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Highland Wolf Pact:Compromising Positions(18)

By:Selena Kitt

This was the moment they'd both been searching for, and they found  heaven and home all at once in each other's embrace. As he began to  withdraw, Kirstin caught him between her thighs, crying out at the loss.

"Do'na leave me," she begged hoarsely, clinging to him, even as she still quivered with her climax.

"Nuh, lass," he whispered. "I'll ne'er leave ye. Not as long as m'body  draws breath. Yer mine, Kirstin MacFalon, and ye'll be mine e'ermore."

"What did ye call me?" she whispered, lifting the curtain of hair away  from his stubbly face as he leaned in to kiss hers, brushing his lips  over her forehead and cheeks and chin, soft presses of love.

"Kirstin MacFalon," he said again, going up to his elbow to look down at  her. "Me wife. If ye'll 'ave me. I know 'tis fast, but ye said ye felt  the same way I did..."

"Oh, aye," she breathed, arms snaking around his neck, her face moving  to the soft, damp skin of his throat. "I'd settle for nothin' less,  Donal MacFalon."

"Do I need t'ask Raife fer yer hand?" He cocked his head, quizzical. "What do wulvers do?"

"Ye do'na e'en need t'ask me, Donal." She traced the strong, square line  of his jaw with her fingertip. "Wit' wulvers, there is naught any  askin'-only claimin', and ye've a'ready done that."

"Isn't there some sort of markin'?" he asked.

"Aye," she agreed, nodding. "But if I'm t'be t'wife of The MacFalon, I should hold t'yer traditions."

"We should do both." He caught her hand and turned it, face up, so he  could kiss her palm. "King Henry wanted me t'mend the rift at t'border  by marryin' an Englishwoman, but instead I'll marry t'border b'tween  t'wulvers and t'Scots."

"Seal t'wolf pact wit' a kiss?" she teased, sliding a thigh over his.  Their feet were still wet from the water, but the slant of sun was  warming and drying them.

"I'll seal it wit' more'n that." He kissed her, mouth open, tongue  meshing with hers, tracing slowly over her teeth, exploring every inch  of her.

"Oh Donal," she whispered when they parted, dizzy with wanting him. "I want ye so much... when can we do't again?"

"Och, I'm a man, not a wulver," he groaned as she reached her hand down  to squeeze his length. To her surprise-and apparently to his as well,  given the way his eyebrows went up-he began to stiffen in her fist. "Ye  bring out the beast in me, lass."


She pushed the man to his back, tracing her tongue over around the  mounds of hard muscle on his chest, pausing to flick each nipple, making  the cock in her hand swell. The hair on his chest curled around her  fingers as she explored every glorious plane and angle, a hand raking  over his belly, a delicious, ridged mountain range of flesh. Her tongue  traced the dark line of hair that traveled from navel to nest, his snake  now rising up, staring at her with its one good eye.         



"Och, lass, yer mouth-"

She sucked the head between her lips, tasting his musk, her juices,  taking as much of him inside her as she possibly could, all the way to  the back of her throat, and still she couldn't take him all. The man was  more claymore than broad sword, a giant mass of swinging steel meant to  take what was rightfully his. And she wanted to be taken.

Her fingernails raked the soft seed sacks hanging underneath his cock,  and Donal hissed, shifting his hips, pushing himself deeper into her  throat so she gagged a little on his length. But she didn't mind. His  hand moved through her hair, guiding her, a hot, steady rhythm they both  lost themselves in. She could have gone on forever, worshipping his  staff, kneeling at the altar between her mate's thighs, but he pulled  her off, looking down at her with half-closed eyes.

"Yer mine," he whispered hoarsely, his eyes filled with it, both the  longing and the knowledge at once. "I will'na let ye go, Kirstin, not  e'er."

"Ye talk overmuch," she teased, rubbing the head of him against her  swollen, red lips. "How ‘bout ye show me instead of tellin' me, Donal  MacFalon?"

"Oh, aye." His eyes darkened at her words. "I'll show ye."

