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Highland Wolf Pact:Compromising Positions(26)

By:Selena Kitt

"Och, wait, wait," he cried, pulling back, sliding himself out of her  mouth with a soft popping sound. His erection swayed above her head,  just out of reach, a thick strand of white hot liquid dripping from the  tip to fall onto her waiting tongue. She swallowed it, eager for more,  but Donal rolled off, reaching for and taking her with him.

"Ride me," he commanded, stretching out on his back and grabbing his cock in his fist. "C'mon, lass. Climb on n'go fer a ride."

She gave the head of his cock one last kiss before she straddled him,  knees on either side of his hips as she eased herself down onto his  length. Donal looked at her with half-closed eyes, watching her slide  down slowly until they were joined completely, as one. Kirstin felt him  buried deep in her womb, the crown of his cock so far inside her she  ached. It was a delicious sort of pain and she moved her hips, grinding,  feeling him rock back and forth inside her.

"That's it, lass," he urged, his hands moving to try to span her waist as she undulated on top of him. "Ride me. Mmm, faster."

Her hips rocked, finding their own rhythm, her body in control. Donal  reached up to cup her breasts, heavy and swaying, her nipples hard, the  flesh around them pursed as if they were asking to be touched. She  moaned when he pinched them, that delicious pleasure-string between her  breasts and sex zinging like a plucked lute strung, making her ride him  faster, harder.

Donal wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a kiss, the velvet  tip of his tongue stroking the roof of her mouth, sending hot tingling  sensations through her limbs, all the way to her fingers and toes. He  began to thrust from underneath, faster and harder than she was able,  making her moan into their kiss, carried away by the sensation.

"Sit up," he urged, pushing her back, hands on her hips. Kirstin sank  down fully on him again with a low moan, her head going back, hair  grazing his thighs as they rocked together.

"Look," he urged, grasping her hips, pushing and pulling her, back and  forth, rocking himself deep inside her. "Look at yerself, m'love. See  how beautiful ye're."

Kirstin caught a glimpse of herself in a looking glass on the bureau  across the room and stopped for a moment, blinking in surprise. She saw  herself, full-breasts and hips, hair falling over her shoulders like a  midnight waterfall.

"D'ye see what I see?" His hands moved up over her curves, cupping the full weight of her breasts.

"Aye," she whispered, looking from her reflection back down to him again.

"She's mine," he reminded her, tracing a finger down the center of her  body, between her breasts, dipping briefly into her navel before  traveling further south. "Yer mine, Kirstin. I'll ne'er let another man  look at ye, let alone touch ye. No other man or wulver'll e'er claim  what's mine. D'ye ken?"

"Aye," she whispered, nodding, feeling tears pricking her eyes. She  wanted to drown out all the voices in her head-Raife and Sibyl, Laina  and Darrow-everyone who had said it was impossible, that her being with  this man couldn't be.

But it was.

She had seen it for herself in the mirror, the two of them joined,  connected in a way she'd never been with any other man before. He was  changing her, day by day. Her body was transforming, becoming fuller and  rounder, her breasts heavier, her sex fuller, always moist and ready  for him. She was nearer her estrus with every passing moment.         



"C'mere." He pulled her down to him, cupping her face in his hands and  kissing the tears that had spilled down her cheeks. "Do'na cry. N'matter  what happens, I'll let nothin' come b'tween us, m'love. I promise ye."

She nodded, swallowing past the lump in her throat, wanting to believe him.

"Shhh." He slid her off him, rolling and spooning her from behind,  wrapping his big arms around her completely, drawing her body against  his. His erection slipped between her thighs, riding up and down the  seam of her sex.

"I love ye, Donal," she whispered, leaning her head back against his  shoulder, seeing their vision in the looking glass, her expression of  pleasure crossed with pained surprise when he impaled her on his length,  settling her deep in the saddle of his hips.

