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His Alone(21)

By:Alexa Riley

Maybe it will be something I can delete once I have access to Jordan's computer. But what will it matter if I get the information I need? Do I want to get fired? No. But it's a price worth paying for what I'll be getting.

It's what this is all about. Miles might have fallen off his path, but I haven't. We teamed up to take down my father, and Miles believes he's done that, stripping him of his businesses and leaving him with nothing. But I know most of those were fronts. They were what made him look like he had legit dealings, that he rolled with the elite of New York. Sure, it would hurt, because Alexander was always about his ego, asserting his power over people to make himself feel like more of a man. He wouldn't be happy looking like he'd failed, but he could still move on with his life. My fear is that he could keep doing the other things he'd had his hands in. Most of his illegal activities had slowed with his attempt to go legit, but I know Alexander, and he would never leave it completely. The drugs, the whores, the money, they were all too enticing. There's no way he gave it all up. He's rotten to the core, and he wouldn't ever walk away from that.

I don't know how much Miles knows, but he didn't experience it firsthand growing up, like I did. Father Dearest hid that from Miles, treating him like his golden boy, until Miles found out how he'd really treated his mother. The only reason I even know that is because Vivien told me. God knows Miles wouldn't have had that little heart-to-heart with me.

I'm not even sure why Vivien told me. She always tries to get close to me, which is unsettling. For some reason it always feels like a betrayal when I'm with her, even though I know Vivien wasn't wrong I'd already failed my mother so much, so liking Vivien was like adding one more sin to the pile-a pile that was starting to crash down on me, the weight becoming unbearable at times.

"Kitten." I look up from my computer to see Captain. He startles me from my thoughts, and I glance around the room. Everyone is gone, making me wonder how long I zoned out.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?" I snap, taking my anger out on him, before I grab my bag and leave the office.

Chapter Ten


MY PHONE BUZZES in my hand, and I scowl when I read the text. Glancing around, I don't see Captain, but it's clear he must see me.

Captain: You should stop in that diner for dinner. I hear they have good meatball subs.

Me: Stalker

Captain: You like it. Make sure you tell them no sesame seeds on the roll.

I want to stomp my foot because he knows me too damn well. Better than I know myself sometimes. How he knows all this is beyond me, but I guess we spend so much time together it was bound to happen.



Me: Why don't you order it for me, since you know everything?

Captain: Already did, kitten. See you at your place in ten.

I growl at the cat emoji he sends next and I curse again. I shoot a look into the diner to my right and can't see if he's really in there because of the glare on the glass. At first I think he's joking, but what if he isn't? I stuff my phone in my bag and quicken my steps to my place.

By the time I get home, I'm a little sweaty. I go into my apartment and clean up a bit. I try to tell myself it's not because he's coming over, because clearly, I'm not letting him inside. I'm just straightening up at a very fast pace for no reason at all.

Looking around the living room, I see all the wedding shit is still in its place. I give up on that immediately and go to my room, putting away my clothes and making my bed because I forgot this morning. Not because Captain is going to see it. Or push me down on top of it.

The thought of him over me has me squeezing my thighs together in excitement. The image of him in my room again and doing so much more than sleeping takes hold, and I feel the pool of desire between my legs. Just as I debate if I have time to masturbate, there's a knock on my door.

"Shit." I pull off my heels and throw them toward the closet and walk barefoot to answer the door.

"Go away," I say through the closed door, and the fucker laughs.

"Open up, kitten."

"No." I cross my arms and stand there like a brat. I don't know why I'm pretending I don't want him in here, because I do. I just don't like that he assumes he can come and go so easily.

"You going to make me eat this whole thing myself?"

My treacherous stomach rumbles, and I remember that I haven't been to the store. There's a piece of moldy cheese and a can of Red Bull in my fridge, and my stomach knows it. I let out a huff and open the door a crack.

I look down Captain's big muscled frame to the huge bags of food he has in his paws. The smell of Italian spices and marinara hits my nose, and my mouth waters. I clear my throat and try to act cool.