Reading Online Novel

How (Not) To Be Seduced By Billionaires (Books 1-3)(15)

If someone was going to do some convincing, it would no doubt be  Constantijin, tempting me to forget all about my inhibitions and just  give my virginity away like a freaking lottery prize.

It wasn't hard to spot Constantijin even with all the bare-chested men  around. You just had to follow the trail of sighs, giggles, and whispers  and there you have it  –  Constantijin, wearing a pair of black board  shorts that rode sinfully low on his hips. His abs, the muscled V that  tapered down under his board shorts, and the chiseled perfection of his  face---

Oh my God, if I wasn't a die-hard virgin, I would have begged him to take me.

Leaning against the bar, elbows propped on the counter, Constantijin  scanned the area with obvious impatience. I jerked when he suddenly  turned towards my direction, as if he had some sort of sixth sense when  it came to my presence. It stole my heart, it really did, and it  successfully eroded my No to Relationship-less Sex beliefs by another  inch.

His eyes burned bright as he stared at me head to toe, his gaze moving  ever so slowly like a visual caress that had me shivering in my modest  two-piece.         



We met halfway, and Constantijin's arm immediately curved around my  waist, the possessiveness in his hold unmistakable. I was thrilled at  his touch, more so when he whispered to my ear, "You look so fucking hot  I want to lock you in my room so I can take you for days."

Same here, I thought with a secret grimace. So totally the same for me,  especially with all the women around us staring at him with unconcealed  lust.

We walked toward the nearest available lounge chairs, George occupying  one while Constantijin joined me on mine. As George started chatting  with the guy next to him, I could feel Constantijin's gaze follow my  every movement.

"Allow me," he said huskily from behind when I took out a bottle of suntan lotion from my bag.

"Constantijin." It was a very weak protest and we both knew it.

He didn't bother answering. I heard the clicking sound of the bottle's  lid being opened, the squirt of lotion being released, and then suddenly  his hot hands were smearing the cream all over my back.

Even though he was kneading the muscles in my back beautifully, like an  expert massage therapist, I couldn't make myself relax. And when I felt  his fingers touching the undersides of my breasts, I couldn't help it. I  instinctively turned around and slapped his hand away.

"What the---" Constantijin glowered at me. "I swear, Yanna. What is it with you and your tendency to slap?"

"It's your fault," I burst out. "You keep taking me by surprise."

"Can't you say ;oh my God' like a normal girl?"

I flushed. "Well, sorry if I'm not like those normal girls---" I coughed  ;bimbos' under my breath. "---you date." I got to my feet, more than a  little mad, hurt, and jealous at how he had so unfavorably compared me  to his battalion of former lovers.

"Yanna, come back here," he gritted.

"Never," I muttered, stalking off.

"Yanna, I'm warning you---"

"Sorry, you're not my CEO right---" I let out a shriek as I found myself  flying and hitting the water a few moments later. I came up thrashing.  Gasping for breath, I couldn't believe someone as supposedly  well-mannered as Constantijin Kastein had actually pushed me into the  pool.

I whirled around at the sound of his laughter.


He laughed harder.

My rage died at the look of genuine amusement on his beautiful face.  During the times I was able to watch Constantijin unobserved at our  workplace, he was always charming and beautifully mannered, soft-spoken  and smiling. But I had never seen him this happy.

Oh, oh, Lord. I was so in trouble with this guy. He made me want to  protect him and care for him, which was a ludicrous idea considering he  was a foot taller than I was, heavier by a stone, and billions of  dollars richer.

"Yanna?" Feeling the movement of water as he walked towards me, I  twisted my head around in askance and his lips immediately caught mine.  Ah. My Dutch billionaire had gotten the better of me again. I gasped  against his lips, but that only made Constantijin chuckle before  deepening his kiss. The kiss was hot and wet, a carnal encounter between  our mouths that had me silently moaning and wishing we weren't in such a  very public place.

