Reading Online Novel

His Secretary's Surprise Fiancé(17)

"Why not?" Her voice rasped low from the effort of not stepping closer.  She wanted him to touch her the way he had the night before. Craved the  feel of his body against hers.

"Because I have a better solution for all this distraction you're  causing." He combed his fingers through the ends of her hair, smoothing  it along her back.

Sensation shimmered over her skin, nerve endings dancing to life.  Desire pooled in her belly as her gaze roamed over his powerful arms and  shoulders, the solid wall of his chest that would be warm to her touch.                       


"A way to stop all this distraction?" She needed to know what he was  thinking before her thoughts smoldered away in the blaze erupting  between them.

"I'm beginning to think that's a lost cause after last night." His  hands moved to her hips as he stepped into her space, crowding her in  the most delicious possible way. "That dress you wore last night flipped  some kind of switch in my head and I can't stop thinking about this  spot." He palmed the front of her thigh. "Right here."

Her breath caught on a hard gasp. Pleasure spiked. Her breasts beaded under the bodice of her dress.

"Do you remember where I mean?" His eyes were dark and lit by  firelight, reflecting the bright orange flames beside them. He traced a  pattern on the front of her leg, fingering gently. "There was a sheer  place in the lace. Here."

He increased the pressure of his touch and she couldn't swallow a  strangled sound in the back of her throat. He hadn't even kissed her yet  and she was utterly mesmerized.

"I remember." Her words were a breathless whisper as she steadied  herself against his shoulders, anchoring her quivering body with his  strength.

"If I'm a bad friend to you, Addy, you only have that dress to blame."  He shifted his hold on her to align their hips, allowing her to feel how  much he wanted her. "But I damn well can't resist any longer."


Dempsey's control had snapped the second she'd suggested they could be  even more in sync. He'd been hanging on by a thread before that moment,  willing himself not to think about the tender brush of her lips on his  the night before. Not to think about that damn siren's dress she'd worn  or the way she'd melted in his arms.

So by the time she'd made that one coy, flirtatious taunt, his restraint had simply incinerated.

From that moment on, he'd been plagued with sweaty visions of them  moving together in perfect sensual accord. Now that he had his hands on  her, molding her sweet, curvy body to his, he didn't have a prayer of  putting a lid back on this combustible attraction.

He kissed her. Hard. With deliberate purpose. Need. Seeking entrance,  he explored every nuance of her mouth, claiming it with a hunger and  thoroughness he couldn't hold back. The way she opened for him, swayed  into him, encouraged him all the more.

Unleashed, his emotions fired through the kiss until he all but  devoured her. She clutched his shoulders, her nails biting ever so  slightly into his skin through his shirt. He wished he could torch their  clothes so he could feel the sting of that touch without barrier.

He bent to nuzzle her neck, tasting the skin all along her throat and  under her ear until he found the source of her fragrance. The scent of  roses made him throb with teeth-jarring need. He nipped and licked his  way down her collarbone along the strap of her dress and peeled the  fabric free. He had to feel more of her.

But right before he helped himself to one of her breasts, he remembered  they were still outdoors. And even though it was nighttime, the fire  might make them visible to one of the houses dotting the lake if someone  was so inclined to spy. The porches of plenty of coastal homes were  furnished with telescopes.

"I want to take you inside." He nudged the strap of her dress back up  her shoulder, his hand unsteady and his breath uneven. The ache from  wanting her still heated his veins.

"I want to take you anywhere I can have you." She loosened her hold on  him as she edged back a step. "So that's definitely fine with me."

Her words fanned the flames hotter inside him. Aching to have her, he  swept her up in his arms and charged over the lawn toward the house.

"Your room is closer." He said it to himself as much as her, directing  his steps toward the downstairs bedroom. "But the condoms are all  upstairs." He changed direction, cursing himself for the mansion's  extravagant square footage when it delayed having Adelaide.

She nipped at his neck while he covered the distance, those delectable  breasts of hers pressed tight to his chest as she clutched him. She made  a luscious armful, her thighs draped over one arm while her hip grazed  the erection that had hounded him the better part of the day.

"I can't wait to feel you without the barrier of clothes," she murmured  against his ear, her breath puffing a silken caress along his skin.

"That's good." He ground the words out between clenched teeth as he  finally reached the door to his suite. "Because I don't think we're  going to leave this room until the game on Sunday."

He needed to wear himself out with her. To excise this hunger spilling  over into every aspect of his life until all he could think about was  Adelaide.                       


Setting her on her feet, he backed her into the nearest wall, yearning  to feel more of her. Light spilled into the room from low-wattage  sconces on either side of the bed that came on automatically at sunset.  He toed the door shut behind them and took another valuable second to  flip the lock into place. Then all of his focus returned to Adelaide.

Immersing his hands in all that long, caramel-colored hair of hers, he  shifted the length of it over one shoulder in a silky veil. His body  pinned hers in place, hips sinking into hers where they fit best.

He was dying to have her. It was as if he'd been holding back for years  instead of days, and maybe subconsciously he had been. That friendship  wall could be a strong one. Mistresses were plentiful. Friends, true  friends, were few. But the time for restraint was long gone as he tugged  the straps of her thin sundress down and exposed a pretty  turquoise-colored bra that wouldn't be nearly as enticing as what was  underneath. Applying his hands to the hooks, he swept that aside, too,  so he could get his mouth around the tight buds of dark pink nipples  he'd felt right through her clothes.

Her back arched to give him better access, her body straining toward  his while he laved and licked at one and then the other. She made soft  sexy sounds that told him how much she liked what he was doing, and her  hands worked the buttons on his shirt until she was touching bare skin.  He hauled the shirt off his shoulders and let it slide to the floor, his  eyes never leaving her. With her dress tugged down and all that goddess  hair draped over her shoulders, she made one hell of a vision.

Lifting her against him, he slid a hand up her skirt to wrap her leg  around his waist. Positioned that way, the vulnerable, hot core of her  came up against his rock-hard erection. She shuddered against him, a  subtle vibration he felt right there, a sensation so damn good he cupped  her hips and moved her against him again and again. A sensual ride he  wanted to give her for real.

"That feels..." Her words broke on a small cry of pleasure as she braced herself on his shoulders.

"Tell me." He wanted to know everything she liked. Exactly how she liked it.

While he'd always striven to pleasure the women in his bed, this was  different. He needed this night to be perfect because this was Adelaide  and she was different. So much more important to him.

And he wasn't ready to think about what that meant or all the ways that was going to complicate things for them.

"It feels so good." Her eyes flipped open long enough for him to see  the haze of desire there, her gaze unfocused. "I'm so close. Already."

Knowing that only cranked him higher. He kept up the friction beginning  to torment him and fastened his lips back on one breast. He drew on it.  Hard. Then, finding the edge of her panties with one hand, he slid  beneath the satin to stroke the drenched feminine folds. Once. Twice.

She came apart with a high cry she muffled against his shoulder. The  force of it, combined with the way she went boneless in his arms, made  him sway back on his feet a little.

Damn. He used that moment to watch her, to soak up the vision she made  with her cheeks suffused with color and her chest heaving with all that  sensation.

Giving her a moment-giving himself one, too-he tried to catch his  breath before he carried her over to the bed and deposited her there.  His own release was close and he hadn't even taken off his pants.  Leaving her just long enough to retrieve a box of condoms from the  bathroom cabinet, he dropped it on the nightstand.