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Kathleen E. Woodiwiss(101)


“Or perhaps there is too little between you.” Shanna cocked her head slightly aside, contemplating him. “Am I in truth Madam Beauchamp? Or was that only a convenient choice for you?”

Ruark shrugged casually. “I’ve no way of proving that to you, Shanna, but would not the magistrate have verified such a name? And of course you asked the good Mister Hicks for my name before you ever saw me, so I had no choice in the matter of names then. Call yourself Madam Beauchamp, but if you cannot accept that as truth, then call yourself Madam Ruark, or whatever you will. But I swear—”

“Enough!” Shanna held up her hand. “Do not swear. Make no more oaths or bargains to me. The last we made together has already cost me dearly.”

Ruark studied her closely. “You’ve been quite distant of late, Shanna. Perhaps there is something you wish to tell me?”

He let the question hang but lowered his gaze pointedly to the smooth, flat belly little concealed by her light garment.

Shanna caught his meaning. “Have no concern, my lord dragon.” Her voice mocked him lightly. “I do not bear your child. But to my other question. You have met this Captain Beauchamp?”

“Aye, love.” Ruark flashed a grin. “We dined together this very morn.”

“And you say that you be no kin of his?” She almost held her breath, waiting for his reply.

Ruark stared at her as boldly as she at him. “Madam, if he were, can you say me one reason why I would still be here?”

Shanna’s curiosity changed slowly to perplexity. Finally she dropped her eyes and turned away from him.

“Nay.” Her voice was low. “That bemuses me. And of course you would most certainly leave here and be free—if you could.”

Ruark moved close and slipped an arm around her below her breasts, raising it beneath them so the gown gapped away from her, revealing their creamy roundness to his downward gaze. Shanna did not resist or pull away, but she sighed shakily.

“Do not handle me so, Ruark. I will not take the risk again, for ‘twould all be for naught.”

His lips touched her ear as he murmured, “Then I will leave you, maiden nymph, and be on my way—for a price.”

Shanna turned in his arms until she faced him.

“Only a kiss, my love,” Ruark teased. “A tuppence or two of your time. A tiny bribe as it is. A sweet, small candy to taste the whole day long.”

Shanna saw the price as a small one and an easy way to be rid of him. Raising on tiptoes, she touched her lips briefly to his then would have stood away, but his arm held her close. Ruark sighed as if disappointed.

“Madam, by no miser’s warped imagination would that be called a kiss.” He smiled into her eyes as he chided lightly. “I see you have returned to your old ways.”

Shanna had played the game of coquette on many occasions and chafed that he should again accuse her of being cold or naive.

Lifting her arms, she laid them around Ruark’s neck and half pulling him down, moved her body slowly in a seductive way, her thighs bare against his and her meagerly clad breasts caressing his chest. She had learned much from him, and now she used that knowledge in a most provocative manner, giving him a kiss that could have set the whole Black Forest ablaze. It was enough to sap the very strength from Ruark’s limbs. Yet it was not all one-sided as Shanna had intended, for she was as much a victim of the scalding kiss as he. It was a strong, intoxicating nectar; once sipped it only begged the more to be consumed. When she finally drew her lips away, she did not pull back but tried to steady her trembling limbs. They stood thus, each enjoying the nearness of the other.

“Ah, Shanna,” Ruark breathed softly. “A taste of such rare, fine fare is more a torture than delight.”

Shanna sighed against his throat as her fingers threaded through the short, curling hair at his nape. “Then for torture did you beg and another bargain fairly struck.” Her eyes shone into his. “But as has been my wont, I will give you thrice the price that you need not sore belabor my honesty.”

She reached parted lips up to his, moving them slowly and touching his with her tongue. Beneath the flowing robe, Ruark’s arms tightened around her, and the kiss intensified as he slanted his mouth across hers, feeding greedily of the honey sweetness.

“Harrumph!” The throaty sound shattered their moment asunder.

Shanna snatched away from Ruark, her first reaction anger at being so rudely interrupted. In the next moment it congealed into a lump of cold fear in her belly. The very thing she had been afraid of had finally happened. They were discovered. As she stared at Captain Beauchamp, the cold knot grew, filling her until she trembled. Wishing for something more substantial to cover herself, she clutched the dressing gown before her in tight fists, acutely aware of its thinness. Her mind raced on in blurred confusion as she fumbled lamely for any excuse.