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How (Not) To Be Seduced By Billionaires (Books 1-3)(37)

By:Marian Tee

But all he did was grunt in irritation.

It made me grin. I could easily imagine how he was as a child. He must have been a horror, not wanting to wake up for school.

With a sigh, I checked the drawers until I found a writing pad and pen.  Scribbling a quick note, I hesitated at the end. Love could be  misconstrued so I decided to end it with something that was sure to make  him laugh instead.

After folding the note and placing it on top of the bedside table, I  pressed a kiss to his cheek, where the beginnings of stubble had already  appeared. It was my first time to feel his cheek less than perfectly  shaved, and it created a warm fuzzy feeling inside my heart.

This was surely one of the many firsts that we'd share.

And I was right. But the second of the firsts we had to share took place in circumstances that were less than pleasing.

Shit. I said the word over and over in my mind as I hit the Up button  several times even though I knew it wouldn't get the elevator to my  floor fast enough. Seven-forty-freaking-five AM. I left Constantijin's  bed early just to be late to work.         



I sighed in relief when it finally reached basement parking and, after a few moments, started its way back up.

The doors slid open.


Constantijin stood alone inside the elevator, gorgeous and impeccably  dressed as usual. But he looked different in my eyes at the same time,  like the crazy stupid romantic feelings inside me had made him appear  even more beautiful.

He didn't glance at me, and that sort of killed my courage. I spun  around, intending to take the stairs even if it meant suicide with my  stilettos, but I was too late.

"Hold the door!" a woman said frantically behind me, and she was  followed by a huge group of people rushing for work. Before I knew it, I  was swept along by the tide and shoved all the way to the back.

Next to Constantijin.

A prickling sensation hit me as another person's fingers touched mine.

I looked up, but Constantijin was staring straight ahead, his face unreadable.

His fingers tightened around mine, and after hesitating for a fraction of a second, I returned his touch.

I never believed people who told me in the past that fingers could be  erogenous zones but I stood 100% corrected now. They were. They so were!  Constantijin's fingers slowly brushed my knuckles before caressing them  slowly, gently, rhythmically. It was all I could do not to inch up next  to him and pull his face down for a kiss.

And then we were alone, the only two persons left heading for the  topmost floor. Constantijin was staring again, and I suddenly felt  embarrassed without knowing why. I tried pulling my hand away but his  fingers only tightened around mine, unwilling to let go.

"My proud and jealous girlfriend, mm?"

Hearing him say the words I had decided to use for ending my note made  me giggle, the tension inside me slowly easing. And when he said, "I  missed you," I relaxed completely. After, it felt totally natural to  take the remaining steps that kept us apart. I stood on my toes just as  he bent his head down, and the kiss we shared was short and sweet.

"I missed you, too," I whispered shyly against his lips.

When we finally pulled away, we smiled at each other automatically  because everything just felt right in our world  –  better than it had  ever been.

His Dutch accent was thick when he murmured, "Would you like to do the honors of telling everyone you're mine?"

"Uhh … no?"

His smile became sly, sexy, and wicked at the same time, making my heart  race even as my mind also went on alert. That smile meant danger.  "Constantijin," I began warningly.

"Are you really sure, sweetheart? I promise you will find it easier if  you were to indeed act as my proud and jealous girlfriend and tell all  the women hands off."

I snorted before I could stop myself, making him grin. "You're so full of yourself."

He answered with a lazy shrug, a devious smile still on his lips. The  elevator chimed as it came to our floor. Before the doors slid open, he  murmured, "Last chance, Yanna."

"No," I said very firmly.

The doors slid opened. "Then so be it."

Okay, that sounded ominous.


He raised a brow. "It's Mr. Kastein during office hours," he said solemnly as he stepped to the side so I could go out first.

Ass, I mouthed as I walked past him.

"Oh, and Ms. Yanna?"

I turned around, raising a brow.

He stepped out of the elevator. "You're late, by the way." And then he was walking away, not looking back even once.