"And I love ye," he murmured, kissing her lips as he began to move. He  rocked into her from behind, keeping her caught against him, completely  contained, her arms crossed over her breasts, his hands cupping them,  restraining her from any movement.

She could thrash and writhe and squirm, but to no avail. She was his.

"Donal," she cried, feeling him throbbing inside of her, filling every available bit of space. "Oh Donal, m'love, aye, aye..."

"Tell me," he whispered, his lips against her ear, hips moving, their bodies slapping together. "Tell me yer mine."

"Aye," she panted, surrendering, knowing it was truer than he might ever  know. Even if she had to be parted from him, she would belong to him,  always. "Aye, Donal, aye, I'm yers, always, always..."

Her words made him drive in deeper, the wet sound of their bodies moving  together filling the room. Donal kneaded the flesh of her breasts in  his big hands, pinching her nipples, making them pucker and ache.

"Please," she pleaded with him, the sensation between her legs almost  unbearable, something coiled tight in her belly, waiting to snap. She  couldn't stand much more. "Oh Donal, I beg ye, please, please..."

"What do ye want, m'love?" he asked softly, his teeth capturing her  earlobe, biting down gently, making her cry out. "Tell me what ye want."

"I want ye," she cried, writhing in his arms on the bed, undulating her  hips, trying to take more of him, all of him, swallow every bit of him  up. "Och, please, I want ye, I want to feel ye fill me. I want yer seed.  I need it, please, give it t'me!"

She felt his body tense, both of his hands sliding down from her  breasts, over her belly, reaching between her legs to cup her mound.  Kirstin gasped when he rolled to his back, taking her with him, parting  her legs as he thrust up from underneath. She saw the four posters of  the bed, the high ceiling above, as he drove her upwards toward it, his  fingers playing between the wet, swollen lips of her sex.

"Ahhhh! God!" She shuddered as he made fast, furious circles against the  sensitive button at the top of her crevice, sending shooting stars  through her body.

"Give it t'me," he growled, bucking his hips up fast and hard, pounding  into her, an impossible rhythm. "It's mine, Kirstin. Yer mine. Give it  t'me."

"Aye!" She howled and shuddered, arching on top of him as her climax  overtook her. Her body shook on top of his, both of them slick and  slippery with sweat, her sex clamping down hard around his throbbing  shaft.

"Och, lass, yer cunny!" he gasped, and she cried out again when he  rolled her once more, this time all the way over to her belly, crushing  her with his weight as he spread her velvety thighs with the hard,  muscled press of his own, opening her completely to the incessant,  aching pound of his cock.

"Donal!" she gasped, breathless, unable to say anything else as he  grabbed her shoulders, giving two last, hard thrusts and then collapsed  on her completely with the force of his trembling weight. His seed burst  deep and hot in her belly, white, pulsing rivers of the stuff, so much  it spilled out of her. She could feel it sliding down her slit, soaking  the bedding beneath them. The maids would know what had happened there,  she knew.

And she didn't care.

"Yer mine." Donal wrapped himself around her, still stroking his  half-hard member in and out of her slick slit, as if he couldn't stop  the primal motion. "I will'na let ye go. I will'na e'er accept another  woman in m'life, as m'wife. I can'na."

She nodded, closing her eyes, feeling tears slip down her cheeks onto  the mattress coverlet. He eased himself slowly off, a moment she  lamented, every time, before pulling her close against him again,  spooning her. She saw their reflection in the mirror, Donal's leg over  both of hers, thick arms cradling her, making her seem small in them, as  if he might be able to hide her, keep her from the world.         



But it was out there, just past the locked door. They couldn't deny it forever.

That made her remember Sibyl and Raife and she chuckled to herself at Donal's simple solution. Why had they not done it before?

"Do ye think they're still locked in yer chancery?" Kirstin asked, knowing he'd understand who she meant.

"Probably." Donal grinned, brushing her hair away from her face and  kissing her flushed cheek. "Not that they'll care. I'll likely have  t'send in Aiden and Angus t'drag 'em out in the mornin'."