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How (Not) To Be Seduced By Billionaires (Books 1-3)(40)

By:Marian Tee

"Are you seriously giving me this crap just because you're Constantijin's girlfriend now?"

In the act of kneeling down and picking up my report, I froze, staring at her with my jaw on the floor. Was this for real?

Charli's eyes narrowed. "And now, you don't think I'm even worth answering to?"

Report now in my hand, I stammered, "No! I mean, oh my God, no. I  just---what's wrong with the report?" Did she really hate my report that  much? She asked for a sexy paranormal romance that could compete  against The Vampire Diaries. I gave her Love Monster, which told the  story about a girl who just discovered her demon parentage (the good  kind) and found out she was a living legend among other supernatural  creatures. The twist: she got kidnapped by a handsome and powerful demon  who was pissed by the fact that she had forgotten he was her fiancé.

Did that not sound good?

"There are so many things wrong with it. The report's good but it's not  the best you can do! I don't want you to be suddenly complacent just  because you're with the CEO."

"I won't be," I promised her fervently.

Constantijin appeared at the doorway, a frown on his face. "Everything all right, ladies?"

"Don't interrupt!" Charli snarled.

Behind her, I quickly shook my head at Constantijin, warning him from meddling.

He stared at me for a moment before turning away without a word.

Charli stalked back to her table, saying loudly, "Thank God Constantijin  at least knows better than interfering." Her narrowed gaze swung back  to me, and I did my best to meet it. "You know better than to play  spoiled with me, don't you, Yanna?"

"Yes, sir."


"Sir Charli  –  I mean, Ms. Charli."

She nodded. "Good. Now close the door and get back to work." With shaky  legs, I went to her door, conscious of how everyone was deliberately  slowing down in front of Charli's office to hear more of how she was  scolding me.         



The moment I shut the door, Charli said, "Was I good?"

I whirled around in shock.

She grinned at me. "I think I was since I totally had you convinced, too."


"Yes, I know, you're grateful. Now everyone really knows you're not  going to get special treatment. And by the way, great report."

I was still shell-shocked when I went back to my cubicle. My phone beeped, and I knew immediately it was Constantijin.

What happened?

Charli taught me a really good lesson. Everything's cool  –  don't worry.

Glad to hear that. Tonight, I have a lesson for you to learn as well.

Oh, dear. That sounds very bad.

We can start now if you want.


Come here. I miss you.

No! Office hours!

My phone rang. Constantijin purred from the other end of the line. "If  you are not here under one minute, I'm going there, and I'm going to  kiss you in front of your lovely lady colleagues. Arian will hate you  more, and she'll sabotage your reports again---"

"I'm coming, you ass!"

Day Four

"You told me you'd be home by tonight." I pouted at the iPad,  deliberately bending close to the screen so he could see more of my  cleavage, which was enhanced by my silky nightgown. Honestly, I was  blushing all the while I did it but I wanted to punish him.

"Sweetheart, you are cruel." Constantijin's voice was strangled.

I grinned, leaning back so he could see my face and not just my  barely-covered breasts. "I know. It's your fault. I … missed you." I still  had a hard time admitting my feelings to him, but this time I couldn't  help it. After announcing to the entire company that I was the only  woman in his life now, he had to leave for an emergency meeting in Dubai  - again.

"I missed you, too. More than you fucking think."

I tried not to giggle. No one was like my Dutch billionaire, with his rude and sweet ways.

"Where are you anyway?" He was surrounded by so much darkness I couldn't quite determine where exactly he was.

"A hotel room," he answered briefly.

"Where are your friends?" Constantijin had no choice but to introduce me  to the two other men that made up the world's legendary Pussketeers,  not when they had more or less gatecrashed our video call last night.

"Out. Watching naked women dance---a gift from an oil sheikh."

I choked. "Don't join them!"

"I won't on one condition."

My eyebrows shot up. "Condition? This isn't something you can---"

"Yanna, strip for me again."


