The diabolical dragon-head twisted as the jaws separated to reveal jagged rows of white fangs, like a shark's. With a sharp movement the mouth clamped shut, locking, muscles bunching along its neck as the wicked eyes glowed dark and darker, focusing on the fire shield.
A sudden convulsion whipped its tail around, striking the cavern wall to tear a slice off a rock with the wedge-shaped end. As the rock fell to the cavern floor, the tail itself began to shiver with rhythmic contractions, tendons tightening.
“What is it doing?” Adler whispered.
Staring at the image, Tolvanos did not reply.
“Dr. Tolvanos!” Adler shouted. “I asked you a question! What is the creature doing?”
“I believe,” Tolvanos replied calmly, “that the creature is beginning to increase tensile strength in its musculature by revolving its tendons inward. And it appears to be initiating some type of contraction along its spine.”
Adler nodded. “Yes, yes. That would be the kinetic energy release process. It is preparing to launch an attack.” He began retreating back. “It will move very, very swiftly when it does!”
“Yes. I am sure.” Tolvanos was studying the matrix control panel. “Why has the creature's brain activity suddenly dropped?”
The controller shook his head. “I don't know, Dr. Tolvanos.
Brain activity peaked when it was staring at the fire shield. Then it just dropped off to nothing. But the creature's adrenaline level remains high.”
Adler joined, “Leviathan thinks quite quickly, Dr. Tolvanos. Dr. Frank has informed me that its mind speed is five times faster than a human being's. Perhaps it has already formulated a plan to—”
“I am quite aware of the creature's phenomenal mind speed, Mr. Adler.” Tolvanos was watching the monitor. He spoke to the controller. “Open Bay Door Number One and send in the remote-controlled MlAl Abrams Tank. Let us confirm how this creature confronts a real adversary. We have two tests to complete as soon as possible.”
“Yes, Doctor.”
Adler was leaning over the screen beside Tolvanos. “Switch to wide-screen observation,” Tolvanos muttered. “I want to see the entire cavern. Both the creature and the tank. And turn on the cavern's auditory system. I want to hear this.”
“Yes, Doctor.”
Instantly the monitor encompassed the entire containment cavern. The image was clear and horrific: At the far end of the cavern stood Leviathan, erect on hind legs. Its long, powerful forelegs were bent, clawed appendages held in front of its chest as if it were clutching prey for the venomous jaws. Then the cavern's double-wide bay doors opened and the remote-controlled Abrams Ml-Al tank, over sixty tons of steel led by a devastating 105-millimeter cannon, entered the cave.
Jaws separating, Leviathan whirled to face it.
A god-roar, a shrill reptilian scream of unearthly rage and unearthly strength shook the entire cavern, dark and nightmarish. It was a wild, prehistoric howl that reached an unbearably high pitch before it descended into a threatening growl.
“Behold ...” Tolvanos whispered, staring. “Behold Leviathan! And remember the words of God himself: On earth, it has no equal.”
* * *
Frank entered the War Room in a sweat. He didn't know what had happened but he knew that Chesterton was in charge again. Then he saw Connor and hesitated.
“Connor knows everything,” Chesterton growled, slamming a 50-round clip into an M-16. “He figured it out for himself and it's a good thing because we might need him. Let's go! We've got to stop this test!”
Together they moved down the hallway toward the Observation Room, and almost immediately they encountered a checkpoint guard of three nervous Rangers.
“Lock and load and shut down this corridor!” Chesterton shouted, terrifying in the full fury of his rank. “And I mean shut it down! Nobody goes anywhere! Nobody! Arrest Adler and that ghost-eyed Russian on sight! We're going to the Observation Room.”
Connor followed Chesterton past the checkpoint and heard three rifles chambering, a startling series of practiced clicks, deadly serious. “What if they've already woke it up?” Chesterton called out to Frank. “What can we do to contain it?”
Frank didn't answer and Chesterton half-turned as he ran. “I asked you a question, Frank! What do we do if they've started the tests?”
“I don't know, Chesterton! I don't think your people can stop it!”
“Well you better think of something, Doctor! Because we're going to be at that Observation Room in less than three minutes, and we're not going to have any time to mess around! When we go through that door, I'm taking charge over everybody and you'd better have a plan or we're all gonna die!”