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How (Not) To Be Seduced By Billionaires (Books 1-3)(51)

By:Marian Tee

I blinked the tears away, not wanting to break down again at work Oh  God, I was so stupid. I had pushed Constantijin away, but I couldn't  bear to let him go, and both of us were suffering because of it.

"I … please tell Charli I had to go." And then I was running out of the office.

When I got home, I took out my suitcase, throwing them open on the  floor. Then I started dumping my clothes into them, and every dress that  fell into the suitcase made me cry harder because I felt so stupid.

It was a struggle to pull the heavy suitcases through the doorway. They  weighed, like, a ton, probably because I also had my manga collection in  them. Grunting at the effort I was exerting, I pulled the door open and  with one last mighty shove, I finally managed to push them out.

I breathed a sigh of relief.


"Holy shit!" I think I jumped several feet off the ground when I heard  Constantijin's voice. It took more than a moment to get my breathing  back in control and make myself turn around to face him.         



He stood by the doors that led to the fire exit, panting a little, but  there was a small, beautiful smile playing on his lips. And I found out  why he was smiling when he said wryly, "Holy shit, huh?"

My eyes started getting itchy again. He remembered that, too?

Then his gaze fell to the suitcases behind me and he sucked his breath, looking like somebody had stuck a knife in his chest.

There were so many things I wanted to say to him, but coward that I now was, I mumbled, "W-what are you doing here?"

"George," was all he said, his gaze still on the suitcases.

Just seeing him look so hurt made me feel hurt, my chest constricting so  badly I just knew. Oh dear God, I loved this man so, so much. I started  to speak, to explain what I just realized and what I knew I wanted to  do, but he beat me to it.

"Yanna?" His voice broke at the end.

My tear ducts broke with it. I tried to smile but couldn't. "Yeah?" And  then I was gasping because Constantijin was suddenly standing next to  me, holding my shoulders as he forced me to walk back. When my back hit  the wall, his fists hit the surface with it, making me jump.


"Yanna, what else can I fucking do to make you believe me?" The anger  burning a light in his eyes slowly died as I gazed up at him, crying  silently, trying to find the right words to put an end to all this.

"Is this really it?"

As I visibly struggled to speak, he cursed, making me flinch.

"God, Yanna, do I make you that sad? Can you never forgive me?"

I tried to make him understand, but all I could choke out was "No."

He paled, and it was his turn to struggle to speak. "I … I understand. I  have no one to blame but myself but please … please." His voice turned  hoarse. "Please don't leave."

I could fear his fingers moving, his hands unclenching and clenching at  each side of my face. Yet they never touched me, as if he couldn't make  himself to. "I don't think I can bear it if you leave, Yanna."

Oh, God.

"Constantijin, it's not---"

"Just don't leave." And then he was on his knees.

"Oh my God. Get up, please." I tried pulling him up but he had turned  into immovable stone, his beautiful face a portrait of despair. "Let me  explain, okay?"

"I don't need you to explain how I fucked up, Yanna," he said in a dull  voice. "But you need to hear me explain." He dragged a long, hard breath  in. "I know you finally realized my threat was fucking bullshit."

I cried harder. His English had gone to hell, and his Dutch accent made  me understand only half of what he was saying. It was one sign after  another knocking on my heart, telling me to see what I should have seen  all along.

"Now you are leaving the first chance you get, but you need to give me  just one fucking chance!" Constantijin shouted the last word as he gazed  up at me in agony. "Just don't leave. Anything you want, even if you  want to have a fucking boyfriend and I'm the man you date on the  side---"

That he would say something like it, promising something that was almost  like what his father had to go through when Marge wasn't herself --- it  sent me to my knees, too. "Constantijin, no," I whispered.

He grabbed my hand and pressed it to his cheek. "Yes," he said brokenly.  "If that's what it takes to keep you with me. I love you that much."

