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Irresistible Force (A K-9 Rescue Novel)(22)

By:D. D. Ayres

"Oh, I have a new phone number. I lost my phone."

Perry frowned as she handed him a slip of paper. "Isn't that the third time this year?"

Shay shrugged.

As he walked away, Shay grabbed her tote, the tremor in her hand the  only giveaway of her state of mind. All she had to do was sit before a  computer and talk to customers on the phone all day for six short weeks.  She wouldn't even interact with most of the other employees.

I can do this.

The shiver working its way down her back was only anticipation, she told  herself. Then her gaze slipped sideways to the brochure.

Eric had set this job up. She was certain. That meant he had something in mind.

So what?

She'd be in a public place, doing a job she could handle in her sleep.  If he did come near her she would show him that she was no longer afraid  of him. He had more to lose than she did if their relationship became  public knowledge.

Screw him! He wouldn't be allowed to keep her from making a living.


Mumbling something about "shit for brains," James corrected a mistake  he'd made in his daily report. Paperwork was his least favorite part of  the job, even if it was done on computer. He hit ENTER then massaged his  eyes with his fingers.

Asleep beside his desk, Bogart stirred and growled, deep in doggy dreamland.

A smile tugged at James's mouth. After four nights on patrol, he felt  they were back on top. But that wasn't his call. Instead of heading home  to sleep, he was about to go home to pack. He'd gotten his orders for a  week of training not far from Raleigh, beginning on Monday.

If he left early, he could spend the weekend in Raleigh. He needed a  little R & R where no one knew him as a cop. It was just lucky  coincidence that Raleigh was where Shay lived. A coincidence he had  every intention of exploiting.

Yes, she'd tossed him out and told him never to come back. But he hadn't  been able to get her out of his mind. It wasn't just the sex. It was  her loneliest-soul-in-the-world gaze. For a few brief hours, she'd let  him in, and it had been magic. He needed to know if their connection was  as real as his gut told him it was. Or, just a strangers-in-the-night  fantasy.

He pulled a thumb drive from his pocket. He had only one other thing  left to do before his shift ended. That was to file his report on  Bogart's disappearance. Every officer in his unit would recognize the  description of the suspect as his ex. That was going to be damned  embarrassing, but he could tough it out. The department would make the  decision to file suit. If so, Jaylynn was about to be hit with a  shitload of trouble. On the other hand, the chief might decide to avoid  calling attention to potentially embarrassing publicity for the  department. Either way, it wasn't his call.

He pushed the drive into his computer to upload it, needing only one more bit of information to make the report complete.

"Here's that info you asked for." Dwight Meyer handed him a folder.  Dwight worked fugitives, which specialized in finding people and mining  information.

James nodded. "Took a while."

Dwight shrugged. "Ms. Appleton's got the lowest social profile of any  twenty-something woman I ever came across. Practically off the grid.  You'd think she was on the job. No social media pages, no tweets, no  blog. Not even a regular cell number. Bet she uses disposables. Yet she  jobs for a high-tech temporary employment agency."

James frowned. "Really?"

He nodded. "First flag, Cannon. She changed her name at eighteen. Legally."

That didn't totally surprise James. He had run into a wall trying to  track her information down on his own. Shay wasn't in the Raleigh phone  book and had no police record that he could locate, not even a traffic  ticket. Was that even possible?                       


Then there was her almost paranoid need to reveal nothing about herself.

An uneasy feeling moved through him as he indicated the folder. "What's the second flag?"

"You tell me." Meyer didn't like to categorize his finds. "She's got a  sealed juvie file. That's all I could find out without a warrant." The  final word vibrated in the air between them. Meyer was willing to go  deeper, if asked to.

"It's not that kind of case. Thanks."

James picked up the folder, unusually slim in that it contained all  readily available information on an adult woman's life. It was also a  concrete reminder that he had already behaved unprofessionally with her,  in more ways than one. They'd met under extreme circumstances, known  each other only a day and one hell of a memorable night. But once back  in Charlotte he realized he knew squat about her. Not her full legal  name, home address, phone number, or where she was employed, all  information needed to complete his report.

What he did know was that they fit together like Legos, even if she had decided to toss him out despite it. Or, because of it.

A lewd grin tugged one corner of his mouth. When he was balls-deep in her neither of them had cared about anything else.

"You hearing this?"

James looked up. "What?"

Sheila Hooper, another K-9 officer, pointed to one of several TV  monitors in the report room. "Your ex is going to make a big  announcement, right after the commercial break. You aren't getting  married, are you?"

"Fuck that." He said it without heat. All the same, he moved toward the  nearest TV monitor where the local morning news show was on the screen.

Jaylynn appeared on-screen. She sat behind the news desk dressed in  uncharacteristic somber shades of navy and gray, usually reserved for  when some prominent person had died. No megawatt smile today. She made  eye contact with the camera and began speaking, her voice tight with  emotion.

"It is with deep regret that I announce today that I am temporarily  leaving my position as co-anchor of Charlotte's top-rated morning show.  I'm making this selfless gesture in order to address the vicious  campaign of false accusations that have begun to circulate about me."

Tears welled in her eyes as the camera moved in for a close-up. James  knew they'd never be allowed to fall. Jaylynn had told him that welling  worked on camera. Tears made mascara run, a no-no.

"As a celebrity, I am aware that some people think I'm fair game, but  they forget that lies can tarnish a person's reputation, even if they  are completely false. Therefore, with the help of the legal team I've  assembled, I intend to get to the bottom of this and clear my name."

Sheila elbowed him. "What's that about?"

Game face in place, James shrugged.

Jaylynn has gone on the offense!

Legal team? Was she serious? He doubted it. Yet she had turned a  strategic retreat into a fake noble ride into the sunset. When the truth  got out about what she'd done, half the town was primed now not to  believe it.

That was slick, and so Jaylynn.

He glanced down at Shay's file and shoved aside the uncomfortable  feeling of having her investigated. He had the best of motives.

Right. Dudley Do-Right to the rescue.

His father didn't give a lot of advice, especially about women and  relationships. Most of that was about navigating a household where the  women outnumbered the men 4 to 2. What advice he did give lingered in  his son's mind.

Once when he was twelve or thirteen, while they'd been camping out under  the stars, his father had waxed philosophical. "Some women smell like  forever. You don't get a whiff of it often. Once, maybe twice, in a  lifetime. If you're ever lucky enough to get a whiff of that kind of  woman, Jay, stop. And think. ‘Can I live without this fragrance for the  rest of my life?'"

At the time James had thought his father was talking about the smell of a  particular perfume or lotion or conditioner. Now he knew better.

Shay's skin in the soft folds and hollows of her body captured and held  the scent of her. There were no words really to describe that womanly  perfume. The impressions that came to his mind were of warm buttered  bread, caramel apples, and a faint pleasant musk. Shay smelled uniquely  female. It was a fragrance he couldn't get out of his mind.

He knew that beneath her prickly armor was a woman capable of real and  deep emotions. She had good instincts, had developed a deep attachment  to Bogart even after being warned he was dangerous.

And she made love like she had invented it. That was the woman he wanted  to get to know better. If she'd let him. But first, he needed to file  his report on Bogart's disappearance.                       


He opened the folder again, typed in the pertinent information from the  first page into the report on his computer, and hit upload.

After he was home and had taken care of Bogart, and showered and packed, he turned to page 2 of Shay Appleton's folder.