Reading Online Novel

[Legacy Of The Force] - 08(113)

Reige, I never had that talk with you-no, don’t come running, wait and fight another day, you can’t keep saving me forever…

“So that’s Jacen’s new Sith Order, “Pellaeon whispered, actually quite surprised that this was what real dying felt like. He was having trouble breathing; a tight band gripped his chest, and the pain was suddenly excruciating. “Wiping out civilians… from a safe distance, and getting… a child to… kill an old man…. just make sure…. you can dismount from that… bloodfin of yours…”

Tahiri looked concerned. Behind her, Moff Quille leaned through the hatch, tilted his head to stare at Pellaeon, and walked slowly away.

“I can save you, Admiral, “she said. “It’s not too late. The heart’s a resilient muscle.”

“Go… rot somewhere else… villip, “he whispered.

There were boots in the passageway outside; not running, more shuffling around, waiting impatiently. Tahiti’s lighter step faded as she walked away.

“Is he gone?” said a voice that he didn’t recognize.

“Not yet, “said Quille. “I’m not going to touch him, so we’re totally clean…”

The cabal of Quille’s Moffs. Pellaeon whispered, “Quille, “hoping Daala could still hear him, and add another Moff to her list.

Admiral Daala’s fleet would be a lovely surprise. Pellaeon wouldn’t spoil it for the Moffs by letting them hear a distress call to her.

He managed to fumble for the comlink and place it on the floor, but it was a struggle. He reached for the nearest hard surface and drummed his fingers.

Rap… rap… rap.

Rap, rap…. brr-rrr-rapp.

Pellaeon’s pain came crashing back at that moment like a tidal wave that had hung motionless for a split second. And yes, he’d been right all along. It was black, black oblivion after all.

Chapter 15

Star Destroyer Chimaera to Slave I

Fett, change of plan.

I need you to seize a Star Destroyer for me.

Before you ask-yes, I know that’ll cost extra.

-Message from Admiral Daala to Boba Fett, awaiting orders ten standard minutes’ hyperspace jump from Fondor


Caedus felt stronger now, but the raw energy of the battle link with his commanders, built up and discharged into the minds of the Fondorian shield technicians, hadn’t yet returned.

Exhausted, he had to rely on the natural skill of the commanders who’d rallied to him. Two Fondorian frigates circled the Anakin Solo, pounding the shield generator dome.

He was also sick of hearing Niathal’s repeated signal to all GA vessels.

“… all ships, Colonel Solo no longer holds command, You are to pursue and disable the Anakin Solo, or, if necessary…”

“Traitor, “he whispered. “Traitor… traitor!” His voice rose to a snarl. “Traitor! Shut that comm down, Inondrar. Look at her! She thinks she’s a martyr, a hero!” Caedus jumped up and stalked to a holochart showing the close view of Fondor. GA ships loyal to Niathal were formed up with the Fondorian navy, blocking Caedus’s fleet by forming a defensive barrier between Fondor and its attackers. “She’s spending our lives to shield the traitors. She’s throwing away Alliance lives. What does she think, that Fondor’s going to make her a national hero now? They’d better, because she’s never setting foot on Coruscant again. Never.”

Inondrar paused and waited for him to return to his seat. “Yes, sir.” The Anakin Solo’s executive officer now filled the breach left by Captain Nevil. He was doing his best, but it wasn’t enough. And when Caedus found Nevil, he was another traitor who would die. “Sir, there’s…”

“Nevil’s betrayed me, too, hasn’t he?”

“There’s one escape pod missing, and Captain Nevil can’t be found. But…”

Caedus considered just jumping to hyperspace and fighting his corner from Coruscant, but that was just fatigue talking. He had a fleet here, and the battle wasn’t over.

“Save your time. I don’t feel him on the ship.”

“Sir, the Imperial Remnant-the fleet is turning toward us, and Lieutenant Veila is comming you.”

Caedus was too thinly stretched to read much from her in the Force. Was the Remnant rejoining the battle to finish him off? He groped around for a sense of danger, but the carnage and chaos of the engagement drowned out all detail. He was under fire on all sides.

“Lieutenant, go ahead.”

“Sir, Admiral Pellaeon is dead, and the Imperial Remnant is rejoining your forces.”

She said it calmly, as if it were a routine thing to have achieved. A subdued ripple of approval passed around the bridge crew. Caedus veered between prizing this loyalty and knowing that they had no choice but to fight, seeing as the Anakin was now the prime target and they were stuck in it.