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His Alone(27)

By:Alexa Riley

"Paige." He pauses, and his mouth opens and closes a little, like a fish. He lets out a disgruntled breath and then tries again. "Paige, that's not what this is. I know I'm bad at this, but I'm trying, so be patient with me, okay?"

I shift my weight to my other foot, not understanding what he means. He pinches the bridge of his nose and curses, then looks at me again with eyes so like my own.

"I'm trying to say that I care about you as a sister and as a friend. That I know I've been cold and distant for a long time, but it was my own ass getting in the way. You're not only important to my Mallory, but you're important to me. To the family we're building. One that you are part of." He reaches inside his jacket and hands me an envelope. "This is the deed to your apartment. I'm giving it to you. You're still employed through Osborne Corp, but if you choose to seek employment elsewhere, I won't stop you. But know that I would be truly sad to see you go. You're an asset to the company and to your team. To everything Mallory and I are trying to build together."

I take the envelope and hold it in my hands, feeling tears sting my eyes. What is happening?

"You and I have a common enemy, and I know our original plans changed for me. But if you need help with anything..." He gives me a hard look and something like understanding passes between us. " … anything at all, you tell me, and I'm there for you. I can never repay you for what you did to get my Mallory to me, so I hope this is a start. I'm grateful that I have you, and I hope now that things are settled between us, we can start to mend our broken past." 

I hug the envelope to my chest and look down at my shoes, nodding. I don't want to cry, and I'm afraid if I look at him I will. "Thank you," I whisper, and as if in understanding, Miles starts to walk again.

The rest of our journey to work is silent, and by the time we've arrived at Osborne Corp, I've got my emotions under control. When we pause outside the glass entrance, I turn to him.

"Mallory was right about you."

Miles nods, a smile pulling at his lips. "She usually is."

"I'm not done with him," I say, and Miles nods again. "I'll do what I can on my own, because I want to keep your hands clean. But he's got things he needs to atone for."

"I'm here if you need me," is all he says.

We walk inside and part ways, and I slip into the ladies' room before going to my desk. When I walk inside, I go into the first stall, lock the door behind me and lean back against the wall. I put my hand over my mouth and let out the sob that I was holding in the whole way to work. All the worries that I didn't know were hiding so close to the surface finally release, and I let them go. It's like a weight has been lifted from my heart and I feel lighter. I allow myself a few moments to get it all out of my system, and then I take a shaky breath.

A giggle escapes my lips, and I realize I'm happy. The worry of being pushed away from Mallory and from my home is gone. In its place is a dream of the future. One where I'm part of a family and have people who care about me. There were times in my life when I thought this was never possible, and to have it at my fingertips is something I didn't dare allow myself to hope for.

I walk out to the sink and wash my face, thinking about the path that's stretching in front of me. If this is possible, then what else could be? I finish drying my hands and suddenly an image of Captain and me together forms in my mind. Would this be possible, too? Could I have a life with him despite my past?

Walking out to my desk, I see McCoy, Grant and Sheppard are already in their seats, and I hear Jordan making coffee in the break room off to the side.

Captain's chair is empty, and I'm reminded that he's with Mallory this morning. I wonder how it's going and think about texting Mallory, but realize she probably needs to pay attention. Dropping my bag and sitting down in my chair, I decide to text Captain instead.

Me: I do not snore.

Immediately the chat bubble pops up, like he's been waiting all morning for me to text. Something about that makes me smile, and I feel that little butterfly again.

Captain: I've got video evidence.

I cover my mouth with my hand, and I think he's got to be lying.

Me: Bullshit.

Captain: Does this look like the face of a guy who lies?

He sends a pic of himself, and I can't help the goofy grin that spreads across my face. God, what this man does to me. Then I see the attached video and my mouth pops open. That fucker recorded me sleeping, and he's right, I do snore.

Me: Oh, you're dead meat. You wait and see. Payback is a bitch with red hair.

Captain: I look forward to it. How about tonight? I got passes to the new brewery that opened up in Chelsea.