Reading Online Novel


I frowned and pulled back. “What do you mean?”

He frowned back at me, rubbing my arm.

Snark distracted us. “If you’re saying the truth, why are you here?”

Kian glanced down at me. He looked torn.

I pulled all the way back, stepping away, so he couldn’t touch me. Folding my arms over my chest, I said, “Answer him, Kian.”

“Staying in this hotel wasn’t thought-out. I needed the best security, and my father’s hotel has it, but you’re right. I’ll check out and go somewhere else tonight.”

Snark pointed at me. “You need all the footage of her wiped from this place.”

“You came in the back way?”

“Like you instructed.”

So, they had talked, at least before we’d arrived today. I wanted to know what else had been spoken between them.

Kian raked a hand over his hair and moved to the phone. “The only footage would’ve been the back elevator and parking ramp. I’ll have my investigator sweep the footage. Any direct order from me will be suspicious. He’ll have to sneak in to do it.”

“Can he get it done?”

“He can.” Kian was grave as he dialed the front desk. “Yes, I’ll be checking out within the hour. I’ll need transportation arranged. No. I’ll instruct them from the vehicle. Thank you.” He studied me. “You need a hat.”

He started to leave the room.

Snark stopped him. “No.” He shrugged off his jacket and gave it to me. “Put that on, and pull the hood up. When we leave, you keep your head down.”

I nodded. Fuck. The more we talked, the more this was getting really real.

The boulders were back in my stomach. Snark started for the door, and I followed, but Kian caught my arm. Before opening the door, Snark looked back and paused.

Kian asked him, “Mind if we have a moment?”

Snark’s eyes went flat, but he said, “Fine. One minute, and then she’s leaving with me.”

As soon as the door shut behind him, I whirled to Kian. “What did you say in that interview?”

He hesitated. “You haven’t read it, I take it?”

“No, I avoid everything with the news. Since you got released, that’s all I’ve been doing. I stick my head in the sand, and I walk.”#p#分页标题#e#

A flicker of a smile appeared, but it disappeared as he grabbed the paper and pushed it back into my hand. “Read it on the way to wherever you’re going with him. Call me, if you want.”


“Read it. Then, call.” He paused and added, “If you want.”

“You’re acting weird. What could you have possibly said in there to get the DA to want to find me, to get Snark acting like a bee had stung him on the ass, and to have you acting almost…” Self-conscious. “Never mind.” I swallowed over a knot in my throat. “Read it. Got it. I’ll call.”

“Are you okay?”

“I have no idea how I am.” That was the truth, but I was mostly scared, terrified even. “I’ll be fine.”

“They don’t know where you are. And whatever they’re saying on the news isn’t true. No warrant has been issued for you. They just want to talk to you. That’s all. They want to ask questions, but if they can’t find you, they can’t ruin your life.” He visibly grimaced. “I’m sorry this is happening.”


He held that word back, but I knew what he meant. I heard it anyway. A media frenzy was coming my way. Whether I announced myself or not, they’d find me.

“They’re going to crucify me, aren’t they?”

He pulled me to him and held tight. “Not if I can help it.”

“Where will you go?” I asked after I pulled away and went for the door.

“I’m not sure yet. I would’ve gone to the Seton, but they know I did the interview there. Too much attention.”

I held the paper up. “Call after I read, right?”

“If you want.”

“Okay.” I waved with the paper in hand. “I suppose it’s see you later now? We’ve moved on to that.”

The corner of his mouth lifted. “I suppose so.” He paused, and then the other corner lifted, too. “It feels nice.”

A knot lodged in my throat again, and I couldn’t talk around it. As I pulled the door shut behind me, I knew I’d call, no matter what. I’d see him again.

That felt right, too.

Snark reached over me and yanked up the hood of his jacket. “Head down, and here we go.”

It was later, as Snark pulled up a block away from my apartment, that I thought to ask, “Why did you take me with you? Why did you go to see him?”