I could only stare at him by the time he lifted his head, shocked at how  my body still ached for his touch even though I could feel the pointed  glares of other women around us. I couldn't blame them. If I were in  their shoes, I would have been envious after such our extreme bout of  PDA.

But Constantijin didn't seem to be aware of how every woman within five  meters was stared at him hungrily. He only had eyes for me, and that,  too, was effective in eroding my inhibitions by a few more inches. If I  didn't put a stop to this, I could find myself raping him in the end.

His eyes blazing with need and desire, he said, "Let's swim, Yanna."

Oh, let's, especially when he said the words like he was saying "let's fuck" instead.

Only a few couples were in the water with us, and all of them occupied  the shallower end of the pool. Constantijin started to laugh when he saw  me clutching the sides of the pool the moment we reached the five-foot  mark.

"Don't you know how to swim?"

"I do," I said haughtily. At his knowing look, I grumbled, "But I don't know how to float."

He laughed harder. "You are too adorable for words, schat."

I rolled my eyes. "Adorably pathetic, you mean?"

He grinned but said nothing. I watched him shake his head a bit,  fascinated at how several locks of his hair showered droplets of water  on his broad shoulders. It made me want to lick every drop until he was  dry and dripping for another reason.         



I closed my eyes. You are such a bad girl, Yanna.

When I opened my eyes, he was smiling at me, "Yanna, hang on to me so we can go further?"

Blinking rapidly at what he was suggesting, I stammered, "I … I … "

"Come on, it will be fun." And then he was slowly pulling me away from  the edges. I thought he meant I should ride piggyback style while he  floated for us both, but apparently he had something else in mind  –   something that had me aroused again in seconds.

Constantijin took me in his arms, arranging my legs around his waist.

In my mind, I heard my imaginary version of George chortling. What happens in Vegas  –  stays in Vegas.

This time, I totally agreed with him.

Constantijin gazed at me challengingly, as if waiting for me to protest.  When I put my arms around him instead, moving close so that my breasts  brushed against his chest, he sucked his breath in shock.

The look in his eyes was pure heat, and I wrapped my legs around him  more tightly. It made me shift against him, and his cock rose against  me, demanding entrance past the tiny blue triangle that served as my  bikini bottom.

"You're so close to being fucked," he whispered.

"Am I?" I whispered back, drunk in the heady sensations that his body,  his touch  –  his very presence evoked. My voice actually sounded a bit  slurred when I spoke. Oh, yes, I was so drunk  –  intoxicated with the  passion that never failed to erupt between us.

I wriggled my hips under the water, biting my lip when I got what I wanted, his cock practically pushing against my core.

His eyes widened, and his warning came out unsteady when he spoke, his  fingers digging hard in the softness of my butt. "Yanna. Stop playing  with fire."

So, so drunk, I thought, still caught in a sensual haze of his doing  –   and mine. There was no need for wine. I just had to look at  Constantijin's nearly naked form  –  be overexposed to it for more than  five minutes, and I was totally undone.

Just this one night, I promised to myself. Surely in this century my  unknown Mr. Right wouldn't care that someone else had taken my  virginity? If he did, then he wasn't Mr. Right, after all.

Constantijin's gaze was trained on my breasts, which bobbed in the water every time I moved.

Giggling, I bent lower towards Constantijin, wanting him to see more.

Oh, God, I was so, so drunk.

His face darkened with desire, his fingers cupping the undersides of my butt as if in reflex. "Yanna, don't."

"Don't what?" I fluttered my lashes at him.

His eyes narrowed. "Don't start something you can't  –  won't - finish."

I dropped the proverbial penny. "Who says I won't?"

Constantijin had hauled both of us out of the pool in seconds and I found myself being literally carried away.

"Constantijin," I gasped, totally not drunk anymore as I could feel  everyone around us gaping. Someone  –  George probably  –  even whistled.

He didn't answer, striding purposefully toward the nearest elevator. It  opened almost on cue when we reached its doors, and he stepped inside,  still carrying me in his arms. Constantijin didn't seem to notice the  increasing number of wide-eyed looks going our way but I did.