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His Alone(37)

By:Alexa Riley

"Paige, what are you up to? Is this another secret mission?" For a second she looks excited, and I think back to the night we sneaked out on Miles and Captain. She gets way too excited about pushing Miles's buttons, but after doing the same to Captain, I can't say I blame her. It is fun seeing them squirm. And I'd be lying if I didn't say it was nice to watch them chase after us. I wonder if Captain will chase after me when he finds out what I've done.



I shake off that thought, because it derails me. I need to stay focused, something I haven't been doing, and I don't have much time.

"No, tonight is a solo operation. Next time, I swear," I add when I see her face drop into a pout. "I need you to stay here, and if Captain comes knocking, tell him I called you to come down and stay with me. Tell him I'm asleep in the bedroom and I can't come to the door."

"What if he wants to talk to you?" she asks, already accepting without question what I'm doing. God, I love this woman.

"Make up an excuse. Say I'm taking a shit in the bathroom, I don't care. Just convince him that I'm fine, but that he doesn't need to check on me." I grab my backpack next to the door and shoulder it on. "I don't think he'll come up, but in case, I need you."

She puts her hand on my arm and gives it a squeeze. "Yeah, absolutely, Paige. I got your back."

It feels good knowing that she'll always be there for me, even if we aren't together like we used to be. I want to tell her all of this, but I don't know if I can. Something about this feels like it's only mine, and getting her involved beyond this will just complicate things more. I don't want to drag her into this. It would only drag Miles in, too. This is my mess, something I had to make amends for, not them.

"Thanks, Mal." I lean in and give her a hug, holding her tight before turning to leave. When I put my hand on the doorknob, she stops me.

"Will you tell me what this all about someday?"

I look over my shoulder and smile at her. I don't answer, I only shrug and walk out the door. I wait a beat, making sure I hear her lock the door behind me. When I know she's good to go, I'm on the move. I love Mallory, but there are some things I don't know how to share.


I USE THE service elevator in our building, in case Captain happens to be watching the cameras. I'm not sure where all of them are in this building, but I have a good idea. I dressed in all black and boots, trying to blend in. I avoid the cameras as much as possible, sidestepping down the hall where I know the blind spots are. I know this building is a fortress, but every palace has its weaknesses. I slip out through the basement garage and then haul ass up to Osborne Corp.

I don't know how much time I have, and I'm basing it on the assumption Captain will show up on my doorstep around bedtime to check on me. If I know him like I think I do, I need to be back home and in my bed before that happens, because he won't take no for an answer. Mallory is merely being used to slow him down. I've probably got an hour before he's kicking in the door. Tops. The thought makes my stomach flutter. He's probably so concerned and worried about me, and I'm here doing this behind his back. Worse, I'm using him. 

Mallory had told me Miles had a late meeting, so she would be good until midnight. I was hoping Captain would be on his detail and I wouldn't have to lie, but he wasn't. McCoy was. But I have a feeling Miles will somehow get out of his meeting earlier, to get home to Mal as soon as possible. Either way, the pressure is on to do this fast. Our guys are crazy, so I'm not leaving anything to chance.

When I get to the building, I use the side entrance by the garden that Miles made for Mallory. There's an emergency exit there, and it's an access point. Only three people have clearance to use this door as a way to enter the building: Miles, Mallory and Ryan. I take the badge from my back pocket and scan it, watching as the light turns green.

I didn't want to steal Captain's badge, but it seemed the only way. I don't want to be caught on camera getting into the building, and if the scans are done on all the entrances, it will show that Captain's badge was used. It may ruffle some feathers, but no harm, no foul, right? As the head of Security here, he comes and goes at all hours. I don't think anyone will even notice or question that he'd come late in the evening.

When he grabbed my arm earlier today, I broke free and made a show of being irritated that he was trying to grab me. It was the only way I could think of to distract him so he wouldn't see I lifted the pass from him. I'll leave it in his desk tonight, so he'll think he left it at work. He's going to be pissed, but as long as he doesn't find out it was me, I'm covered. Maybe he won't hate me then. I don't like lying to him, but it's better for both of us. It doesn't put him in the middle of anything if he doesn't know any better. Everything can fall on me.