"The fighters only or the owners and operators too?"
"Good question," Zachary answers. "People get tied to one another. Guilt by association, retribution by association, and so forth. I once thought of it all as a whirlpool that swallows us up. We can fight the spinning, but eventually we are going to get sucked down into the vortex. I have been spun into it and sometimes behaved badly. Others, even people I know are basically good at heart, continue to do far worse. Is any of this making sense to you?"
"It is," Gustavo answers. "You are not indicting a sport or a particular league, but attesting to what human nature can contort into when under extreme stressors."
"Exactly. Well said."
"You have not physically taken a life or maimed someone outside of the ring, have you?"
"The cage, you mean. No, not physically. Am I an angel? Hell no. Am I associated with people who are dangerous? I am."
"Were the men in the lobby hired by another fighter? One of your upcoming opponents?"
"No, I don't think so," Zachary answers. "A particularly dirty league sued me and several other fighters for breach of contract. They were engaged in all kinds of mayhem, including fixed bouts and financial improprieties. We were not exclusive with them-I won't be exclusive with any league, period-and we chose to bolt from participating in their matches. We had contractual obligations though and our lawyers told us to expect a war. It was nasty, but the lawsuits were dropped about a year ago. After the attack just made on me, personally, in San Francisco, we speculated that this old problem is coming back to life. As I was being held at gunpoint, Aleksey was in the same hotel and spotted one of the owners of that league in the lounge, where he was waiting for me."
"What is the connection with Heather Wanda?" Gustavo asks.
"She was their lead public relations expert. She was not on their staff, technically. Though her firm handled most of their marketing and press. She once worked for me. I met with her this morning to try and learn if the people behind the old league had anything brewing that could possibly connect them further to what occurred in San Francisco."
"Did she admit to anything?"
"No, she played it too cool. But gave herself away, nonetheless. Still, if not for you, Aleksey and I would have walked into a barrage of pandemonium."
"They were going to shoot you?"
"That is possible. I don't know. Most likely, they were going to kidnap me, and maybe Aleksey too, and begin there."
"To influence who?" Gustavo asks.
"The former world champion. You must know his name. Nathaniel Balder."
Gustavo relays that he has heard that name before in the news. Zachary explains that Nathaniel is his closest friend in the business and the lead fighter targeted by the aforementioned lawsuit. Zachary concludes by raising his hands by his sides, palms up, then balling his fingers into loose fists.
"For better or worse, I just gave you the truth," Zachary says.
"I believe you."
"Will you reciprocate, Gustavo? I would really like to know why you were in that lobby waiting for Heather."
"The dirty league is Cobra De Capello, isn't it?"
"I am ready to be candid too," Gustavo says. "Misfortune struck me when I least expected it. Looking back, I apparently interrupted some type of illicit exchange of stolen jewelry. I was pursued, the police ridiculed me instead of providing me with any help, and I fled to Vegas thinking I could return the property to its rightful owner. My only leads were names-Wanda and Cobra De Capello-spoken by a collapsed and panicked man, apparently in medical distress, hiding off a trail and waiting for someone."
"Can I see the jewelry?" Zachary asks. "Is it a ring or a pendant?"
"It's not on me. I did not bring it. It is way too big to hide."
"A crown?"
"No, I'll share all of the details though."
"What is it actually?" Zachary asks, reclining his chair to the fullest setting and preparing to hear the whole story.
"A cobra."
Aleksey, scrambling back to the condominium, retreats to the bedroom to speak privately and quietly with Zachary. He begins with a brief explanation and shares the picture that was texted to him at the pizzeria.
"It is definitely from this morning," Zachary notes. "Same clothes, Heather's lobby, everything. They suspect Gustavo of working with us?"
"That is not how my friend phrased it," Aleksey answers. "He tipped me off that the word is going around that this person-Gustavo-may be associated with us."
"They have his name already?"
"I don't think they do. Not yet. My friend just said people are asking about you and sharing this picture to learn who he is and who he is involved with."
"Nothing else besides this is going on?" Zachary asks.
"So far, no," Aleksey answers.
"I have quite an update for you when we have more privacy. This debacle just got quite a bit more tangled and sticky. Gustavo's story will surprise you."
Zachary and Aleksey rejoin Gustavo in the condominium living room. Gustavo reads the concerned expressions they do not try to conceal.
"What's wrong?" Gustavo asks.
"People are looking for you," Zachary answers, showing him the image on Aleksey's phone.
"That was taken this morning."
"We know."
Who is looking for me?"
"There is little doubt who that is, speaking generally about the Cobra league, but there is no direct trail. Aleksey received a tip from a friend of his who had received the image and been asked about the identity of the man. It is not uncommon for bodyguards and others in the security field to get images and inquiries like this."
"They want to capture me?" Aleksey asks.
"Let's assume they do," Zachary answers.
"Just for alerting you in the bathroom that strange men were in the lobby?"
"And for escaping with us."
"I had no choice."
Zachary sits closer to Gustavo and Aleksey takes the edge of the recliner seat.
"Gustavo, you said you did not verbally give the receptionist your name or any contact information," Zachary says. "What about an ID or business card or any materials?"
"I handed her nothing," Gustavo answers.
"Close your eyes. Think back through the words you spoke to her."
"She detested me," Gustavo says, opening his eyes. "She suspected that I was going to try to sell something. The message I left with the receptionist was that I may or may not have a possession that belongs to Heather Wanda."
"Did you say jewels?" Zachary asks.
"Jewels?" Aleksey interjects.
Zachary waves at Aleksey to not interrupt and repeats his question to Gustavo.
"No," Gustavo answers, "I made no mention of the jewels."
"Did you say wand or cane or staff or cobra or anything else like that?"
"I did not."
"Did you claim the possession is valuable or priceless?"
"Nonetheless, your words about a possible possession of Heather's is piquing the curiosity of some minds right now. We need to act with the assumption that they have tied you to us and the jewelry. Assuming anything else and flirting with denial would be outrageously foolish. Do you understand and agree, Gustavo?"
"I don't understand much of anything about this mess," Gustavo answers, "but I agree with you that we should be prepared for a worst case scenario. What is next?"
"It is time to jet out of here," Zachary says, clapping his hands together once.
"Wait. Are we splitting up?"
"Do you want that?"
"No," Gustavo states, rising to his feet. "Please help me."
"Put your shoes back on," Zachary orders. "We must leave now."
Zachary reminds Gustavo not to speak of anything in front of strangers during their travel. Zachary also assures Aleksey that he will update him as soon as doing so is possible. When the shared ride reaches Madeira Canyon Park, Zachary remains in the vehicle with the driver, at Aleksey's insistence, waiting in a parking space. Aleksey zips down the residential streets with Gustavo who is on his phone with his friend Makena. She is not at home, but tells Gustavo where to find the spare key and reminds him not to let King Tut out of the yard. Upon entering the front door, Aleksey takes the lead and draws his pistol out of his waistband. They are relieved to find King Tut behind the door, wagging his tail, and only barking a few times until Gustavo's voice reassures him.
Gustavo points to the stairway, not speaking so as not to interfere with Aleksey's detection efforts. Both men know an intruder is highly unlikely, due to King Tut's demeanor, but err on the side of excessive caution. Gustavo guides Aleksey to the guest bedroom and hurriedly packs his duffel bag. He retrieves the long box behind the dresser and carefully packs it into the center of the bag, cushioning it on all sides, inside a cocoon of his clothes.
"Is this a gun barrel?" Aleksey asks, activating and inserting his GPS blocking device into Gustavo's bag.
"No, it is the treasure," Gustavo answers.