Her Billionaire, Her Wolf(24)
Abruptly, the car slowed then turned off the black top onto what seemed no more than a cow path.
They bumped and rocked on the uneven track in a line perpendicular to the road they had just been on, the one that ran along the coast. And this meant that they were heading in nearly a straight line toward the ocean.
The dirt road began to run steeper and steeper, until the car was practically spitting and growling as it climbed the rude hill.
And as they crested the steep rise, Sara saw the silhouette of something massive and black hanging against the empty air that surrounded them then on all sides.
It was a castle straight out of a fairy tale. Heavy stone walls that rose to turrets framed against the night sky. Sara could make out that there were stones missing in places, giving the tower tops the look of a broken smile.
Or, perhaps, that of a hungry smile.
“Nous y voila,” the driver announced as he stopped the car in front of the old building.
As it was, he had no other choice. The dirt road had come to a dead end just before the castle’s entrance.
Not too dead, I hope, Sara thought, then shivered as she got out of the car.
The driver stepped outside, as well, then tipped his head back to survey the imposing edifice.
“On dirait, que c’est un château de fantômes, n’est-ce pas?” he said with a half a smile as he turned to look at Sara.
She did not understand his words, but the look of worry that came into his face just then was clear.
“You...be okay içi? Yes?”
Sara was not sure how to respond when they both heard a low groaning sound in the darkness.
The Frenchman took a step in Sara’s direction, then both of them froze as they saw a figure step out from behind the immense front doors of the castle, their hinges creaking like voices from beyond the grave.
“Allez vous-en. Ce n’est pas la peine d’essayer effrayer la jeune femme.”
The words were in French, but there was no mistaking that voice and as he approached, Sara saw his regard, as intense as always, flash from the driver to her and back again.
“Vous avez été bien payé. Maintenant, dégagez,” he said to the driver, his tone furious. “C’est moi qui la prends en charge.”
Sara understood nothing but the abashed look upon the driver’s face was explanation enough. He hurried back into the car and wasted no time in starting it before turning it around to go back the way he had come.
Brazier Abraxis came close to her and Sara saw the anger that drew his brows together.
“Follow me,” he said, then turned suddenly away.
Sara had no choice except to follow but she could not shake the feeling of an impending disaster as she came to the great doors of the chateau. They loomed like an open mouth and with a sense of doom licking at her soul, Sara let them swallow her whole.
Two steps inside and Sara watched as he pushed the enormous doors closed with a single hand. Something told her that if it had been her, she would have had to put all her weight and a shoulder against just one to do the same.
Darkness fell like a cloak as the dim light of the exterior world was cut off. She heard a metallic sound, then a creaking whine before a jittering illumination opened wide just before her.
He held an old fashioned lamp of some kind, it’s opaque faceplate swinging loosely as he moved, creating wild shadows that jumped and capered on the high stone walls surrounding them.
“Foolish local man. They take one look at an american and all they have in mind is how much of a tip they might garner. Little matter that he was already paid more than fairly to see you here.”
Braze’s voice growled in the shadowy entryway.
“I don’t think he really took me for a tourist,” Sara said, “Mostly, he just seemed concerned.”
“Yes, well, my people know how to comport themselves. As for these locals, I have my doubts,” he replied.
He turned his back to her and walked away.
Sara followed, her only choice to be left behind in darkness, or to see where the light might lead her.
She hurried after his straight back, chasing after him as shadows nipped at her heels.
They passed from stone walls surrounding them through a second set of doors only slightly less massive than the others and out to a cobblestoned courtyard where a few stars flickered weakly overhead.
A short flight of steps and through a third pair of doors, Sara found herself once more ensconced within massive stone walls, although this time, a ceiling overhead held the sky at bay.
Her heels clip clopped as she moved quickly to follow Brazier Abraxis, and despite the mystery surrounding her, Sara smiled at the sound. She imagined that it must have been like that at one time, the sounds of horse hooves resounding in the courtyard through to the large entryway where they now walked.