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How (Not) To Be Seduced By Billionaires (Books 1-3)(19)

By:Marian Tee


That kind of reason.

I was so wet after that.

And my Dutch playboy billionaire knew it. It was there in the blazing  look of desire in his eyes, the way his nostrils flared and the way his  cock pulsed more strongly against my sex.

"Do you agree, Yanna?" he whispered.

Oh, God. He was using his seductive tone, and each word that fell from  his lips was a seductive threat, intent of giving him complete control  over my body.

"Yes." I ended gasping the word out when Constantijin reached down and  pulled my skirt up, allowing his erection to rub even more closely  against my womanhood. With my panties soaking wet, it was as if there  was no fabric separating them and I couldn't help squirming.

I whimpered when Constantijin released me unexpectedly and my body fell  back down, my sex practically impaled on his erection. I felt his hand  snaking down as he gripped his cock, guiding it to my clit.

And then he started to rub.


He smirked.

Oh, God. If I could slap him like I usually did, I would have. But right  now  –  all I could concentrate on was the way his cock kept teasing my  clit.

"Listen carefully, Yanna, because I will only say it once."

I glared at him, but even I knew it wasn't my most potent glare, not  when I also knew my eyes were pleading him simultaneously to rub harder,  faster, and just do anything that would give me the kind of orgasm I  could only enjoy from his touch.

Perversely, Constantijin smiled in return. He started to speak, but only half of my mind could focus on his words.

"Courting for me is another process to help us get to know each other  better. But I'm a busy man. I'll do my best to devote as much time as I  could to courting you but you should be prepared to make some  compromises as well."

"Uhh … "

I felt Constantijin's other hand descending again and I tensed, not  knowing what to expect but knowing as well that whatever it was, it  would feel---

Constantijin ripped my panties off.

It would feel out of this world.

"Constantijin!" I hissed and then totally ruined it by moaning as his cock demanded entrance.

"Look at me, Yanna."

I obeyed him, my eyes hazy with desire.

His tone unflinchingly hard, he said, "I am not promising love, Yanna. I want you to understand that perfectly."

Oh, he was so freaking unfair. How could I think of what to say to that  when he was teasing my sex with his cock, its head slipping in a  fraction before withdrawing completely, giving me a tortuous taste of  how it could be between the two of us.

"I had never fallen in love and I warn you not to think that you can change my mind in the future about this. I won't. But---"

I whimpered as Constantijin's hand joined his cock, fingers teasing my clit while his cock slid up and down against my folds.

"I am extremely attracted to you. And for as long as what we have between us lasts, I am yours."

His thumb pressed hard against my clit.

I gasped, my body arching, a brink away from an orgasm that I was sure would have me passing out at the sheer pleasure of it.

His eyes locked with mine, his gaze possessive and demanding as he asked  in a rough undertone, "And you will be mine while I am courting you,  yes? There will be no other suitors, yes?"

Passion clouded my mind, but even though only half of his words  penetrated, I understood enough to force myself to shake my head. Oh,  no. He was not getting away with that rule. Exclusivity in courting had  always been a man's burden, and that wasn't going to change between us.         



"No," I managed to say.

He was displeased. It was clear to see it in his gaze.

"Are you sure you want to say ;no'?" he taunted, moving his cock faster,  drawing out another moan from me. "If you do not promise equal  exclusivity, expect me to torture you like this all the time."

I shook my head stubbornly even as I moved my hips, trying to trap his cock against my clit so I could come.

"Are you sure?" he breathed into my ear, making me shiver. And I  shivered even more as his fingers traced random shapes on my hips, the  ticklish and arousing movements making me catch my breath.

"No!" The word of protest slipped out of my mouth before I could stop  it, my body aching with need as Constantijin pulled away from me without  warning, drawing us back onto our feet.

Speechless in my incredulity, I could only watch him as he expertly smoothed my skirt down until not a single crease was left.

