In The Roar(30)
“Aayi, stop teasing Liv. Look at her. She is turning as red as the leaves in spring.“ Karel leaned over and gripped his mother's hand. “How are you feeling tonight?” He wasn’t sure how much she heard while they were in the hallway talking, but he knew either way, he would have to fill her in on the details.
“I am actually feeling better. A bit tired and weak, but my stomach hurts less than it did earlier.” Keliana looked between Liv and Karel. “What are you two not telling me? I’m a mother; I can sense these things, you know.”
Karel sighed, he should have known, in all the years growing up here, he never could get away with anything. Even when he went to live at the castle, she could read it in his voice and facial expressions. “We have some questions about Tiana and how she came to help you.”
“I was talking to Bella one day checking in on you and how she was doing with the baby. We got to discussing her life on earth. I know so little about it, and to be frank, I had never been that curious. She said some things that had me wondering though. She offered to send me some books Alyx had in the library so I could read and pass the time.” Keliana paused and narrowed her eyes. “What is this all about. Why are you asking?”
“I promise we will explain everything, Mrs. Yahgar, but can you please tell us more. This is extremely important.”
“My dear, none of this Mrs. Yahgar. You are my son’s mate, the mother of my future grandchildren and--”
“Aayi, don’t say it,” Karel said with a stern but playful look.
“I was only going to say she was the woman who made you happy.“ She winked at Liv before beginning again. “Anyway, what I was saying before my son so rudely interrupted is that you should call me Aayi also. It means mom or mother, and I would love if you do me that honor.
“As to Tiana, I will answer your questions, but then you must answer mine. Bella had a couple of the workers from the castle bring me the books and each time they came, they also brought a treat. Tiana came a couple of times, but not every time.”
Liv chewed her bottom lip, pondering. “How soon after these visits began did you start getting sick?” Karel looked at Liv in shock. It made sense to ask, but it had never crossed his mind.
“A day or two after. Why is that important? Oh, never mind. You will answer my questions in your own good time.” She sighed and rolled her eyes at Karel and Liv.
Liv continued. “Tiana told me that she volunteered to help you with your day to day life. This sounds more like she came to be your nurse, though. Did you know her before she started bringing you the books and treats?” Liv smiled and leaned closer to Karel. His heart swelled with tenderness for her. She may not admit it to herself, but her mind and body knew. She was his.
“No, I didn’t, and yes, she came to be my nurse until I recovered. That’s it. I have had enough. Tell me what is going on?”
Karel sighed and nodded his head in agreement. It was time. “Aayi, Liv caught Tiana putting a poison from earth called arsenic in your tea. That is why a few hours later you continue to be sick each night.”
“I don’t understand. Why? I didn’t know her; why would she want to kill me?” Karel’s heart hurt to hear the pain and confusion in his mother’s voice. She had never cause anyone harm who didn’t deserve it. She was a protector and nurturer.
“We don’t know, but we intend to find out,” Karel growled. Liv’s hand wrapped around his fist, instantly calming him and his jaguar.
“The good news is you won’t be getting any more of it. You’ll start to recover, and with what Karel says about shifters, it won’t be long at all. Your biggest obstacle will be a lack of strength from not eating much. In a week, I predict you’ll be back to full speed and raring for her blood.” Liv winked and turned to Karel with a smile.
“I don’t know what to say. I am kind of in shock. She seemed so wonderful and such a sweet person. Are you sure about all this?”
Liv pulled the bottle out of her pocket and showed it to Keliana. “I saw her put it in your tea a few times. It wasn’t until tonight when Karel startled her and she dropped it, that I discovered what it really is. Karel had already taken her home; she doesn’t know I found it. When she comes back to check on you after the storm lets up, we can get answers.”
“I think I need to rest and regroup after everything you have told me. It’s not every day you are told someone is trying to kill you. Not to mention I now know I will indeed be here to see my baby have babies, after all. This has been a rather exciting evening, hasn’t it.”