"If ye can catch me." She grinned and was off like a shot before he  could move, laughing as she heard him swear behind her, struggling to  catch up.

She made it into the pack leader's chambers, almost all the way to the  bed before he caught her from behind, grabbing her around the waist and  pulling her into his big arms. She giggled and squirmed, loving the way  he roughly turned her to face him, hands moving down to squeeze her  bottom.

"Caught ye," he growled in her ear, his erection rising up to nudge her belly, trapped between them. "Now I get t'claim ye."

"Aye." She nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck as he lifted her  easily in his arms. Kirstin's legs went around him, heels digging into  the small of his back as he lifted and aimed her, sliding his thick  length in, deep and hard, as if he were running her through. Kirstin  cried out at the sensation, thinking she would never, ever stop wanting  this, craving him, needing him.

Donal moved toward the bed but Kirstin shook her head.

"Like this," she whispered hoarsely, beginning to move her hips in little circles. "Standin', jus' like this."

He moaned and turned toward the fireplace. The room was full dark, the  only light coming from the torch at the end of the passageway. They  could barely see each other, but it didn't matter. Kirstin felt every  big, beautiful inch of him as he pressed her to the rock wall beside the  big fireplace, driving up inside her with fierce, harsh thrusts that  threatened to break her spine against the stone.

Not that she cared.

She was crazed with heat, her nails raking his back like claws, her  teeth sinking into the hard, muscled skin of his shoulder. Donal grunted  at that, but he didn't stop pounding into her, the slap of their flesh a  hot, rhythmic beat. Kirstin's sex squeezed and massaged him, and she  rocked in his arms, meeting him thrust for thrust.

"Yer lil cunny is so tight, lass," he panted in her ear. Words during  mating were new to Kirstin, but she liked them. She liked the way he  panted them, hot breath against her ear. "I could ride ye from dusk 'til  dawn and still want more."

"Aye," she gasped, her walls quivering at his words, the dam threatening to flood. "Oh Donal, do'na stop. Do'na e'er stop."

"Nuh," he agreed, but he did stop, just for a moment.

To slide out of her, whirl her around, and bend her almost in half as he  took her again, fingers probing between her legs, finding her crevice,  and sliding back into the hot cavern of her sex. Kirstin's hands raked  the stone, looking for something to hold onto, bracing herself against  the rough thrust of his hips, the sweet torture of his cock up against  her womb like a battering ram seeking entrance to something deeper  inside her.

"Och, lass, I can'na hold out much longer," he cried, fingers gripping the curve of her hips, hard enough to leave bruises.

"Give it t'me," she urged, remembering his words to her. "I want all of  ye. Please. Fill me wit' yer seed. Please, please, please, pl-"

Her sex was already spasming around his shaft, that unbelievable,  quivering wave of pleasure pulsing through her, milking him. Kirstin  howled, reaching back as he thrust forward, feeling the hard muscles of  his behind working as he buried himself in to the base, shoving her flat  against the wall, legs spread, feet completely off the ground, crushing  her with his shuddering weight.         



He didn't say anything then. He just picked her up in his arms like a  bit of fluff and carried her to the bed. He pulled her on top of him,  wrapping them up in the coverlet. It was soft and freshly laundered and  they floated on a cloud together in the darkness. She might have  slept-must have, because when she woke, there was a fire lit in the  fireplace and her mate was no longer in bed.

"Donal?" She lifted her dark head from the pillow, hand searching the mattress for his big frame, but finding only empty space.

"Here, m'love," he called.

She saw him sitting on a deerskin by the fire, something in his hands.

Kirstin wrapped the coverlet around her and went to him, putting her  arms around him from behind, kissing the broad, hard planes of his back,  resting her cheek there as she knelt on the deerskin. She had woken,  afraid she'd been dreaming, only to find him still here. Questions  loomed in her mind, threatening the flood of happiness rushing through  her veins, and she pushed them away.

They'd deal with reality later. This, here, now-was all that mattered, all that ever would.

"I found somethin'." Donal put a hand over hers at his middle, caressing. "Come see."