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Little Secrets:Unexpectedly Pregnant(27)

By:Joss Wood

Tate groaned. "He'll kill us, Ames. It's one of the most expensive wines in the world."

"Pfft." Amy waved her concerns away.

"Touch my wine and you're fired," Linc said, striding into the room. He  walked into the center of the carpet, dropped a kiss on his wife's head  and grinned when his daughter held up her arms, her face splitting into a  huge smile at the sight of her dad.

Sage fought tears and tried not to think of her baby looking at Tyce  like that. She owed it to their child, she owed it to herself, to tell  Tyce how she felt, to express what she wanted. If she didn't, she'd  regret it for the rest of her life.

She needed to be brave because if she wasn't, how would she teach her child to be courageous, to take a chance?         



Yes, it was scary; yes, terror was congealing her blood but Tyce was worth a little fear.

Sage just stared at the carpet-Was that a purple crayon buried in the  threads?-as determination pushed fear into a corner, holding it at bay.  She could do this. She would do this.

Sage stood up, smiled and headed for the door. The last thing she heard  as she bolted out was Tate's cheerful statement. "That's our girl. Ames,  the case of wine is still in the hallway-neither Linc or I have had a  minute to take it down to the cellar. Go grab a bottle. Or three."


We really need to talk.

Tyce looked at his phone and sighed. Yeah, they did. Where are you?

Tyce waited for her reply message to appear on his screen. Sage was at  The Den. Of course she was; when her world fell apart she had a place,  people to run to. He didn't. Neither did Lachlyn.

I can come to you. Are you at your studio?

Tyce shook his head, a futile gesture since Sage couldn't see it.

Just finished dinner with my agent. I'll come to you.

Okay. I'll wait.

Tyce stepped off the pavement and raised his arm to hail a taxi, cursing  when the cab cruised past him. He jammed his bare hands into the  pockets of his leather bomber jacket.

Another yellow cab turned down the street and Tyce held up his hand,  thinking he'd lose it if the cab didn't stop. It did and he yanked the  door open and climbed inside, tossing the address to the driver. He  dropped his temple to the cool window and, staring at the rain-soaked  city, he became aware of the headache pounding his temples.

Too much talking, he thought. His argument with Sage left a sour taste  in his mouth and a stain on his soul. Every time he felt like they were  moving forward, Sage pushed them backward.

Tyce felt the hard knot of tension in his stomach, knowing it was there  because he was sure that she was going to call it off, to put them  firmly in the friends and co-parent category.

He couldn't blame her because how could they keep taking five steps forward and six backward?

They'd been together for nearly a month and their expiration date was  closing in on them. Sage had to be feeling antsy and, like before, she  wanted out.

Tyce ordered his heart to pick itself up from the floor. Breaking up  wasn't a bad move, Tyce rationalized, because he knew that being alone  was so much easier. When he was alone he didn't feel drained. Lonely?  Sure. Emotionally exhausted? No.

He hadn't been so at sea since before his mom died, and he'd forgotten  what it felt like to feel. It wasn't fun. Tyce felt like he was walking  along the edge of a precipice, one slip and he'd crash and break. Yeah,  he could move on from this fight but there would always be another, and  another...

He'd escaped a life of emotional drama; he'd run from relationships  because he hated feeling like he was a vessel constantly being emptied  and never refilled.

These fights, dealing with Sage's issues, sucked him dry. His thoughts  were a million miles from his art, from his livelihood and he couldn't  afford to be distracted. He had a bank account to replenish and he'd  need every ounce of energy he had to deal with becoming a dad, being the  best father he could.

So when Sage called it quits, he'd kiss her on the cheek and walk away  because, dammit, he was better off alone. He knew how to be alone.  Loneliness didn't scare him; emotion did. When he lived his life alone,  he had control, he was in his comfort zone.

Sage, this up-and-down relationship, took him way out of his comfort  zone. He'd started to rely on her when he'd only ever relied on himself.

That scared the living hell out of him. What had he been thinking?

Enough of that, Tyce suddenly decided. He couldn't, wouldn't do that anymore.

