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How (Not) To Be Seduced By Billionaires (Books 1-3)(41)

By:Marian Tee

"What next?" I whispered.

"Your breasts," Constantijin growled.

Oh, right. I did say that. Right?

Bending down, I slowly pushed my breasts close until his cock was a snug  fit in between. I moved up and down, and I felt Constantijin's entire  body shudder at the movement. Taking confidence from that, I bent lower,  squeezing my breasts closer just as I licked the head of his cock.

Constantijin groaned. "Ah, sweetheart. That was---aaah," he finished  with another groan when I took in the entire head with my mouth, tongue  swirling around it like a lollipop. The taste of his cock was salty and  something else, something totally Constantijin. The pleasure I heard  from his voice and felt from the shudders that constantly went through  his body fed my own pleasure, giving me a dizzying sense of power.

More assured now, I released my breasts to cup the soft sacs underneath and was rewarded by another groan.

"Hold my cock," he growled.

Grasping him with one hand, I squeezed the base of his cock just as I tried to take more of him into my mouth.

"Yes," he gritted out. "More."

I rose up so I could take another few inches.

Constantijin's fingers sifted through my hair before gripping it with delicious roughness. "More, Yanna."

Something inside me thrilled at his demand and I did my best to take  more of him, pausing once in a while when I felt my throat closing in  protest, unused to taking in something as large as his cock.

When I had in all I could take, I began moving my mouth up and down,  loving his cock the way I had secretly dreamed of for so long.  Constantijin groaned in rhythm with my movements and as his grip on my  hair tightened, I instinctively increased my tempo, head bobbing up and  down as I sucked him with all I got.

"I'm coming," he said harshly.

I knew he was asking me if I wanted to take in his cum as well, and in  that moment I realized I did. I wanted him mine, all mine, and this part  of him wouldn't be anyone else's.

When his body tensed, I took my cue and squeezed his balls gently before raking my nails on his crotch.

He came with a shout, his body jerking, and I gulped everything it all in, savoring all the while the pleasure on his face.         



"Yanna," he breathed.

But before we could say anything else, Alyx was pounding on the door. "You two woke me up!"


I grabbed the covers and pulled it over me just as my friend opened the door.

"Hello, Alyx," Constantijin said calmly.

"I'm guessing the lump under the covers is my friend?"

I groaned as Constantijin admitted easily, "I'm happy to say, yes."

"Constantijin!" I wailed.

Day Ten

"Are you sure you're going to be all right alone here?" Charli asked as  she locked the door to her office. It was a Friday evening and Charli  was visibly in a hurry to leave.

I slung my bag over my shoulders. "I'm good. I'll just wait for Constantijin at his office now that you're leaving."

When I entered his private suite of offices, Glenda was also getting  ready to leave. "He's still in his meeting, but you can go ahead. If you  switch on the CCTV in his monitor, you can watch him."

The revelation made me giddy and I threw my arms around her. "Thanks for letting me know that!"

"Enjoy," she said laughingly over her shoulder as she went to the door.

Racing inside Constantijin's office, I switched Constantijin's expansive  touch screen monitor open. The sleek machine beeped, prompting for a  password. This one I knew since Constantijin had given me a bunch of  passwords to memorize yesterday, alongside my own set of undercover  bodyguards. He had said it wouldn't do not to be too careful, now that a  lot of people knew who I was in his life.

The screen went alive, focused on one of the numerous conference rooms  of Kastein Inc. This one was all in red, white, and blue  –  I'm guessing  he used this to impress potential business partners with how  Americanized his products could be. Smart, bold, in-your-face move, that  one, but that was and had always been Constantijin's style.

Constantijin stood at the head of the table, which was occupied by a  dozen of executives from several film production companies. He looked  extremely hot, his beautiful face proud and his voice smooth and  confident as he discussed the latest offerings of Kastein Inc.

Dressed in a black and white suit, minus a tie, he looked exactly like  the conquering billionaire CEO he was, and it made my heart go still for  more than a moment. "Oh my God," I whispered.

