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His Alone(14)

By:Alexa Riley

This isn't like earlier today. The ring is charged now, and I feel it coming from him. He's going to come at me, and when he does, I need to be ready. I can tell that when he gets ahold of me, this won't be so easily won.

Just as the thought enters my mind, he strikes.

His hand comes out, and I try to block him, but he takes me off guard and goes for my upper thigh. I spin and kick, barely getting free of his large hand as he takes a step back and out of my reach.

"My mother always told me not to play with my food," he says, getting low and moving around the ring again.

"You plan on having a meal up here after I send you crying back to your mama?"

He laughs big and loud, and I can't help my matching smile.

"Oh no, kitten. I plan on eating something up here, and the only tears being shed will be tears of joy."

I could try to read into what he's saying, but his hand comes out lightning fast, and I have half a second to react. His fingers graze my waist as I slip to the side and come up behind him, knocking him off balance and skirting away.

"What's wrong? Got tired of losing in front of the boys?" I pout as we start to dance around the ring again, and once more he laughs. God, I hate how much I love the sound of it.

He looks at me with intense eyes and his smile turns wicked. "I don't care about getting my ass kicked by you in front of my guys. What I do care about is them seeing me on top of you and what might happen when I get you on your back."

I push away his words and try to not let them affect me. "Don't you mean if you get me on my back?"

He licks his lips and we dance around again. "No, kitten. I mean when."

The slow throb between my legs has nothing to do with what he's saying. Nothing at all. At least that's what I keep telling myself. God, why did I let myself be alone with him? He's all sweaty and meaty, and Jesus, I want to climb him like a tree. I'd be his little monkey mate and do tricks on his shoulders for money. What is wrong with me? 

The distraction is enough for him to exploit an opening. This time he grabs my thighs with both hands and flips me to my back. The mat is a trampoline that's been strung tight, so although it sounds loud and painful, falling on it doesn't actually hurt.

What hurts is the ache in my lady business as he moves between my legs and cages me in. How does he keep doing this, and why does it keep turning me on?

"So, as I was saying." He leans down, his lips a breath from mine, and I'm coiled with anticipation.

I open my mouth and my eyelids grow heavy as I think about all the things I want to do to him right on this dirty mat. But as the fantasy starts to come to life, our cell phones ring.

Captain pops up and I do the same, both of us grabbing our phones, which are off to the side.

"Paige, oh my God, I'm engaged!" Mallory screams over the phone, and for a second, a tiny beat of my heart, I'm beyond jealous.

I look over at Captain and he looks at me, and in that moment something passes between us.

"Mal, if you ask me to wear pink, I'm going to murder you," I say into the phone, my eyes still on Captain.

He blinks and then looks away, getting off the mat and walking in the opposite direction. Mallory is going on about her engagement, and then, finally, the part of me that loves her, the part of me that is beyond excited for my best friend, kicks in, and I smile while I listen.

Chapter Seven


"FUCKING HELL." I roll over and look at the clock. When I got back from working out with Captain I cruised the internet for way too long, digging for information and finding nothing. I was going to need help and there was only one person I could think of who could do it. I'm not sure if he will or if he'll tell Captain about me asking. I'll have to come up with a plan. I rub my eyes, still feeling drained even though I slept. That hour nap is not going to cut it. It doesn't help that I'm feeling sexually frustrated and my emotions are being pulled in every direction. I want to tug the covers back over my head and sleep until tomorrow. Preferably with Captain wrapped around me, so I wouldn't be restless.

A loud bang comes from the living room, making me spring from my bed. No one can break into this building, so whoever's banging on my door is someone who was allowed up. The security in the building is the best, and no way did someone who isn't supposed to be here get in. I secretly hope it's Captain, but I push that thought away. I don't see him doing this. Though after the last forty-eight hours, I'm starting to rethink what he's capable of. He's getting me off balance and I can't read him. One second I think he's running hot, then the next he's cold as ice.

Maybe Mallory is moving some of her stuff. I head for the door, ready to give the movers a mouthful. I fling it open, to find Mallory standing there with a Red Bull. She holds it out to me, and I know it's some kind of peace offering for something she's about to do. I didn't think we were meeting today; I was sure Miles wasn't going to let Mal out of his home for as long as he could keep her there. But maybe he wanted to ensure all her stuff was in his place as soon as possible, hoping that would make sure she couldn't change her mind.