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Irresistible Force (A K-9 Rescue Novel)(25)

By:D. D. Ayres

Shay frowned. "Let me call you later."

"I hope you can't call back until tomorrow. And I'll want details."

Shay hung up and glanced around the room. Angie was right. The crowd was  young, and hip, and dressed to mate. By comparison she looked, well,  dull.

She stood up. "If you'll excuse me a minute."

James reached for her wrist as she popped up out of her chair. "You are coming back?"

She smiled. "I haven't eaten all day. Order me a burger?"

He let her go with a grin.

Shay pushed into the ladies' room. When she caught a good look at  herself in a mirror, she groaned out loud. She looked like a repressed  librarian. But it was exactly because she hadn't wanted to attract  attention at work, in case Eric did show up, that she'd been dressing  down. The only not-ugly thing about her outfit was the sexy camisole she  wore underneath her suit to make her feel better about herself.                       


She took off her jacket and rolled up the waistband of her skirt until  four full inches of her legs were visible above the knee. The floating  hem of her camisole hung loose, hiding the extra material at her waist.  Nothing she could do about her sensible heels. No, wait! She kept a pair  of cute flats in her bag. She fished out a pair of silver ballet flats.  Okay, where was her makeup?

"Here, try this." The young woman next to her had opened a full bag of  makeup. Dressed in frayed denim short shorts, a Mickey Mouse muscle  shirt, and western booties, she held out a teal mascara wand. "It goes  with everything, trust me."

"Thanks but I found mine." Shay pulled out her old reliable black and began touching up her lashes.

The woman persisted. "I saw your date when you came in. He's hot."

Shay smiled. "Yeah. He is." She reached into her bag for lipstick.

"You so need this." She offered Shay an eyeliner pencil. "I mean that in  a good way. You've got amazing eyes but your mascara needs a little  help. Here let me show you."

Shay didn't know why she was letting a stranger line her eyes but it was  sort of fun to have someone fussing over her. She checked herself in  the mirror. "Thanks."

The woman grinned. "Anything to help a girl with a hunk in hand. I'm Carly."


"He's not from around here. I know all the local guys. I'd surely remember him."

"He's from Charlotte." Shay wondered why she was giving away information  to this stranger. Except that she'd been really friendly and helpful.

"Known him long?" When Shay hesitated, Carly grinned and laid a hand on  her arm. "I know, I'm being nosy but you make such a cute couple. Good  luck."


Shay returned to her reflection. Okay, her hair needed work. She  unclipped her bun and pulled a comb through the heavy fall of dark hair,  then smoothed out her bangs.

James's eyes widened in interest as Shay came toward him. In place of  her business jacket she wore a skimpy little green tank top with a  plunging neckline edged in some sort of sparkly beads. And her skirt was  definitely shorter, revealing long curvy legs. She'd let down her hair  and it fell over her shoulders like a dark shiny waterfall. Her lips  were pink, but not shellacked with that gooey kind of gloss that made  him feel like his lips were going to slide off a woman's face when he  tried to kiss her.

Best of all, a shy little smile tugged her mouth. She wanted him to be  pleased. So he wasn't about to admit that, nice as she looked, he  preferred her makeupless and in a ponytail, jeans, and scuffed boots.  Or, better yet, nothing.

He lifted his mock beer in a little salute. "Nice."

"Thank you." She slid into the chair and picked up her own order. "So, why are you really here?"

James gave his head a little shake. She had a directness that most women  he knew wouldn't know how to pull off. At least he was never in doubt  about where he stood with her.

He, on the other hand, was feeling downright underhanded. He couldn't  keep his mind on his mission when she was offering him an unrestricted  view of the cleft between the twin swells of her breasts.

He crossed his legs under the table to cover his need to reposition  himself. One glance into her big dark eyes and he knew he was going to  lie a little longer about why he was here.

"It's like this. You've stolen my partner's heart. He can't concentrate  at work. He's agitated at home. He won't even eat my cooking anymore.  You ruined him for anything beyond fried oysters and corn muffins."

"Is that so?" Was that humor sparking in her dark eyes?

"Absolutely. Bogart's a simple sort. He likes a good meal. Hard work.  Hard play. A little cuddle. And a nice soft place to put his head at the  end of the day."

James would just about swear he saw her struggling to hold back a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

She leaned back in her chair and folded her arms under her very nice  bosom. "Don't you think you're interfering in something that isn't your  business?"

"Everything about my partner is my business. He can't speak up for  himself so I have to. Are you serious about him? Because if you're not,  you need to back off and let the poor boy be."

"Isn't that sweet?"

A waitress neither of them had noticed stood by the table with their orders.

She gave Shay's shoulder a little bump with her elbow. "You don't find  many men who'd go to the trouble of looking out for a friend that way."  She looked at James. "What kind of partners are you?"                       


"We're police, ma'am."

"And your friend is sweet on this young lady?"

"That's how it appears to me." James gave the waitress a by-the-book  expression. "She took him in and won his total devotion. Since they  parted he just doesn't know what to do with himself."

Shay was biting back laughter now. "You should be ashamed of yourself."

"No, now, hon. He's just being honest." The waitress put a hand on  James's shoulder. "I know neither of you are asking, and it certainly  isn't my business, but I was married to a police officer for a lot of  years. They tend to be moody and men of few words. But that's all right  if he loves you and you love him. He'll show his feeling in other ways."

Shay lost the battle with her laughter. "I get great big slobbering kisses every time I see him."

"Hm, maybe you can teach him a little better way to go at it, if that's  not something you like. I find most men are eager to please a woman they  care about." She looked at James. "Isn't that right?"

"Yes, ma'am." James's gaze remained on Shay, fascinated by her laughter.

"Here you go. Now, I have two orders of bacon cheeseburgers with onion rings." She set the plates before them. "All set?"

Shay nodded at the waitress.

"What about you, Myles Standish?" The waitress winked at Shay.

James looked up. "I'm good."

When the waitress had moved on, James looked at Shay. "What was that about?"

Shay picked up her burger and took a bite. She wasn't about to tell him.  Besides, the waitress had gotten the reference backward.

James reached for his phone. "I'm going to look it up. Miles who?"

"Myles Standish. Pilgrims? What? Did you sleep through American history?"

Shay put down her burger and turned toward him. "Myles Standish and this  other guy, John somebody, were in love with the same woman. Only John  didn't do anything about it because Myles was his friend. But one day,  Myles asks John to go plead his case, because he's too shy to do it  himself. The lady hears John out, about what a great guy Myles is and  how much he likes her, and then says, ‘Speak for yourself, John.'"

"So, what happened next?" James gave her a slow sexy grin that betrayed he knew the answer.

Shay rolled her eyes, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of making  her say it. "Can't remember. Probably Myles and John ran off together  and lived happily ever after."

James's laughter made the table shake.

Shay joined in, and felt the weight of the week slide away.

Conversation came to a near halt until all that remained on their plates were smears of ketchup, mustard, and crumbs.

Shay looked up from her empty plate and glanced around in search of the  source of the live music that was starting up. Instead, she spied the  woman who called herself Carly standing at the near end of the bar. She  had been staring at their table. Caught in the act, she lifted her beer  bottle in salute and then turned her back.

Shay bit her lip as familiar alarm bells jangled in her head. Why was a  stranger so interested in how her date was going? Something told her it  was more than mere curiosity. She glanced again at the bar. Carly was  talking to a guy.