“I intend no tirade,” Dx’ono barked. “I wish merely to remind the chamber that we have only the Diamalan Senator’s word that he did indeed face this Thrawn. I would also remind the Senators that he ended his testimony moments ago with an urging that we put the Bothan matter behind us-without punishing the guilty-in order that we might face this supposed new threat.”
“The reappearance of Grand Admiral Thrawn is hardly a supposed’ threat, Senator Dx’ono,” Miatamia countered with typical Diamalan calm. “Merely because he was stopped the last time before reaching any Ishori worlds does not guarantee your safety should he be allowed the freedom to advance again.”
“Do not accuse me of thinking only of my own worlds,” Dx’ono shot back. “The Ishori seek the safety of all peoples in the New Republic. But at the same time we also demand justice for those peoples.”
“The Diamala people support all forms of justice,” Miatamia said. “We merely do not consider blind revenge to be justice.”
“Only a blind observer would consider our demands to be revenge,” Dx’ono snarled. “But that is not the issue here,” he added quickly as the tip of Gavrisom’s wing moved toward the cutoff switch. “The issue is that you have made a statement to this chamber which conveniently adds weight and thrust to your political side, but which is unsupported by any independent sources.”
“Do you not consider former General Lando Calrissian to be an independent source?” Miatamia asked.
“By your own testimony be came to you asking for Diamalan military assistance,” Dx’ono barked. “Given that, do you really expect us to consider his words unbiased?”
“On behalf of Captain Calrissian, I resent the implications of that statement, Senator,” Leia said, finding herself on her feet. “He’s been a stalwart friend and ally, both of the New Republic and the Rebel Alliance before that. If Lando says he saw Thrawn, then he did.”
“Once he was a friend and ally,” Dx’ono retorted. “Once he was also a smuggler and gambler, experienced at cheating and lying to obtain what he wanted. Now he is a businessman, running a suboceanic mining operation whose profits depend on his obtaining Diamalan assistance. So tell us, Councilor Organa Solo: which of his two backgrounds is he drawing on?”
Leia looked over at Lando, sitting grim-faced and silent behind Gavrisom. “I’ve known Lando for sixteen years,” she said quietly. “I will vouch personally for his character.”
“Fine,” Dx’ono said with a snort. “You may vouch for him all you like, Councilor. Suppose then, for sake of argument, that he saw a person on that Star Destroyer. But was it Thrawn, or was it something else?”
Leia frowned, trying to read his thoughts across the chamber. But all she could get was the outward anger, masking everything beneath it. “Are you suggesting that the Empire faked the meeting?”
“It could well have been a fake,” the Ishori said, glaring at Miatamia. “But I do not necessarily put the blame on the Empire. We all know that there are numerous Imperial Star Destroyers within New Republic territory-some even in private hands, if rumors are to be believed. And as I have already pointed out, the message that was supposedly delivered by this supposed Thrawn conveniently supports the Diamalan stance on the Bothan issue. Coincidence? Or careful manipulation?”
“The ability to manipulate his enemies was one of Thrawn’s greatest talents,” Fey’lya put in.
“A talent not unique to him,” Dx’ono snapped. “The Bothans, for one example, are also masters of the art. So are the Diamala.”
“The man in the Grand Admiral’s uniform knew about my visit to Myrkr ten years ago,” Lando said. “The only people who were there at that time were Thrawn and his stormtrooper escort.”
“Not true,” Dx’ono shot back. “By your own statement, former General Solo was also there.”
Leia felt a sudden stirring of anger. “Are you suggesting-?”
“As was also,” Dx’ono continued, cutting Leia off with a dark look, “the smuggler Talon Karrde.”
Leia threw a glance at Lando. “Karrde wouldn’t be a part of anything like this,” she insisted.
“Wouldn’t he?” Dx’ono demanded. “Unlike Captain Calrissian, this Karrde has never even claimed any loyalty to the New Republic. He’s a smuggler and seller of information, a man whose only concern and loyalty are to profit and gain.”
The Ishori drew himself up a little taller, a finger stabbing out accusingly toward Leia. “And a man, furthermore, whose chief links to Coruscant have been to such people as Captain Calrissian and you yourself, Councilor Organa Solo. So now tell us: where exactly do you stand on the Bothan issue?”