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Highland Wolf Pact:Compromising Positions(19)

By:Selena Kitt

"Is it food?" she asked, crawling around to sit beside him. "Because I'm starvin'."

"I'll rustle us up some game." He chuckled, meeting her gaze in the  firelight. "Och, Kirstin, yer so beautiful ye make me chest hurt."

She smiled at him, bemused. This man said the most extraordinary things.

"Is that a book?" She blinked in surprise at the leather-bound tome in his hands.

"Aye." He nodded, flipping through the pages. "I got up t'build a fire,  and one of the stones at the bottom had come loose from our... uh...  acrobatics. When I went to seat it, I found this..."

"Mmmm." She snuggled closer at the memory, her sex pulsing already,  wanting him. How was it possible to want someone so much? "Is that...  that's a wulver!"

The drawing was unmistakable. She recognized the half-wolf, half-human  form, and more than that, the drawing itself had been done by a wulver  hand. Wulvers were all amazing artists and could draw nearly anything.  Their style was definitive.

"Aye." He flipped to another page and Kirstin squinted at it in the  firelight, seeing a drawing of a birthing wulver and her pup.

"'Tis a midwife's text!" she exclaimed, taking it from his hands and  pulling it into her lap. "Look, there are drawings of plants-it's full  of them!"

"Yer pleased?" He smiled as she turned more pages, wishing she could read the text.

"Oh, aye," she breathed, looking up at him with bright eyes. "Sibyl and Laina'll be pleased, too."

"I do'na care 'bout pleasin' Sibyl and Laina." He pulled her into his  lap, settling her there, and she felt his erection begin anew against  her bottom. "I care 'bout pleasin' ye, Kirstin MacFalon."

"Ye do please me." She turned her face to his to be kissed. She would  never get enough of this man's kisses, until the day she died. "Ye  please me greatly, Donal MacFalon. I can'na wait to call ye husband as  well as mate."

"And I can'na wait to mate wit' ye as yer husband." He used her hair to  pull her head back, exposing her throat to his hot, hungry mouth.

"Aye," she agreed happily, lost in the fantasy of being his, even if the  reality of being The MacFalon's wife meant something else altogether.

"No, I meant it, I can'na wait," he breathed, taking the book out of her  hands and pushing her back onto the deerskin. "I want ye now."

She opened her arms and surrendered herself to him.


Kirstin's hackles rose before she even knew the man was in the room. She  turned to see Lord Eldred standing near the back of the gathering hall.  He was dressed as an English lord today, not like the huntsman she'd  met him as, but there was no mistaking those keen eyes. They surveyed  the room quickly and she straightened when she saw his gaze hesitate as  he came to her. A small smile flitted over his features and he gave her a  brief nod before turning to someone at his side who wanted his  attention.

"Kirstin?" Laina slid into the chair beside her, breathless from her  race down the stairs and into the gathering room. "Did ye hear?"

"Hear what?" Kirstin's attention moved from Lord Eldred-she still didn't  understand why he raised her hackles the way he did-to Laina, although  her gaze stopped at Donal, sitting like a king in full dress plaid at  the front of the room. The ceremonies were getting close to starting-the  hall was filling up with people-and while Donal smiled and nodded to  the man who was bending his ear, Kirstin could tell he was impatient.         



"Lorien's back." Laina told her.

"Aye, I saw 'im." Kirstin smiled at the memory of the big wulver she'd  greeted when he came into the castle. Donal had frowned at the way  Kirstin hugged him, the way he swung her up in his arms and kissed her  cheek in greeting. "He brought word from t'king."

"Aye, so y'know 'tis good news?" Laina asked.

Kirstin nodded. Lorien had been happy to give her the news, even before  he told Donal, which had irritated Donal even more. But Lorien had been  like a brother to her since she was small. They'd grown up together,  played together, and yes, so they'd been together, when they were  adolescents. For a while, Kirstin thought Lorien might be her true mate,  but once she'd seen Laina with Darrow, and now Sibyl with Raife, she  knew it wasn't meant to be. He was a friend, sometimes lover, but not  her one true mate. She'd never gone into estrus around Lorien. Her body  knew what it wanted.

