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His Perfect Bride(9)

By:Jenn Langston



Excusing herself from Jillian, Brianna slowly edged away from her  mother. With an innocent expression, she headed in the gentleman's  direction, keeping her pace slow as to not betray her goal. Stopping a  few feet from him, she took a deep breath, smiled, then turned and went  up to him.

"Excuse me, I have misplaced my dance card, and I don't wish for my  mother to find out. Would you mind partnering me in this dance, so she  will not be suspicious?"

His mouth popped open, then turned to a smile. "I would be honored."

"Thank you," Brianna said politely with a coy smile.

"I'm Gregory Locke. May I have the pleasure of your name?" he asked, after executing the first steps of the dance.

"I'm Lady Brianna Denton. I apologize for the improper introduction. My  mother would be quite upset if she noticed me sitting out," she expertly  lied.

Mr. Gregory laughed, apparently delighted by her brazenness. "How are you enjoying the Season?"

"I like the parties and dancing very much. What about you? Have you  found the debutantes to your liking?" she asked, hoping to keep the  conversation away from pleasantries.

"They all seem quite agreeable. You, however, are the first one to ask me to dance."

Brianna blushed, not sure if he intended the remark as a compliment or  not. As the dance steps separated them, she took the time to determine  her response. Examining him more closely, she noticed he was not the  most skilled dancer, but he did appear to be trying. His lack of  technique didn't bother her, for his good looks gave her leave to excuse  a small flaw or two. He raised a brow, waiting for her reply. Still  unsure, she kept quiet.

"I'm glad you asked me," he said with a boyish smile that called her to smile back.

As the song ended, Mr. Gregory hesitated, and she realized he didn't  know who to return her to. Then she became aware of the dilemma; she  didn't know who he should return her to either. Alarm prickled her skin.  Her mother was sure to disapprove and could potentially say something  so Mr. Gregory would see through her flimsy excuse to dance with him.

Inwardly sighing in relief, she saw her father exiting the card room, so  she motioned for Mr. Gregory to take her to him. Stopping a few steps  from her father, Mr. Gregory turned to her.

"Lady Brianna, it was a pleasure," he said, bowing.

"Thank you for the dance, Mr. Gregory. I do hope we can share another in  the future." She kept her voice low, hoping her father could not  overhear her words.

Mr. Gregory gave her a strange look in response, making her feel  slightly uncomfortable, but he quickly masked it with a smile before  walking away. Turning to her father, she prepared for a lecture, but he  only shook his head and offered his arm.

"I'm sorry, Father, but with the number of guests, we were unable to locate Mother."

"Then allow me to escort you. I'm sure she will be fascinated to hear of  your dance with Gregory Locke. Although I know you will soon hear it  from her, I must say he is unsuitable for you. For you and your mother's  well being, you should stay away from him."

"I understand, Father," she replied obediently.

Her father didn't have any idea what was good for her, and she had no  intention of staying away from Mr. Gregory, at least not until she  discovered if he would suit her or not.

Over the next several gatherings, Brianna managed to spare a  considerable amount of time for Mr. Gregory. He appeared to be a decent  gentleman, and she found she enjoyed his company. Fortunately, she also  avoided the impending meeting with the Marquis of Stonemede, much to her  mother's displeasure. She sincerely hoped by the time the introduction  took place, he would have already secured his bride, and she would have  nothing to fear from him or her mother.

Her luck had not been all good, however. She had also been unable to  locate Mr. Richard, regardless of which event she attended. She had even  gone so far as to take several trips to Hyde Park throughout the day  and shopped incessantly, hoping to catch sight of him. With how well  things were progressing with Mr. Gregory, she had hoped to cast Mr.  Richard from her thoughts, but she found it impossible. There was  something about him, and although their two encounters had been brief,  they stood out in her mind.

