Reading Online Novel

Kathleen E. Woodiwiss(260)

“But surely it will come,” Shanna said. “It must! Ruark didn’t kill the girl. And we don’t want to spend the rest of our lives hiding from the world. There will be more children after this one. They’ll need a home and a name.”

Ruark moved close behind his wife and folded his arms about her. “Aye, there’ll be many more,” he agreed. “Beauchamps all for the world to know.”

“Have you told your father yet about the baby?” Nathanial peered at Shanna.

She leaned back against the long form at her back and caressed the lean, brown hands resting at her waist. “Aye, last night.”

Nathanial nodded in satisfaction. “Then that, too, has ceased to be a secret.”

“Forgive me, my love,” Ruark spoke. “I bore the news to my family before I brought you to them. I came down to greet them from the trail.”

“And I thought Gabrielle a little twit for taunting you,” Shanna laughed.

“They were all reluctant to play the game, but Gaylord’s presence convinced them of its importance. Mother would have had it out right away but for him,” Ruark explained. “She doesn’t tolerate deceit in anyone.”

“It was terrible of you,” Shanna pouted, but her eyes danced as they turned askance to meet his. “I could have left, you know. I was that angry.”

“I would have followed you,” Ruark assured with a flash of white teeth. “You have my heart and my baby. You would not have escaped.”

“Aye,” Nathanial chuckled. “And you can believe that, Shanna. He was determined to win your love, and I would guess he’s gotten that.”

“Oh yes, truly,” Shanna responded radiantly.

“Then I will leave you two alone.” At the doorway Nathanial glanced back with a grin, indicating the damaged portal. “Though I suppose there’s no cause now with so little privacy.”

Chapter 27

THE FAMILIES BELOW, now joined into one, were congratulating each other and truly had not long to wait before Shanna and Ruark came down. As Nathanial had surmised, when one’s bedroom door is permanently ajar, not even a very amorous couple has much to do. Ruark went to Trahern, took the squire’s hand, and placed within it a long, slim bag.

“They’re fifty-pound gold pieces, sir,” he announced. “You’ll find thirty of them in it. The price of my bondage. Fifteen hundred pounds.” Ruark waited a moment while Trahern hefted the bag with a merchant’s skillful hand. “If you would be so kind as to sign my papers and mark them paid in full.”

Trahern reached into an inner pocket of his velvet coat and withdrew a packet which he gave to Ruark without opening it. “They’ve been signed since you brought back my daughter.”

“A poor judgment, squire,” Ruark smiled. “Now I take her from you again.”

“Damn!” Trahern fussed in mock fury. “ ‘Tis unjust that I should lose my daughter and my most valued bondsman at the same time.”

“You’ve lost nothing, squire,” Ruark assured him. “You will never be rid of either of us.” He caught Shanna gently against his side and gazed down warmly into her smiling eyes. “And God willing, we shall lay a host of smaller troubles at your door, sir.”

George sighed in audible relief and removed his broken spectacles. “I was warned not to take these off lest you discover the resemblance between my son and me, and I’m glad the secret is out so I can view the world clearly once again.” His golden eyes twinkled as he smiled at Shanna and took her hands into his. “My son has made a fine choice. You do the family proud, Shanna.”

Garland came forward rather hesitantly, holding her sleeping daughter in her arms. “I am sorry for the disturbance I caused, and I hope you will forgive me for bursting in like that.”

“At the time I was tempted to take you across my knee” Ruark grinned. “But having the matter out in the open is a great burden removed, so I suppose I should thank you.”

“You are Gabrielle’s twin?” Shanna inquired uncertainly and glanced back and forth between her husband and his sister, wondering if there might be more surprises yet to come. The close resemblance was startling.

Garland laughed gaily. “Of course, but Ruark and I have always looked more alike than the others. And that has really confused people when they know I’m Gabrielle’s twin. Ruark and I resemble father, while the rest favor mama.”

The baby stirred in Garland’s arms, and Shanna watched in fascination as the infant yawned and stretched her tiny limbs.

“I wonder if I might hold her?” Shanna asked softly.