“Holden’s b-b-bike,” Harley chattered.
“I’m sure we can get it back,” I said soothingly.
“They’re going to be so mad at me.” Harley sobbed in my arms.
“The bike can be replaced, Harley. You can’t.”
“They won’t care,” he whispered.
“I fucking care!” I held his chin up and searched his eyes. “I care!”
Harley’s bloodshot eyes met mine and I wanted to kiss him so badly in that moment, to let him know that someone fucking cared if he lived or died. I wanted to strangle his parents with my bare hands! Sirens sounded in the distance and I pulled Harley into my body heat. His whole body racked with sobs and I did my best to soothe him. He was still babbling about the bike when an ambulance pulled up next to us, followed by a fire truck and a tow truck. The EMTs approached me and I stood up, holding Harley in my arms.
“Sir? We’re going to need you to let go.” One of them motioned to Harley.
I relinquished Harley, but kept my eyes on him as the police and firemen cordoned off our lane of traffic. The tow truck driver was looking over the side of the cliff.
“Hey, the bike is stuck on a rock,” he exclaimed.
I peered over the side. “Make sure you get it. Hear me?”
“Sir? Is that your bike over there?” One of the firemen pointed to my Tomahawk.
“Yeah, can you put it on the tow truck?” I asked the driver. “I’m riding in the ambulance.”
“That is one gorgeous piece of equipment.” The driver whistled.
I narrowed my eyes and pinned him with a look. “Get both bikes. Don’t worry, you’ll get paid plenty. Take it to Roy’s Auto in Flagstaff.” I got the tow truck driver’s card and then climbed into the ambulance and sat down. Harley was lying motionless, his eyes closed as his chest rose and fell slowly.
“What did you give him?” I asked, worried.
“Just a little something to calm him down,” the EMT assured me. “He’s got a nasty gash in his upper arm, some road rash, but he’s lucky to be alive. Someone up there must like this kid.”
As the ambulance drove us back to Flagstaff’s hospital, I called everyone I could think of. Stan was first on that list. As their manager, he needed to be privy to anything. I also called Rebel, Ransom and Gareth. Ransom assured me that he would get in touch with Harley’s parents. I wasn’t sure that was such a good idea. Harley was taken back to a private emergency exam room as I paced the hallway. I should have been faster. I should have stopped him. I should have done a lot of things. I grasped at my hair and let out a frustrated shout.
“Whoa!” Ransom stepped back from me. “Is Harley okay?”
I hadn’t even realized he was there. I sighed audibly and met Ransom’s eyes.
“He’s got damage to his arm and some road rash on his thighs and shin.”
“What was he doing?” Ransom rubbed his face with his hands.
“Driving like a maniac.”
“Oh God.” Ransom sunk into a chair.
The ER doors whooshed open and Rebel ran in with Gareth and Axel.
“Is he okay?” Gareth almost shouted.
I explained again to Rebel and Gareth what I knew. Stan arrived and then they all filled him in. I sat down and stared at the tiles of the emergency room floor.
“You were following him?” Gareth asked me.
“Yeah, I was less than a mile behind him on my bike. He should have never taken the bike as angry as he was.”
“What do you mean?” Gareth’s brows furrowed.
“Where is he?!”
I looked up to see Harley’s father speaking with a nurse. His face was beet red and he was wringing his hands. I stood up and walked over to the nurse’s station.
“He’s in the back. They’re looking him over now.”
I was pulled away by my bicep and was surprised to find Axel staring me down.
“Let’s talk,” he ordered.
I followed Axel to the vending machines and he turned to look at me. I met his eyes because, dammit, I’d done my best to make sure Harley never got hurt.
“What?” I snapped. “I was right behind him!”
“What set him off, Axel? Why was Harley riding a motorcycle in this weather?”
“It’s a long story, and I don’t feel like rehashing it. Harley blew out of that garage full throttle and it was just luck that I caught up to him. He almost went over, Axel! He would have if I hadn’t gotten there in time.”
“I’m sorry,” Axel blew out a breath. “When Gareth gets panicked, it seems to rub off on me. I know you’d give your life to protect Harley’s.”