Strangely enough, it was purchased by the hotshot first-round draft pick that the Cowboys took. What does a twenty-one-year-old kid need with that much house? Probably the same things that I wanted it for when I was first drafted. Fortunately, Charlie and my parents talked me into a condo instead.
The five of us lived in a three-bedroom, two-bathroom mobile home while we built our dream house. Looking back on it, I don’t know how we did it. We could have fit eight of our trailers in the McMansion, but I’ll say this: it was a relationship solidifying two years. Charlie and I were just focused on each other and our family.
“I talked to Brad yesterday,” Charlie says while she’s turning up the volume on the kid’s show.
“Oh yeah,” I state, not taking my eyes off the road.
“They’re excited about the trip to Ohio, and asked if they could take the kids for a couple of hours. Maybe get lunch or find a park. I think they’re missing them.” Then she reminds me that is has been almost four months since we last had Brad and Carter for a visit.
“I’m sure that will be fine. But suggest they stay in the hotel. It’s got the security that Jenny says is trustworthy.” I inwardly cringe, and it has nothing to do with Brad. I make a mental note to check with her about security for my family when we leave the hotel.
Once I retired from football, Brad helped out Carmen in Houston for about six months, and then he and Carter moved in together full-time. Charlie no longer needed an assistant, so he’s remained our kids Guncle that we share all holidays with. He’s just Charlie’s friend now, and we’re cool. Will Brad and I ever be fishing buddies? No, but I appreciate how much our kids mean to him and Carter, and feel blessed that they’re a part of our lives.
I reach over and grab Charlie’s hand, giving it a squeeze. Her skin is so soft compared to my calluses. I can’t get enough of our contact. “Speaking of the hotel, have you talked to Rachael?”
Charlie drops my hand and cocks her head, raising an eyebrow. “Seriously, you’ve got to play nice. Don’t be an asshole.”
“What?” I ask, acting very innocent. “Jenny just needs to know if Rachael requires a crib for her room?” I can’t keep my shit-eating grin off of my face.
She gives my arm a gentle punch, and I grab my bicep and gasp dramatically in pain. “Colin, lots of women date much younger men.”
“He’s what, twenty-four? That’s much, much younger, babe. Like, she-could-be-his-mother young.”
“Thanks for reminding me,” she says with a pout while she crosses her arms over her chest. “You know he plays for the Yankees, right? That means he can throw much harder than you.”
She didn’t just question my throwing abilities… “Is that a challenge? Tell Rach to bring her child over one day to play.” I do emphasize the word “child.” “We’ll just see who has the stronger arm.”
Charlie rolls her eyes at my pissing contest, and grabs my hand.
We arrive at Charlie’s building just as the kid’s show is ending. She gets curbside service. Only the best for my girl. I put the car in park while she grabs her purse and work bag. She checks and double checks to make sure that she has everything that she needs. I’ve known her almost twenty years and she’s still just as beautiful as the day that she walked into Jack’s office.
Her caramel-colored hair is a bit shorter now, and she highlights it to cover her grey. Apparently, she doesn’t think grey hair makes her look more distinguished. Her skin is still clear with a touch of light olive. She complains about the smile lines around her mouth, but I love them, because I like to think they’re proof of the great life that I’ve given her.
Charlie’s eyes are the same eyes that locked with mine so many years ago. When I look into those eyes, I see our past and the years we spent not talking. I remember looking into them again when the elevator doors opened at the hotel in Los Angeles. They’re the eyes that locked with mine when she walked down our makeshift aisle to marry me by our swimming pool. Those eyes pleaded with me to be her partner when Ainsley was born. The same lavender eyes filled with terror and fear when the twins were being born via C-section way too early. However, my favorite emotion in her gorgeous eyes is love. Love for me. Love for our kids and dog. Love for our family. Love for the life that we’ve made together.
“Why are you looking at me so strangely?” she asks as she cocks her eyebrow up. Charlie leans over to give me a goodbye kiss.
I grab her face with both of my hands and pull her to me, giving her much more than the usual peck on the lips. We’re mugging down over the armrest in the minivan. Oh! How the times have changed.