It wasn't something to smile at, really, but I ended up smiling anyway.

The details on this week's snowflakes were thankfully not that difficult  so I was able to take my lunch on time. George was off again with the  25/F guy so I went to the cafeteria alone.

Since I was finally eating my mid-day meal with the rest of the crowd,  it took about ten minutes before I finally reached the end of the line  and gave my orders. I stuck with sashimi, deciding it was time to pay  stricter attention to my diet. With a man like Constantijin as my  boyfriend, I knew it meant having as many haters as he had his admirers.

All the tables were occupied except for one two-seater, which had a  vacant chair left. I headed towards it but stopped midway when I  realized the other occupant was Drake. Right now  –  it was totally not a  good idea to sit with him. Constantijin could get ideas. Feminists might  argue about this but why rock the boat when you didn't have to?

Fifteen more minutes passed before I spotted another vacant table, and I  sped to it like a delayed bullet train. My stomach was already  grumbling in protest by the time I reached the table.

"Ohh." I closed my eyes in bliss even as I didn't stop shoving raw  salmon inside my mouth. God! This tasted super good, especially since I  hadn't had breakfast this morning.         



When I opened my eyes, Drake stood in front of me, a polite expression on his face.

I choked on the last bite and quickly reached for my tea. Oops. Too hot. I started choking again.

People were beginning to look. I bet they thought it was because I was  super flustered at the presence of Drake. If Constantijin heard about it   –  that was a very, very bad thing.

Clearing my throat, I said lamely, "Hi."

"Can I take a seat? I just need to talk to you."

"Uhh … " I ended with a weak smile since he had already taken the seat opposite of me.

Didn't this look like we were dating? Dear God, I hoped Constantijin  didn't see us together. Constantijin acting jealous was terribly sweet  and cute, but I knew he hurt, too, and that I didn't want.

I looked at him expectantly. "So … "

"I was hired by Carole Everleigh to act as your bodyguard, incognito."


All heads snapped to our direction. I cringed, whispering, "Sorry."

Drake smiled sympathetically.

"Are you serious? Are you still working for my mom? Do you report everything you know to her?"

"Hold on," he said with a grin. "One question at a time." He rubbed his  chin. "So, am I serious? Yes. I was your bodyguard the moment you left  their house. They gave me all your details." He sent me an apologetic  glance. "I even know your underwear size."

I smacked my forehead. Oh God, Mom. She was going to be the death of me one day.

"And for your second question---yes, I'm still working for her. But I will resign---"

"No," I blurted out, surprising him.

He leaned forward, and I had to steel myself not to lean back as his face came inches away from mine. "Why not?"

"Because if it's not you, it would be someone else, and I'd rather have someone I know and trust."

Drake slowly nodded. "I can't say I'm not glad you said that. I like having an excuse to check you out."

"Errr … "

"I like being your Mr. Fix It."

Oh, Lord. Alyx and her big mouth always got me into trouble. "I totally  don't know what you're talking about," I said airily but Drake's  answering laughter made me feel sheepish. "Well, okay, I did, umm, sort  of call you that. Are you mad?"

He grinned. "Of course not. I actually like it. It's nice that you think me as your go-to guy."

Cue for awkward silence, which honestly was happening more and more frequently in my life.

"So … " Drake was the first to speak again. "You're not going to freak out  on me, say I betrayed you for not telling you who I was?"

I rolled my eyes. "You've watched too many secret bodyguard movies, my  friend." I picked my chopsticks up again, nabbing a piece of sashimi on  my plate and popping it into my mouth. "It's not like you're the first  one she hired to work undercover."

"Won't Kastein mind about me?"

"He'll get over it," I said, trying to sound like I believed what I was saying.

"I could talk to him---"

"No!" I shook my head vehemently. "That's the worst idea, ever. He's  very … " I trailed off, trying to think of a way to explain Constantijin's  behavior towards me without using the words ;jealous' or ;possessive'.  It just didn't feel right to use those words myself.