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How (Not) To Be Seduced By Billionaires (Books 1-3)(10)

By:Marian Tee

"I wasn't flirting with him," I said gently. Inside my mind, I could  hear Alyx making a tsk tsk sound, warning me against being too soft.  Constantijin revealed a moment of jealousy and here I was thinking he  cared for me. It was my hopelessly romantic side winning over my common  sense, Alyx would tell me, but right now  –  I didn't care.

Constantijin's brooding look didn't go away, but his tone was less hard when he spoke. "Then what were you doing?"

"Just talking." I moved restlessly against his body, his cock a pulsing temptation between my legs.

He bit my lip once more, but this time it felt more playful than  punishing. "I don't like seeing you talking to another man but me,  Yanna."

"Talking is different from flirting." I did my very best not to arch  against him, but it was hard. He was unconsciously  –  or consciously  –   rubbing himself against me now, and it drove me insane  –  like his touch  always did.

His hands clamped around my waist, keeping me still. "Promise me you won't talk to him again."

"I would never flirt with him," I said instead.

Constantijin glared.

It was totally unexpected, and he looked so beautiful and sexy, glaring  at me with such obvious jealousy that I couldn't help it. I twirled my  arms around his neck and kissed him.

He gasped against my lips as my tongue slipped inside his mouth, tentatively tasting him the way he did with me.

A chuckle vibrated against my body. "Are you seducing me, Yanna?"

"I think so," I whispered, nipping his lip as I did.

He groaned. "It's working."

I could hear a ;but' and forcing myself to pull my lips away from his, I asked, "But what?"

In answer, he suddenly pulled away. Ignoring my protest, he pushed my skirt up and buried his lips in between my legs.

I screamed.

"Yanna, ssssh … "

"I … I … " I screamed again when he licked me long and slow, and then harder and faster.

His tongue was a relentless force. I tried to keep quiet but it was  impossible. I couldn't help moaning, twisting on the table as he kept  licking me into an orgasm that I knew would cause my body to splinter  into pieces.

"You taste so fucking good," he murmured between licks, which alternated between delicate and rough.

"Constantijin." It was all I could think of saying.

"Look at me eat your cunt, Yanna," he said in a roughly-voiced order.

I lifted myself up, resting on my elbows, my whole body shuddering at  the blatant look of desire in Constantijin's eyes while he licked me.

"I want to see you come as I take you with my mouth."

That was the only warning I got before his mouth closed over my clit, sucking hard and long.

I cried out as I came, our eyes locked into each other as pleasure caused my body to shake uncontrollably.

Later, Constantijin took control again, cleaning me with a brisk  efficiency that made me feel thankful and a little hurt at the same time  even though I tried my best not to let him know that.

"You are mine now, understand?"

His English seemed to go to hell whenever he was feeling strongly about  something, I realized. He was scowling at me, as if remembering about  Drake. I scowled back at him, realizing that he was trying to manipulate  me through sex.

"I'm not yours." And I wasn't  –  or at least I was 99% his, but he didn't  have to know that. The one percent would remain mine, protected inside  my heart until I could make him fall for me the way I was so obviously  falling for him.

The words sounded silly even to my ears, especially after what just  happened between us, and with me smoothing down my skirt. When I looked  up, he was frowning again.         



"Are you playing with me, schat?"


Constantijin visibly relaxed at my obviously shocked answer. "I knew you  weren't the type but---I don't understand why you are so against being  mine. I can give you everything  –  anything you want." His voice lowered,  the look he sent me under his lashes positively sizzling.

"No one can please your body the way I can, Yanna."

He was so arrogantly convinced of that it should have been a turn off,  but my weak body reacted the opposite way. Instead, it found his words a  huge turn on, my nipples hardening into pinpoint pricks against my  blouse.

"I don't deny that, Constantijin. But this  –  all of this, I'm not used  to it. I need time." I needed time to harden my heart, to protect it if  he ever did end up using and leaving me, but I didn't have to tell him  that.

"Time." He repeated the word so distastefully I couldn't help but smile.

"Fine. I will give you this time you are asking for. But not too long,"  he warned darkly. "I am an impatient man and I hunger too much for you  already. Only you have forced me to go through cold showers every  night."

My heart blossomed at those words even though I did my best not to let him know how thrilled I was to hear that.

Over my protests, Constantijin walked me out of his office  –  past his  smiling and still-unruffled looking secretary  –  and all the way to my  office. Other employees who caught sight of us gawked, the questions in  their eyes dispelled when Constantijin spoke.

"For your next presentation, I hope you can include a potential cast for  the series. Include unknown and known actors  –  whoever you think will  be best for the roles," Constantijin was saying.

I looked up at him suspiciously, unsure if he really meant what he said  because that was a big thing he was asking of me. Yet all he did was  smile enigmatically. When we reached the door to my office, he said, "I  was right in hiring you, Yanna."

I practically expired in happiness at that point. It felt almost as good  as the orgasms he alone could give me. Blushing because I was simply  unable to keep myself from doing so, I said, "I'm just really happy to  be with you, Mr. Kastein."

The door opened behind me just as I spoke the words out loud and  suddenly I found myself the focus of two surprised stares  –  George's and  Constantijin's.

Realizing what I hadn't meant to say, I stammered, "I meant, with your  company." Oh my God, oh my God, why the hell had I said that?

Constantijin smiled, the brooding darkness in his eyes completely wiped out by my Freudian slip. "Understood."

He turned away and George and I stared at him silently. Even with his  back to me, he still looked immensely sexy  –  too much so. When  Constantijin was safely out of earshot, George said slyly, "Happy to be  with you? Is that your subconscious talking?"

"No!" Or so I hoped.

Lesson #6

Don't play games with your billionaire  –

Especially when it's a game he invented.

Alyx was literally rolling on the floor laughing when I morosely shared  with her what happened today. Well, not about the part when I came in  his mouth  –  God, my panties got all wet at the thought alone  –  but about  the freaking Freudian slip that I made in front of George and  Constantijin.

"You're supposed to comfort me," I wailed.

But that only made Alyx laugh harder, making me wish the living room had  a bed of thorns for flooring instead of a soft blue-gray carpet.

"That is just so you!" she gasped.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop laughing!"

Alyx made a visible effort to rein in her laughter. "I'm good now," she said even as her lips quivered.

I launched my complaint immediately. "How am I going to face him tomorrow?"

"That's assuming you'll see him tomorrow," she told me.

Good point. He was the CEO, after all. He didn't have to be in the  office every day. But  –  that was a bad point, too. It meant I wouldn't  be able to see Constantijin and --- wait, did I want to see him? Did I  really want this thing between us to continue?

Where was the old Yanna in all this, the one who yearned for true love and not for smoking-hot sex?

I lifted my legs up in the cushion, hugging them close to my chest in  utter misery. "Oh, God, Alyx, I think I'm falling for him."

This was such a fucking cliché it wasn't funny  –  not funny at all.

Alyx's smile faded at my words. "Falling?" she echoed. "Isn't this just, like, a sexual crush?"

A sexual crush? I didn't even know such a thing existed! But now that I  did  –  I thought about it real hard and shook my head after a while, even  more glumly. "I don't think it's that."         



Alyx sat up in the floor, a look of alarm on her face. "Look, Yanna. I'm  all for you and your boss doing the dirty, but only if you're just in  it for the sex. But if you think you're falling for him---" Her lips  pursed in disapproval. "Drop it. You'll just get hurt."

"I don't think---"

"Try," she cut me off with a scowl. "Look for other hotties to hook up." She paused. "Like Mr. Fix It."