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Her Best Friend's Brother(5)

By:T. J. Dell

“I don’t know if like is the right word—since your sister and I would be awake for days afterwards afraid to close our eyes…. but… yeah. They were good.”

“Did you know I used to write them down? Not just when we were kids, but I wrote a lot of stuff my last couple of years in high school. It would be cool, I think, if I wrote something people actualy read. Not just a newspaper article that is going out with the recycling but the kind of thing people kept on their shelves and read over again every once in a while.”

“A book. Tony you are talking about writing a book and I think that is fantastic.” Libby smiled wide and bright because she knew Tony was sharing something with her, and because she knew he could write a phenomenal book.

Tony smiled back. Her special just-for-Libby smile. “Yeah. A book. I want to write a book.” He breathed out a deep sigh. “I think I could do it. A colection of short stories, or maybe I’l realy go for broke and spin out a ful length novel. A thriler. I love a good thriler you know?” It al came out in a rush and Libby was so swept up in his excitement that she threw her arms around him and squealed.

“Go for it Tony. Go for broke—it’s gonna be great!” Less than a second later Libby realized what she had done. And from her head to her toes she felt every inch of her skin come alive. Slowly, almost hesitantly, Tony’s arms circled around her waist. He barely touched her at first, and then suddenly he tugged her against him in a tight hug. His hands splayed open across her back pressing her hug. His hands splayed open across her back pressing her torso to his. She had wanted to open her hands against his back, and feel the muscles she knew, from lots of careful observation, were there. But an instant later his hands were at her hips and he was setting her carefuly away from him.

“Thanks Lib.” Without looking away from her, he reached over to his desk and puled out a pretty battered spiral notebook. “Maybe you could read some of these.

Just enough to tel me if they are any good. Really. I need you to be honest with me.” Tony shoved the book at her.

“The stuff at the back is the most recent. I know the grammar wil need some work, but…” He was actualy rambling. Tony Marchetti had lost his cool talking to her!

Definitely a highlight of her life so far.

“Not tonight—since I am sure I wouldn’t sleep, but as soon as the sun is up I would love to read these.”

“Don’t… this isn’t public knowledge okay? Mel doesn’t need to know about this.”

“Of course! I won’t tel anyone.” It rankled her that he felt the need to even say such a thing. This was clearly personal for him and not her business to be spreading around.

“I know you won’t Lib. You’re a good friend.” Softly he leaned in and brushed his lips against her forehead. Her forehead! Like a child! But it was a kiss, and hope bloomed warm and bright in her heart.

And his stories realy were great. Now that Libby was old enough not to let them give her bad dreams at night. That was how the email-pal bit had gotten started.

With Mel no longer incapacitated it wasn’t like Libby had a reason to have many private conversations with her brother. So she had started emailing him as she finished each story, and he would email her back. When she had read the last story there hadn’t felt like a need to stop emailing him. And surely he would have let her know if she was starting to pester him—wouldn’t he?

This was dumb. There was no reason for her to start second guessing herself now. They were closer than they used to be. She used to be his kid’s sister best friend.

And now she was his friend. As much as it pained her to hear him put her in the category of good-friend at least she was in a category. She was not going to start second guessing herself now. And the dress was … perfect.

Chapter two

It was probably too much. No. She looked fantastic. Looking into the ful length mirror in Mel’s bedroom Libby couldn’t quite convince herself. Libby had spent more time getting ready that morning than Melanie did, and Mel was a bridesmaid! Of course Mel had basicaly just stepped into the elegant gold shift style bridesmaid dress, clipped a few strategic locks of hair back, and applied a little make up with practiced ease. It took about two minutes for Mel to look as though she had stepped out of one of her fashion magazines. Libby on the other hand had subjected herself to over an hour of fidgeting while Mel tucked, and pinned, and puled her curls until they looked to be gathered effortlessly away from her face save for a few carefree strands that had escaped. Mel had also done her make up for her. The finished product looking back at her from the mirror was far more dramatic than Libby had envisioned, but she realy did look fantastic.