This obsession with him finally caused her to recruit some unwilling  help. Ashley had been extremely reluctant to offer assistance until  Brianna mentioned knowledge of her relationship with James. Since  Brianna had begun to view Ashley as her friend, she had not wished to  force her to cooperate, but desperation clawed at her, and she needed  help from both Ashley and James.         



Brianna shoved the needle deep into her needlework, then disgustedly  tossed it aside. Why was Mr. Richard making this so difficult for her?  Ashley gave her a concerned look and then put her own needlework aside  as well.

"Lady Grace, that is beautiful. You have done a fine job today, and I  believe you have earned a break." Ashley turned to Grace with a warm  smile.

Seeing the joy such simple praise gave her sister, Brianna could not  resist smiling, pleased they had not gone forward with their plan to run  Ashley off.

"Thank you, Miss Ashley. I didn't think I would enjoy needlework this much."

"I'm glad to hear you are enjoying yourself. As I told you before, you  will never know if you are partial to something if you don't try it  first."

"I understand that now."

"Good, now I believe Cook has prepared some of her muffins. Why not ask her for one?"

"That is a good idea. Are you coming, Bree?"

"Could you save me some? I believe I need more practice before my  needlework looks as perfect as yours. Besides, I don't suppose Miss  Ashley will allow me a break until I have at least made an effort to  achieve perfection."

"That is true," Ashley assured Grace.

"Well, I'll be in the kitchen if you are ever released. However, I can't  promise I shall save you any." Grace's smile was mischievous as she  turned and left the room before Brianna could comment.

"What is wrong?" Ashley asked her as soon as the door closed. Brianna  simply gave her a desperate look in response, to which Ashley sighed.  "It's Mr. Richard, is it not? Please tell me again why he is so  important."

"As I said before, I really can't describe it. I have only seen him  those two times, but I, well, I guess I miss him." Brianna placed her  hands over her face, feeling miserable.

"How could you possibly miss someone you don't know?"

"I can't say. All I know is that I feel something different for him."  Brianna removed her hands and sat back in her chair, thinking of the  wondrous feelings that swamped her when she was around him.

"If he feels the same for you, he will eventually show up, and this  nightly errand for James will prove pointless. Perhaps your Mr. Richard  has been called off to an estate in the country," Ashley suggested, hope  infusing her words.

"I don't believe so. He has no title and most likely no estate."

"James has been monitoring different gentlemen's clubs each night for an  entire week, to no avail. What makes you think he is going to find  him?"

"Most gentlemen frequent those clubs, and if Mr. Richard decides to,  James will find him," Brianna declared with more faith than she felt.

It had been James' idea to check the clubs each night, and Brianna had  agreed with his logic. Ashley had not liked the idea, but James seemed  excited to go on surveillance. Describing him to James had been  difficult, but luckily her love of painting served them well and she  easily created a likeness.

"What about Mr. Gregory? I know your mother would not approve of either  gentlemen, but you seem to be getting along quite well with him," Ashley  pointed out.

"If I had never met Mr. Richard, I imagine I would be happy with Mr.  Gregory, but I feel . . ." Brianna cut off, unable to describe the  incredible way she had felt when she had been in Mr. Richard's arms, nor  could she say how her heart fluttered when he smiled at her. The  incredible feeling astounded her, and she wanted to see if the  occurrence would repeat, or if it had all been her imagination.

"You feel what exactly?"

"I can't describe my reaction, but I imagine it's similar to how you  feel when you are near James. What if he is my James? How can I stay  here not attempting to locate him, when I could be out there finding  him?"

"I do see what you mean. However, I don't believe this search will prove fruitful."

There was a knock at the door and both girls quieted. They had been  careless by not keeping their voices low. Brianna groaned. Whoever was  at the door might have heard their entire conversation and could report  back to her mother. Ashley called for them to enter and Brianna waited,  holding her breath to see who her potential executioner was. Nearly  collapsing in relief, she let out her breath when she saw James.