"But I miss you so, sweetheart."

I glared at the screen. "No---"

He grinned back. "And this time, I want you to touch yourself as you do."

"NO." This time I couldn't help turning red. Touch myself? Was he for  real? I couldn't even say ;cock' to anyone except him and now he wanted  me to touch myself?

"Why not? It turns me on to see you touch yourself."

I gasped. "I can't do that!"

"Why not? Take pity on a starving man, Yanna. I miss you very badly. I  can't even focus on my work because I keep thinking about you, spread  open under me, taking you with my cock---"

"Constantijin!" I wailed, quickly lowering the volume of my iPad. God, I  hoped Alyx was asleep by now. She would never let me live this down.

He sighed. "Next time then. If you do not want to touch yourself then talk to me instead."

"T-talk like what?" I asked even though I had a feeling I knew where this was going. I also knew I was scared and excited by it.

Constantijin's voice had taken on a purring note, the kind that never  failed to do crazy things to my body. "Yanna, you know what I want."

God, I couldn't get enough of him whenever he talked like this  –  like he  knew he was so sexy he was impossible to resist. And he was.

My breath hitched. "I d-don't know what to say."

He whispered ever so softly, "If I say I want to know how it finally feels to feed you my cock, what would you say?"

I squeezed my thighs together, but it was too late. I was wet, so much.  Swallowing, I murmured, "Then I'd say I want to know how your cock  tastes, too." I closed my eyes right after I said the words. Oh my gosh,  did I, like, did I freaking, like, just say that?

"And if I were standing next to you, what would you do?"

My eyes closed, I slowly narrated what I could so easily imagine now,  the pictures so vivid that more heat invaded my body even as the  triangle between my legs became wetter. "I'll … push you to the bed,  unbuckle your belt, take off your pants. Everything until you're  completely naked."         



"And then?"

"Y-you're already hard, but I want you harder. So I'll … I'll caress it between my breasts."

"Are your nipples hard now, Yanna?"


"Good. And after you give me the best fucking boob job in my life, what next?"

"I'll take you into my mouth---"

The door crashed open and I shrieked and then I shrieked again when I  took in the sight of Constantijin standing in the doorway, wearing a  black leather jacket, white shirt, and jeans.

"Oh my God, why are you here?" My hands crisscrossed over my body in  different ways as I tried to figure out which to hide first.

"Surprise." With a dangerously sexy smile on his lips, he stepped inside my room and kicked the door shut.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I mumbled, "I can't believe you're here. Aren't you supposed to be at Dubai?"

"I took an early flight home and decided to surprise you." He shrugged  out off his jacket and hung it next to my bathrobe on the door. "Happy?"

He almost sounded like he was unsure about it and I rolled my eyes. "You really have to ask?"

Constantijin's shoulders moved in an indolent shrug. "Now … " He glanced meaningfully at the bed.

I gulped.

"How do you feel about sucking my cock now?"

My throat went dry, but I couldn't deny how my body leapt at his words.  "I … " Closing my eyes for a moment, I said, "That … that sounds fine."

"Then I'm yours."

It took a few more seconds before I could force myself to move and then I  was slowly leading him to my bed, which seemed impossibly small for  someone his size. When he landed on his butt, I gave him a gentle shove,  and he obediently lied on his back.

Conscious of his gaze on me, I did what I said over the phone, starting  with unbuckling his belt then pulling it out of the straps. Throwing it  to the floor, I moved on to the zip of his jeans, struggling with it  because his cock was already straining for attention underneath it.

"Need some help?" he asked huskily.

I shook my head, frowning in concentration as I finally wrestled his zip  down and proceeded to pulling his jeans off. It joined his belt on the  floor, followed by his socks, shoes, and everything else until he was  down to his black briefs.

Oxygen level inside my body dipped low as I pulled that last piece of  clothing out of the way. His cock jerked up, as if knowing what was  next.