I didn't need to hear him say those words. I already knew it the moment  George made me open my eyes to the truth. But when I did hear him say  it, my world - which had been revolving in an uneven degree for quite  some time  –  found its rightful place back.

Everything became clear. The right path - the yellow brick road everyone  was looking for - showed up like a street of gleaming gold and it led  directly to Constantijin.

My life was with Constantijin, my very own billionaire, the man who  could hurt me a billion ways but could love me in a billion ways more.

No matter what happened, I loved him and I was going to be happy with him, unhappy without him.

I felt more than saw his hands trembling as they went to stroke my hair. "Please Yanna, please don't cry."

After a while, I finally managed to control my tears. I leaned back and smiled at him tremulously. "I wasn't going to leave."

He looked like he thought I was demented but too afraid to show it. "So what are the suitcases for?"

I choked back a teary giggle. I tried to pull away, but it only made him  pull me into his arms, his lips touching my hair, kissing my forehead,  erasing the trail of tears on my cheeks. "Stay a second more, Yanna," he  said gruffly. "Please. I missed this."         



But I stubbornly pulled away. I almost felt guilty at the look of  devastation in Constantijin's eyes but he had to let me go, just for  now. I needed him to see me clearly when I told him the truth.

"Constantijin, I was not leaving. I was moving back in with you."

It took him several moments to react.

His face became grim. "So the things I did," he said slowly.

"Yeah," I said with a wobbly smile.

"The whole desperate, emasculating act---"

I winced, but I couldn't stop smiling shakily. "Yeah."

His Dutch accent very strong, he said, "There was no need for it at all?"

"Sorry, but yeah."

Constantijin was silent for a long time. I started to lean back, wary of  the possibility he'd freak out on me, when he spoke. "It's fine."

"It … is?"

The softest and loveliest smile touched his lips. "I still mean every word."

Unable to help it anymore, I threw myself in his arms, causing  Constantijin to lose his balance. His laughter and my giggles mingled in  the hallway as he fell to the floor, grunting when I landed on top of  him heavily.

He looked up at me, the uncertainty in his gaze making me cry harder.  Alyx would kill me when she found out how much I cried in the past half  hour but right now  –  it didn't matter what she'd think, what anyone  would think. I almost lost the one man I was destined to love in my  entire life. And now I had him back. I was so, like, going to cry a  billion buckets if that meant I'd have Constantijin forever.

His body tense under me, he said hoarsely, "Does this mean you forgive me?"

A nod was all I could manage, the tears rending me speechless.

"And that---" His voice was uneven, as if he was unsure of believing  what he was hearing. "You're coming back. Is that it, Yanna?"


Bracing my hands on his chest, I pulled myself up as fear struck my  heart. "Are you panicking again? You've begged me to come back and now  that I did, are you panicking again and regretting what you asked me  to?" Oh God, if I was right, I was, like, going to die  –  but not if I  didn't kill him first.

Constantijin's silvery eyes blinked, and then he was laughingly hauling  me back down to him, one hand gripping my hair in a familiar way that  brought more tears to my already aching and tired eyes. He pulled me  down for a kiss that wasn't sexy at all, not with my tears making the  taste of my lips salty. But he was kissing me like a starving man, and  the promise his lips made my toes curl all the same.

Woozy did not even cover how I felt when he finally released me.

"Yanna, I love you."

"That's sweet, Constantijin, but that's not what I want to hear right now."

He raised a brow.

"Promise me you won't have stupid panic attacks again."

Constantijin laughed.

I tugged his hair. "I mean it." I tried not to return his crazy happy  grin, the kind I knew I used to have all the time in the past. But it  was impossible. He was as irresistible as ever.

He reached up to kiss my nose. "I promise."

God, Constantijin Kastein  –  the sexiest man alive in the world  –  was  feeling so in love he had to kiss … my nose. It was so adorable I had to  kiss his back. Then I tested the waters and asked, "Cross your heart?"