tension in her neck. She'd  sit here, let him take the time he needed for the news to sink in and  after what she hoped would be a drama-free conversation, she'd leave.  Then she could put him and their brief roller coaster-What should she  call it? Fling? Affair? Madness?-behind her.

God, though it had been brief, their time together had been intense.  They'd met at the opening of a small gallery around the corner from her  apartment and the attraction between them sizzled. Sage would like to  blame that on his mixed heritage, Korean and French, on his dark Asian  eyes, square chin and blinding smile, and his tall, muscled body. But  she'd grown up surrounded by good-looking men and looks didn't impress  her much. No, it was Tyce's stillness, his control and his aura of  elusiveness, and unavailability, that attracted her.         



Tyce had told her, straight up and straightaway, that he wanted to sleep  with her but that he wasn't the settle-down, buy-her-flowers type. They  could hang, enjoy each other, but she shouldn't expect anything more  from him. She appreciated his up-front attitude and it soon dawned on  her that she was drawn to a younger, darker, less chatty version of her  beloved uncle Connor. Connor had been utterly devoted to his adopted  kids, had looked after his employees and had been a hardworking, focused  businessman, but a monogamous, committed relationship never featured on  Connor's list of priorities. Trying to pin men like Connor and Tyce  down was like trying to capture smoke in a sieve.

And maybe she'd found Tyce a little more attractive because she knew he  would never offer her the very thing that scared her the most: an  emotionally intimate relationship. She'd been the apple of her parents'  eye, the baby girl who had her entire family wrapped around her finger,  loved and adored until she woke up one morning and heard that the  biggest part of her life was gone and wasn't ever coming back.

She'd avoided relationships outside of the people who lived in Connor's  iconic brownstone fondly referred to as The Den-her brothers, Connor,  and Jo, Linc's mom and the woman Connor hired to help him raise three  orphans. She had girlfriends she enjoyed but whom she kept at an arm's  length, and she wasn't much of a dater.

Tyce had been hard to resist. Sage had been in love with his art for  years. His work was detailed and exquisite, full of angst and emotion.  From their first meeting, admiration and attraction swirled and whirled  and she'd quickly said yes when he suggested dinner. They didn't make it  to a restaurant; instead they'd tumbled into bed and Sage finally  understood the power of addiction. She craved Tyce with a ferocity that  scared her.

After six weeks of fantastic sex, Sage realized she was on the brink of  falling in love with Tyce and couldn't, wouldn't allow that to happen.  Terrified, she did what she did best, she made plans to run and  immediately booked a ticket to Hong Kong, telling her brothers that  their Asian clients needed her attention. The day before her scheduled  flight to Asia, Connor passed away and her entire world changed.  Connor's death allowed her to put the distance between her and Tyce  she'd been seeking with her trip to Hong Kong.

And Connor's death reminded her of why it was better to keep her  distance from people and that she was wise to avoid emotional and  intimate relationships. It hurt too damn much when the people she loved  left her life.

She had enough people to love, enough people to worry about. And  now-Sage placed her hand on her stomach-she had a baby on the way, a  little person who would become the center of her world. Her baby, she  ruefully admitted, was one person she had no choice but to love, someone  she couldn't push away.

Well played, Universe.

What did having a baby mean to Tyce? Sage wanted to ask him but, judging  from his give-me-space expression, he wouldn't answer her. Would he  walk? Would he want to be involved? If he wanted contact with his child,  how would that work? What if he wanted to co-parent? What then? When  she'd texted him she'd been consumed by the idea of telling him, needing  to get the dreaded deed done. She hadn't thought beyond that. Well, she  had thought about how sexy he was and how much she wanted to make love  to him again...