I stared at him in horror. He was really going to end it just like that? More to the point, he wasn't going to end it?

He gave me a tense smile, which I returned with a girl.

He said quietly, "Our courting has begun."

But those words weren't what I heard in my mind. Seeing the  determination in his eyes, the still-tense expression on his face as he  physically struggled to keep his arousal in check, it made me hear  differently.

Queen, check. It was his very best move in our chess board of seduction.

I lifted my chin, hating how my body still trembled with unsatisfied  need. "Yes," I said just as softly, "it has." And he better watch out  because I could have his king checked, too.

Or even checkmated.

Lesson #4

Try not to let yourself be swept away

when your billionaire dances with you.

Remember that the dance will end with the last note of the song.

Courting had always been compared to a mating dance, but between  Constantijin and me, it was more like a war dance, one battle of the  sexes after another. Constantijin's resistance could be due to his  inability to relinquish control. He was the type to like having total  control of anything he wanted badly, and for some reason I was the one  he wanted badly.

Yet I fought with him, provoked him, and challenged him because if I gave in before I should, it would mean giving up on him.

It was like what Glenda said the other day. With Constantijin out for a  meeting, Glenda had invited me to join her for a cup of coffee.

"You without your top and Constantijin was nothing," Glenda assured me  when I gave her another mumbled apology for the worst threesome in  history.

Her words made me blush. Even this long exposed to Constantijin's  intensely passionate nature, I still couldn't make myself get used to  how easy it was for people to talk about sex.

"I had seen women giving him blow jobs, lap dances on the table, masturbating---"

"I get the picture," I said hastily, not wanting to hear another word.  The mere thought of all the women who had spent more than a second in  his arms made me tear up inside. I hated it. I really, really hated it.  Oh, Constantijin  –  why couldn't you be, like, Netherlands' #1 pastor  instead of a playboy?

"But you know what the difference is between you and all those other women?"

"Smaller boobs?" I quipped.

She shook her head, her unsmiling expression eerily reminding me of  Constantijin's own serious face. Eek. Like boss, like secretary?

"They stayed to finish what they started. You ran."


"Constantijin had been very shocked at that. He didn't know what to make  of it. All of them had stuck around. They hadn't minded I had seen them  because there was something they needed more from Constantijin  –   something they didn't mind losing their self-respect for."

I thought about her words hard. "Glenda," I said finally, "Are you telling me not to have sex with him?"

She shrugged.


"All I'm saying is that you're different, and it was what drew him to you."

If there was anything I hated in life, it would be this: cryptic advice,  an oxymoron of the very worst kind. Why give advice that had to be  solved like a freaking puzzle?

"You're not helping," I sighed out.

"I am. But you're just too horny for my boss to understand what I'm saying."

That had me blushing and laughing at the same time. "Glenda!"

She patted my hand, a rare smile of such warmth touching her lips. "I'm rooting for you, dear."

That was great, actually, especially since Constantijin's brand of  courting was nothing like I had ever imagined. It was beautiful,  maddening, and oh so arousing.         



Day 1 of Courting

A gigantic bouquet waited for me at my table, tall enough for its  topmost flowers to surpass the height of my cubicle walls. George  squealed as I hurried towards it, ignoring Arian's envious mutters.

I opened the card.

Thinking of you every day ---

Dreaming of you every night ---

I can't wait to fuck you endlessly hard when you become mine.

Oh, dear Lord. How was it that he could be so romantic and utterly crude  at the same time? And why were my panties slowly getting wet? I took  the card and hugged it to my heart, knowing that I was going to read it  over and over tonight until I fall asleep.

Day 5 of Courting

Constantijin flew me out of state in his private jet. He wanted the two  of us to enjoy a private dinner, far away from the prying eyes hounding  us more and more at work. Arian was the most suspicious. It took every  skill of acting I had not to give myself away every time I caught her  trying to flirt with Constantijin.