Reading Online Novel

Grin and Beard It(110)

“Hey. Is there any coffee left?”

Both Hank and I turned toward the entrance to the kitchen. Sienna stood just inside the doorway, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She wore a black silk bathrobe that covered just as much as it showed, and based on what it showed I was pretty sure she was naked beneath it.

Without waiting for us to respond, she walked into the kitchen and headed directly to where I stood. When she reached me, she wrapped her arms around my neck, pressed her body to mine, and placed a sweet kiss on my mouth, nibbling my top lip as she pulled away. I grabbed her waist before she could retreat too far and confirmed my earlier suspicion. She was naked under the robe.

I fought a groan. I also fought the urge to sweep her in my arms and carry her back upstairs. Her tits were built for my hands. The idea of unwrapping her from the black silk had my blood pumping thick and urgent. She might not mind the caveman display, but I wanted Hank and everyone else to see I was nothing but confident where Sienna Diaz was concerned.

“I love that mouth,” she said with a sleepy grin, her eyes on my lips as she pressed her thumb to my chin. “And I love this beard.” She kissed my chin. “And I love this nose.” She kissed my nose. “And I love this neck.” She kissed my neck, her body inadvertently sliding against mine.

I kept my eyes studiously forward, but didn’t hide my satisfied grin. In my side vision I could see Hank gawking at us.

“There’s still coffee.” I pushed her rich, chestnut hair from her face and angled her chin so I could steal another kiss. “Or we could take these doughnuts and head back to bed.”

“Look at you, smartest man alive.” She pushed on my shoulder playfully. “When we’re in L.A., every Saturday will be spent in this way. I demand it.”

Hank cleared his throat. Actually, he choked on a sip of coffee.

Sienna’s head whipped toward the sound, her eyes wide, her mouth parted in surprise, and she gasped. “Hank. Crap. Geeze. I didn’t see you. Sorry.” She pressed closer to me, turning me slightly so my body hid hers.

“No, no. I’m sorry. I should have, uh, I should have called first.” He waved away her apology, his gaze flickering to mine. His held speculation and maybe a hint of awe. “In fact, I would have called, but I was cleaning out the shower drain at the strip club, and you’ll never guess what disgusting thing I found.”

Sienna sighed tiredly but gave him a patient smile, tugging me by the fabric of my shirt toward the stairs. “I’m tired of games, Hank. Even that one. Is there anything else? Did this month’s payment go through? For the rent?”

Hank nodded, looking sufficiently dumbfounded and maybe even a little contrite. “Uh, yeah. It cleared last week. There’s nothing else.”

“Good,” she said, then to me, “Grab the doughnuts, I’ll meet you upstairs.”

Sienna gave me a quick kiss and a sly grin, lowering her lashes, heat and promise in her eyes. Then she turned and skipped lightly on her feet out of the kitchen. My last glimpse of her retreating form was her full, round backside draped in black silk.

I exhaled. It wasn’t a loud exhale, but it was necessary. Because that woman took my breath away.

The kitchen descended into weighty silence. I counted to ten before sliding my eyes to Hank’s.

“Well, I’ll be.” He shook his head, looking at me with unveiled wonder. “Jethro Whitman Winston, I’m impressed.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Hank Herman Weller.” I’m pretty sure my smile was as arrogant as it was pleased.

“No. Really. I’m impressed. I never thought I’d see Sienna . . .”


“I don’t know. I just thought she’d always be single, never get serious with anyone.”

“Even with you?” I asked, because it was a question that needed asking. Hank seemed stunned, but if he was jealous he was hiding it well.

His gaze when hazy as he considered my question. “Honestly? No. Not even with me. We don’t suit, we didn’t in college and we don’t suit now.” His eyes refocused on me. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d switch places with you in a second. I’d be a fool not to.” He grinned, and quickly added, “But if she was going to tie herself down, settle, I’m happy it’s with you. You two, you’re good people. You deserve each other.”

“I appreciate that, Hank.” I was surprised but pleased I didn’t have to deal with jealousy where he was concerned.

He was my business partner and friend; I’d hate to lose him as either.

I openly inspected him and I needed to add, “But I have to contradict you on one point. Sienna hasn’t tied herself down, nor has she settled, and neither have I. It doesn’t work that way, not when it’s the right person.”