And it wanted Donal

Lorien had returned safe and well, though, and that made her happy. And  he had confirmed what Lord Eldred had told them in the forest. King  Henry was honoring the wolf pact. It should have been a relief, but for  some reason, Kirstin's hackles remained raised.

"Does Raife know? What 'bout Sibyl?" Kirstin looked around for both of them.

"I think they know. I'm jus' so relieved." Laina gave a happy sigh. "Our bairns'll be safe from war and strife."

Kirstin nodded in agreement, the mention of bairns sending a sharp stab  of pain through her heart. She shook it off, glancing back to where Lord  Eldred was shaking hands. Her mistrust of him had been based on her  fear that he was lying about the wolf pact, that King Henry had actually  been behind Alistair's plan all along. But mayhaps she was being too  cautious. If Lorien had returned with word-she still marveled at his  travel time, but wulvers could travel very fast, over long distances,  without wearying-then she had to trust it.

Didn't she?

"How did ye hear?" Kirstin asked her pack-sister, frowning. "Did Donal tell ye?"

"No, I saw Lorien jus' a few moments ago," she replied. "He came up  t'see Darrow. I had to practically tie that man to his bedposts to keep  'im in it, in spite of t'sleep-stuff Sibyl had 'im drink."

"And how's Darrow healin'?" Kirstin asked. She'd come to nurse her  fellow pack mate and she'd spent all her time so far with Donal. She  felt a little guilty about that-but when her gaze found Donal's and he  pinned her with those glittering, steel-blue eyes, she didn't feel too  horribly bad about the way she was spending her time at Castle MacFalon.

"He's well." Laina smiled. "Truth told, he's ready to travel, and  itchin' to get home. We hafta get Raife and Sibyl reunited, and soon, or  Darrow's goin' t'ruin everythin'."

"Tell 'im he has to keep up the ruse," she insisted. Donal's gaze hadn't  left her, although someone had bent to tell him something. The way he  looked at her made her feel as if he was stripping her bare with his  eyes alone.

"I promise, I'm doin' m'best t'distract 'im." Laina sighed, tossing her  long white-blonde hair over her shoulder, turning more to face Kirstin.  "And ye've been distracted yerself these past few days."

"Aye." Kirstin flushed, when Donal dropped her a wink and she felt her  blush deepen, hearing Laina laugh beside her. Were they so obvious? She  wondered.

They'd met for the past three nights at the spring. Donal told her they  could spend the night in his room and no one would care-he was the  laird, after all-but Kirstin didn't want everyone in the castle talking,  any more than they already were. Besides, their reenactment of Ardis  and Asher beside the spring in the wulver den felt right to her. She was  at home in the first den-and in Donal's arms.

"Yer so in love wit' him." Laina nudged her with her hip, laughing softly, delighted.

"Aye, I am." Kirstin admitted. If she couldn't admit it to her sister,  who could she admit it to? She was completely besotted. There was no  getting around it, no more denying it. She had fallen like all wulvers  do-hard, fast and without warning. It was like waking up finding you'd  fallen asleep on a charging horse with no saddle and no reins, and you  could do nothing but hold on for dear life and enjoy the wild, albeit  slightly terrifying, ride.         



"Have ye told 'im?" Laina lowered her voice, so the people filling the  chairs around them wouldn't hear. Kirstin was saving the seat beside her  for Sibyl. "About... how't works, for wulvers? Or does he know?"

"I... I do'na know what he knows. We haven't really talked overmuch..."

Laina chuckled knowingly at that.

The truth was, she was afraid to tell him. More than that-she was afraid  of the truth herself. Her body was changing. She could feel it, in  every cell. It wouldn't be long-another week, maybe two-and she would  change. And she wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

If Donal had been a wulver warrior, they would run off under the full  light of the moon when her estrus-time came and mate like the animals  they were. But Donal wasn't a wulver, he was a man.

A very powerful, handsome, and virile man, to be sure. Their lovemaking  had been wild, raw and abandoned. Kirstin had surrendered herself to him  completely, and he had claimed her as his own. She couldn't have wanted  any more from a wulver lover. In fact, the words he spoke into her ear  while he was inside her, the things his hands did to her woman's body,  far surpassed the animal act wulvers performed under a full moon. To  Kirstin, their lovemaking left nothing to be desired-just thinking about  it made her feel warm all the way to her toes-except for one thing.