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Irresistible Force (A K-9 Rescue Novel)(50)

James didn't think so. "That's got to be our man."

Deputy Ward hitched up his pants. "Shay wasn't with him."

"Then he'll know where to find her." James locked out any other  possibility. "I want to come with you. Bogart and I can be very useful."

The deputy looked at Bogart, who was barking and circling inside his  cage, eager to be let loose, and then nodded. "I deputize you right  now."

* * *

"He ran that way." Two young men in gimme caps and hunting jackets who  flagged them down in the street pointed toward a wood-and-metal-frame  building in the distance. "We were camping in the woods when this guy  comes running in out of nowhere. Nearly knocked the tent over. He shot  at us and then kept going. We followed him here."

"Okay. I appreciate your help. Now you fellas step over there across the  street. I wouldn't want either of you to get hurt." They moved so  quickly the deputy had to call after them, "Don't go too far. I'm gonna  need statements after we get this situation sorted out."                       


When they had pulled in and parked a safe distance away, James and the  deputy studied their surroundings behind the safety of their vehicles.  Little detail could be seen beyond the ring of light cast by a lone bulb  posted in the parking lot, but the shuttered building appeared to be  abandoned. The door had clearly been kicked in and only halfway  reclosed.

"Why do you suppose he's hiding instead of just taking off?" Deputy Ward looked at James.

"Maybe Shay got away from him and he realized that if he left her behind  she could later identify him. Or maybe he thought he'd stick around to  find out how much trouble he's in."

"Hell of a thing." The deputy sounded almost wistful but when James  glanced at him, the lawman's face was a solid wall of pissed off.

James gave a chin-up motion to indicate the structure. "What is that?"

"Bait shop during the high season. This ain't the season."

James waited impatiently while the deputy radioed in for backup that  would include the state police. He needed to find Shay. To do that, he  needed to capture her assailant. Or did he?

He glanced around, taking in details of everything within view. He was  pretty sure Shay was out here somewhere in the dark alone, afraid, maybe  hurt. He didn't let his mind speculate on what could have happened to  her before she got away from her attacker. He could only handle ideas  with actions attached at the moment. For instance, he could let the  deputy keep the fugitive pinned until help came while he went to look  for Shay.

He shoved that thought aside. Her attacker was inside, armed and willing  to use that weapon on anyone who got in his way. No way he could leave  here knowing that someone might die if he did. It wasn't so much a hard  choice as no choice. Shay was tough. She'd gotten away. He had to  believe that. After he took down her assailant, he'd find her. She had  to know he would do that. Whatever stupid argument was between them, she  would remember that he had promised to come to her. The reasons why  didn't change that promise.

He turned to the deputy. "Tell me about the layout."

As the deputy talked, James watched the building, measuring out his and  Bogart's plan of attack. It was a simple building with one large room,  and a smaller storage room and unisex restroom. Unless the suspect was  stupid he wouldn't blockade himself in a room without an escape. More  than likely he was hunkered down behind a counter or display case in the  main space, or trying to get out the back door.

When he was done, James moved to the back of his vehicle where he opened the trunk.

"What you got there?"

"Night-vision goggles, infrared scanner, and a vest for my dog."

"That's some nice equipment."

"It'll do the job."

He indicated a rifle case to the deputy. "Need anything?"

Deputy Ward just smiled and backed up toward his own car. He opened his truck and pulled out a rifle. "Pretty, ain't she?"

James eyed the weapon, thinking of Shay. "I'd like to take him alive."

The deputy shrugged. "That will be his option."

"Bogart and I get to work the scene first. Agreed?"

"Sure. Never got to see a K-9 team in action before. However, you flush him this way, he's mine."

James nodded. "I'll check the rear." He and Bogart had a job to do.

He harnessed his partner into a bulletproof vest. It wouldn't protect  much. If the suspect aimed for the mouthful of sharp teeth, Bogart would  go down. But Bogart associated armor with man work and gunfire  exposure. Their prey was armed. It was their job to scare the man into  surrender rather than fight.

James stroked his thick coarse pelt, readying them both for action.  "Gute Hund! We're going hunting, Bogart. Just like last night."

He picked his dog up and set him down on the drive. They had made a  near-perfect score in a dark-building search last night. They were fresh  and ready. But each search had its own unknowns. And this time their  target was armed with real ammunition.

Bogart stood with his tail held high and the muscles beneath his coat  bunched, reacting, James knew, to his handler's adrenaline rush feeding  down the leash. Yet he waited for James's command.

James gave a thumbs-up to the deputy and then moved out.

Walking carefully, James circled the building with Bogart. They moved as  quietly and cautiously as possible, listening for sounds of movement  within. The only sound other than distant background noise of the night  was that of Bogart's panting.

James pressed himself against the side wall and then peered cautiously  around the corner. There was no way to tell if the suspect had bolted  out the back. That was the greatest concern, that the SOB had gotten  away. He pulled his FLIR and scanned the wooded area behind the  building. He didn't see anything moving.                       


Giving Bogart a bit of lead, they moved to the back of the building and  inched toward the back door. It was still closed. He was glad to see  that it wasn't very sturdy or paneled with glass that might allow him to  be seen by the suspect inside. It would be their best way of entry. But  first he needed to focus the suspect's attention on the front door.

They retreated to the front of the building. James signaled to the  deputy that as far as he could tell, the man was still inside.

From a protected position beside the sheriff, James lifted his head and  shouted, "Police K-9 Unit! Surrender or I will send the dog in and you  will be bitten."

James gave the alert for Bogart to bark. "Gib laut!"

Bogart responded enthusiastically. Straining against his collar, he  barked loud and piercing, enough to send shivers up the most hardened  criminal's back.

After ten seconds James called him off. "Ruhig. Platz."

Bogart dropped back into position beside his handler, shivering with energy but silent.

James leaned forward, listening for any sound. This time all he heard  was the distant wail of a police siren. That would be the state police.  He wanted the satisfaction of this takedown himself. They needed to move  out.

"You keep him entertained. We're going in from the rear."

Deputy Ward smiled. "My pleasure." He reared up and shouted, "Sheriff's  department. Put down your weapon and come out. You hear them sirens?  State patrol's on the way, son. You're done!"

Moving quickly, James and Bogart took up a tactical position at the rear  of the building by a dumpster. He hunkered down and stroked his  partner. "We just did this yesterday. Textbook. We got this."

He unleashed Bogart, gave him a good hard pat, took in a quick breath  and drew his weapon. When they came even with the back door he placed a  strategic kick by the knob.

The crack of wood was as loud as a gunshot as the door flew open. "Revier! Fass!"

Bogart shot through the doorway, barking like a four-footed fanged  avenger. James heard a man's cry of alarm and then the sound of  scurrying footfalls as he entered through the door behind his partner.  Night goggles revealed a man in silhouette. He heard a shot and saw a  flame of report.

His heart stopped. And then he saw Bogart leaping at the man with  tremendous ferocity and they went down. The man screamed as James rushed  them.

"Put the gun down! Gun down now!"

The man was kicking and thrashing, trying to throw Bogart off, but he  was locked on tight. The dog fought back, thrashing and jerking as he  held the man down. The man screamed again and again until, finally,  James heard him release the gun with a clatter on the floor.

Flipping his night-vision goggles up, he scooped the weapon up out of the way.