If she, he, they, called it quits today-and that was going to  happen-then they'd have four or five months on their own to get used to  the idea of not sleeping together-of not sharing a life together. They'd  be able to act like mature adults as they figured out a way to raise  their child together.

But he'd always want her...

Don't think about that, dingbat. Don't go there... You have to do this  or else you are going to be miserable for the rest of your life.

Okay, more miserable, he clarified.

His decision made-God, it might be the right one but it still  sucked-Tyce moved on to problem number two. Before the week was out,  their lives-all their lives, his, Sage's, Lachlyn's and the rest of the  Ballantynes'-would be turned on their heads. Turned on their heads? Tyce  snorted at his choice of words. There was a crap storm coming and there  was no hiding from it.

Earlier Lachlyn called and told him that she'd been accosted by a  reporter on her way to work and had been subjected to a barrage of  questions. Was she Connor's daughter? Did the Ballantynes know? Was she  owner of Lach-Ty, the company that'd made bulk purchases of Ballantyne  shares? Lachlyn sounded like she was on the verge of tears and Tyce  could hear the relentless yapping of the reporter in the background.  He'd rapidly changed directions to go to Lachlyn, to see who was  harassing her and to try to ascertain how much the reporter actually  knew.         



The guy knew a lot more than Tyce was comfortable with. When he arrived  on Lachlyn's doorstep, Tyce got into his face, demanding to know where  he'd stumbled across this information. The young reporter, at least a  foot shorter than Tyce but ridiculously confident, refused to divulge  his sources. Tyce endured fifteen minutes batting off his pointed  questions, hoping for a hint of the source, but he earned nothing more  than a headache.

After the reporter left, he spent another hour with Lachlyn, watching  her pace her living room and listening to her rambling commentary about  the Ballantynes and whether she wanted to become a member of the famous  family or not. Of course she did; she liked all of them. She was just  rattled by the reporter's verbal attack.

Whether she wanted to or not, Tyce knew that she no longer had a choice.  The story was going to break sooner rather than later and all they  could do was manage the process. Maybe they should just announce Sage's  pregnancy at the same time; it might get lost in the bigger news of a  brand-new Ballantyne. If they announced it at a later stage, it would  just give this story legs. Damned press, why couldn't they just leave  them the hell alone to walk through the chaos of their lives on their  own?

Realizing that the taxi had pulled up outside The Den, Tyce paid the cab  driver and walked through the gate and up those imposing steps.

This would be the last time, for a while at least, that he'd stand in front of this door, the last time he'd see Sage.

They had to do this, he reminded himself, placing his hand on the door.  Because a little hurt now would avoid open heart surgery later.

He didn't need her; he didn't anyone. He never had.

Sage, sitting on a stair halfway up to the next floor, saw Linc open the  front door to The Den and looked through the slats down into the  hallway and watched Tyce step into her childhood home.

This is it, she thought, do or die.

She knew that if she didn't ask for what she wanted, she had no chance  of getting it, that if she didn't step forward she'd always be in the  same place.

It was an easy concept to think about but putting those words into action was going to be an act of epic proportions.

Oh, God...she was about to risk her heart, her pride, her damned safety  when she told Tyce that she wanted more, needed more... What the hell  was she doing? Was she mad?

Do it anyway, a little voice said inside her. Whether it's mad or not, safe or not, do it anyway.

Sage stood up and Tyce immediately looked up, frustration and something  that might be fear in his eyes. Sage walked down the staircase, her hand  resting on her belly, noticing the purple stripes under Tyce's eyes.

Yeah, she hadn't slept much either.

"Hey," Sage said, stopping on the last step, her hand gripping the banister.


"Thanks for coming over."

Tyce jammed his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and shrugged. "Sure."

Sage heard footsteps and looked past Tyce's shoulder. Oh, God, the crew  from downstairs were now all in the hall, their faces alight with  curiosity. Did they really expect her to spill her soul in front of  them? It was a strong possibility.

"We're all heading out," Amy said, holding a book of fabric swatches under her arm.