Reading Online Novel

Kathleen E. Woodiwiss(19)

Shanna glanced to the windows and experienced a new anxiety. Outside the dark clouds gathered, deepening the dusk almost into night. Her dread of storms had plagued her since she was a child and even now, as a woman, she could not subdue her fear. Hearing a light rumbling of thunder, she cringed inwardly. If only the worst of it would delay until this business was done!

Facing away from the water-speckled crystal panes, Shanna hoped to put the storm from her mind but was much in a panic as she started to follow the minister into the vestry. But a hand on her arm halted her. The touch was gentle but as unrelenting as an iron band, and it gave her cause to wonder what strength lay hidden in the long, thin fingers of Ruark Beauchamp.

“Look at me,” he murmured when she refused to acknowledge him. Unwillingly Shanna lifted cool, questioning eyes to his and found a slow, lazy smile that seemed to mock her. Leisurely Ruark passed a knuckle along the fragile bone of her cheek while the golden brands of his eyes plunged recklessly into the perilous depth of ocean green.

“Shanna, my love, I would take it much amiss if you cheat me of this night with you.”

Annoyed by his blunt reminder, Shanna tossed her head, lifting her fine nose in the air. “I doubt if these good people have made arrangements for overnight guests. I fear, Mister Beauchamp, that you’ll have to restrain your ardor until we have more privacy.”

“And will we have privacy, my dear?” he persisted. “Or will you spend the time ‘til naught remains?”

“You can hardly expect me to be anxious to fall into bed with you, Mister Beauchamp,” she retorted flippantly. “You may be accustomed to easy conquests, but I for one find the thought distasteful.”

“That may well be, madam,” he replied. “But the bargain is for a full night in my arms, no less.”

“You’re shameless to take advantage of my situation,” she declared. “Were you a gentleman—”

Ruark laughed softly in amusement, and his amber eyes challenged her. “And you did not take advantage of mine? Tell me, my dear, who bared her bosom to that poor soul in the dungeon to seduce him with her wily ways? Aye or nay, madam, tell me truly. Was it not the wench who took advantage of the horny wretch, knowing he was starved for the sight of a woman? And had it met her whim, I’ve no doubt she’d have drawn the fellow to those fair breasts.”

Shanna jumped as if she had been stung, and her mouth flew open to speak her outrage, but she could find no words that would do justice to this callous knave, though she searched her entire vocabulary.

Reaching out a finger, Ruark placed it beneath her lovely chin and gently raised it until her lips closed.

“Do you deny it?” he mocked.

Shanna’s eyes narrowed as she gritted, “You vulgar beggar, they should hang you for a molester of women!”

His eyes gleamed like hard brittle amber, and his quip jarred her. “Madam, I believe that’s what they intend.”

Shanna gulped. She had almost forgotten he was a murderer. She tried to wrench away as her heart fluttered in her breast, but he held her fast. Fearfully she glanced about for Pitney, but he was talking with the guards. Unless she made a scene, she could not gain his attention.

Her words stumbled out awkwardly. “I—I was foolish to agree.”

Ruark’s face was inscrutable, but something flickered in those eyes.

“So,” he smiled lazily. “Now that you have my name, you say the bargain void.”

The prickling of fear became stronger. Something warned her that she dared much with her open disdain. Casually Ruark laughed and stood back, releasing her, and bemused, Shanna glanced up. He raised his hand and called across the empty pews.

“Good sir—”

Seated at a low desk writing the marriage documents, the Reverend Jacobs paused and looked up expectantly. Pitney glanced around, his brows lifted.

“A moment please, sir,” Ruark bade. “ ‘Twould seem my lady—”

Shanna gasped and quickly interrupted. “No need to bother him, my love. Come, let us discuss it further.”

As the clergyman went back to his writing, Shanna reached up to snatch Ruark’s arm down, clasping it firmly against her bosom. Her eyes dared him to refuse her as she jerked hard at his elbow.

“You are a cad,” she said through sweetly curving, lips.

The amber flame in his gaze kindled brighter, burning her with its intensity. The muscles in his arm tightened against her breast as he leaned to kiss her cheek, and then his warm mouth hovered much too near hers.

“Tsk, tsk, Shanna. Be kind. My days are few and those with joy even less. Let us at least appear to be lovers, if only for the sake of Mrs. Jacobs. Try to summon more warmth, my dear.”