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How (Not) To Be Seduced By Billionaires (Books 1-3)(39)

By:Marian Tee

I made a face. "You're such a sore loser. Can't you let another person win?"

Hauling me back into his arms, he muttered, "Never. Not where you're concerned."

Okay, that had me biting my lip very hard because he was making it so difficult for me not to tell him how much I loved him.

His hand suddenly went under my skirt, his fingers stroking my sex.

I yelped. "Constantijin?"

"Does it still hurt? I know I fucked you too hard." He scowled. "You should not have begged me so after that one time---"

"I DID NOT BEG." It would have sounded more convincing if I wasn't  undulating around his fingers, though. God, I wanted him so badly now.

He smirked.

I glared, but even though I wanted to move away, I couldn't. His touch  was addictive, and this early I knew I'd never get enough of it.

"The next time we fuck, Yanna … "

"What?" I asked breathlessly.

He slowly pulled his fingers away and I could only watch in fascination  as he licked them dry. "Everyone would know who you belong to and who  has the only right to fuck you."

Lesson #6

When your billionaire lets the world know you are his,

It is the end of his agony and the start of yours.

"Oh, dear." George looked at my rumpled clothes knowingly the moment I got back to our office.

Trying not to appear as flustered as I felt, I demanded, "What?"

Before he could answer, a beeping sound blared out from the speakers of  the P.A. system, which meant we were about to hear a company-wide  announcement.         



"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your CEO Constantijin  Kastein. I would like to personally extend an invitation for all my  employees to join me after work at the cafeteria. As a part of Kastein  Incorporated, I consider each and every one of you a valuable member of  my family."

I had a really, really bad feeling about this.

"It would be my honor if you permit me to introduce the woman in my life to all of you first."

There were screeches, cheers, and loud sobbing coming from other nearby offices.

George whispered, "Wow."

Arian stalked out of our office and I didn't have the heart to tell her  that she'd still hear Constantijin's next words no matter where she  went. The speakers for the P.A. system were everywhere.

"And to celebrate this momentous occasion, we'll have an open bar and a  buffet table. I look forward to having you all join me later at  five-fifteen. Thank you."

Forty minutes later and I still had no success in reaching Constantijin  by phone. "Answer the phone, you ass," I muttered as I redialed his  number. The same robotic tone answered me instead, telling me that  Constantijin had switched his phone off.

I tried going to his office to put a stop to his madness, but he had a  human barricade by the name of Glenda. "Mr. Kastein," she said stiffly  even as her eyes twinkled, "is not taking any visitors right now."

"Really, Glenda? Really?"

She didn't even blink. "Really." And then she slammed the door shut.

Five-fifteen came before I was ready for it. I stared at my hands, which were shaking so badly.

With Charli out of her office and Arian still not back from wherever she  was probably cursing me to perdition, I felt it was safe to tell George  my greatest fears. "What am I going to do, George? I'm so nervous. I  don't want people to laugh at him if they think I'm the worst girlfriend  he could pick." I was hyperventilating by the time I finished.

George rushed to my side. "Breathe, Yanna, breathe."

"I-I c-cant."

"It's going to be okay. I'm sure people have no expectations at all. The  women will just be sad that someone finally got to claim Mr. Kastein  and the men will just be there for the free beer."

He pulled me out of my cubicle. "Now, let's go out and just enjoy this. It's going to be all right."

The moment we stepped out of our door, we were immediately swept away by  the noisy crowd heading to the cafeteria. There was a long pileup near  the entrance as we had to swipe our cards one at a time. As we queued  up, I began to hear what the other people were saying.

"Who do you think Mr. Kastein's new girlfriend is?"

I choked.

"I bet she's super tall."

Did being tall in hobbit standards count?

"I bet she's gorgeous."

Did being voted Ms. Beautiful in kindergarten qualify?

"For sure, she's rich."