Constantijin stopped speaking.

The executives were looking around the room. "Did I hear that?" one of them muttered.

"Shit," I said before I could stop myself. Did this thing have speakers?

When I glanced back at the monitor, Constantijin was staring straight at me.


"Apologies, gentlemen," Constantijin drawled. "My girlfriend is  apparently impatient that I have not yet finished with the meeting to  take her to bed."

The good-natured laughter from the executives only made me feel more like disappearing.

"Now, sweetheart, do us all a favor and switch off the speakers. I'll be with you in ten."

Constantijin was laughing when he strode into his office at exactly ten  minutes later. I threw my shoe at him, but he caught it without even  breaking his stride.

"Did you miss me?" He scooped me out of his chair and I automatically  wrapped my legs around his waist while twirling my arms around his neck.

Leaning away from him, letting Constantijin carry my weight, I glared at  him. "Do you really have to let everyone know I'm … you know … you?"

"Fucking---oww!" he yelped when I pulled on his ear, but he was still grinning.

I couldn't help grinning back even though I still thought he was an ass  for saying what he said. God, he was so adorable when he was like this.

He cleared his throat, looking serious all of a sudden, and it made me frown. "What is it?"

"Will you be terribly mad if I tell you I need a half hour more to  finish work? I want to be able to send the contract to Summit  Entertainment tonight so I can be free for the weekend."

Constantijin actually looked tentative, and that made me love him more. I  smiled at him. "No problem." Wriggling so he'd put me down, I padded  barefoot towards the couch after taking my bag off his desk. "I'll wait  for you, don't mind me."

"You don't mind?"


"Just thirty minutes," he promised, but I could see that his mind was already on work.

Plugging my ears, I switched my iPad on and started watching the latest  episode of The Walking Dead. When the episode ended on another  cliffhanger  –  oh my God, that prison scene totally blew me away --- I  started in shock when I realized Constantijin was crouched down in front  of me, his gorgeous face inscrutable but with a soft unfamiliar gleam  in his silvery eyes.         



Flustered at his nearness, I unplugged my ears and said lamely, "Hey."  Ten days. This man had been my boyfriend for ten days and I still  couldn't believe it.

"Hey." He looked up at me for a long silent moment. Then his lips  curved. "Do you know you're the first woman I know who cared to wait for  me here for work?"

"Did you ask them to?"


"Oh." Then I shrugged helplessly and said, "Why shouldn't I wait for you? I don't mind."

He kissed my nose. "And that's what I like the most about you."

After that, it just seemed natural to be the first one to lean close so I  could kiss him. The kiss was sweet for a moment, but soon Constantijin  took over, and it turned blazing hot, leaving me dazed and breathless  when he pulled away.



"What do you feel about moving in with me?"

My arms fell away from him as I waited for Constantijin to repeat what  he said. When he only looked at me, I stammered, "D-did I really just  hear you ask me to move in w-with y-you?"

"I want to be with you all the time," he said levelly.

Oh my God, like, like, oh my God, oh my God. The longer Constantijin  stared at me, the more a ditz I became, with my common sense melting  away bit by bit.

Squinting at him, I tried looking for any signs of amusement, proof that he was joking. But there was none.

"It is … what is the word … too fast for you?" Constantijin must be rattled  himself if his normally flawless English failed him and he couldn't  remember those two extremely simple words.

They were apt, too, and I didn't hesitate to seize it immediately, head  bobbing and relief flooding inside me as I said, "Yes, you're right.  It's too fast. I mean, you probably said it impulsively, right? And now  you think---"


I shut up.

"It feels right with me."

"I-it does?"

Constantijin stood up, demanding, "Why do you doubt my desire to have you in my home?"

"Because you're you?" I asked weakly. It's like I had to point out how  different we were all the time. Couldn't he see that for himself? He  hadn't even wanted to court me, and that wasn't in any way a commitment.  And now he wanted me to move in with him?