I turned around. "I'm going now---"

George laughingly spun me back to place. "Forget about them, Yanna. This is your day. Don't let what they think ruin it."

Easy for him to say, I thought waspishly. He wasn't the one the women  were expecting to be a supermodel, beauty queen, and heiress all rolled  into one. There were no available seats left by the time we got in.  George and I had to stand at the wide sills of the windows at the end of  the cafeteria just so we could get a glimpse of Constantijin, who stood  at the very front, on top of the company's mobile stage. He appeared  gorgeous and utterly relaxed  –  the ass.

"Oh my God, I wish I was able to have sex with him before he found a girlfriend."

"Who said that?" I hissed at George, who only laughed in answer.

Another one muttered, "This has to be serious  –  he never introduced the other ones."

Charli went up the stage, microphone in hand. "Hello, everyone!" The  whole crowd instantly cheered at her words. She was stunning to look at,  the perfect choice for a host of this occasion.

"You know why we're all here."

The men cheered and the women booed.

I just wanted to go. So this was what he meant I'd have it easier if I  had just confessed first about us. On hindsight, I should have totally  done what he said. I could have just changed my status on Facebook to In  a Relationship and that would have been it  –  everyone else would have  spread the word for me.

Now I was stuck with Constantijin's insane ability to torture me with embarrassment.

"Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I give you Constantijin's girlfriend."

Charli's last two words made me jump, my head immediately jerking back  towards the stage. But Constantijin was nowhere to be found. Shit  –   where was he--- "Aaaah!"         



If people had also been wondering where he was or where he was going, my  scream totally gave his location away. And the presence of his  girlfriend.

He glanced up at me, even though I wasn't really that far from him, with  Constantijin's exceptional height. A sexy, lazy smile touched his lips  as he drawled, "Now, my beautiful little girlfriend, why don't you give  me a kiss so that everyone here knows how proud you are to be mine?"

I choked on my laughter as the women around us let out an audible sigh. "You really had to say that?" I whispered.

"Yes, and you really have to kiss me n---"

I covered his lips with mine, hoping to surprise him. And he was, but  this was Constantijin and he recovered in a moment, his hand curling  around my nape to pull me closer. It was supposed to be a chaste kiss,  but then he was licking my lips, applying pressure, and I had to part my  lips open so his tongue could enter my mouth.

And that was it.

I totally lost all sense of propriety. All I knew was that Constantijin  was kissing me hard enough to have my senses totally reeling. Without  breaking our kiss, he suddenly swung me off the window sill, his arms  tightening around my waist as he slowly lowered me to the ground.

When he lifted his head, I immediately tried to catch my breath.

One arm around my waist, he had us turning together to face the  now-silent crowd. I paled, seeing how all eyes were on us, but  Constantijin didn't appear to mind or maybe he was used to this kind of  attention.

He addressed the crowd, but his gaze was on Drake as he said succinctly, "My woman."

Lesson #7

Your billionaire will only stay in a cage with you

if it is a cage he has designed.

Constantijin Kastein as a boyfriend was more than any woman could ever  want. I knew that ;boyfriend' would seem like a tame word to describe  someone like him. Yet I liked it  –  and he seemed to like it, too. He  told me he had never been any girl's boyfriend. If I had my way, I'd  always be his girlfriend.

Whenever he was with me, he would occasionally show a childish side to  him, the side you'd expect from a boyfriend who cared for you and not  from a complex and enigmatic lover who used to be the most famous  playboy in Netherlands.

I loved it.

I loved him.

Day Two

The first thing I wanted to make sure was that everyone in the office  would understand nothing had to change with how they treated me. I might  be the boss' lady, but I was also just Yanna Everleigh  –  one of the new  girls in Kastein Inc.

I sort of made the right  –  and wrong  –  decision telling Charli about it,  and the next thing I knew she was walking past me, my latest report  folder tucked under her arm, and opened the door of her office. Then she  threw the folder on the floor and started screaming.