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Gentry (Wolves of Winter's Edge Book 1)(9)

By:T. S. Joyce



"You're not cold?" she asked.

He'd had a faraway expression in his face, but at her question, Gentry  frowned and looked down at himself. "Oh. Uh, I'm used to living in cold  temperatures. My body adjusted a long time ago." He zipped up his pants  and fastened his belt like that would convince her.

"Right," she murmured suspiciously, stepping up onto her porch. "Well,  thanks for dinner and, you know … after." At least her cheeks were warm.

Gentry stayed on the bottom step but still wouldn't look at her. He ran his hand roughly over his head. "I had fun."

Blaire pursed her lips at how detached he sounded. "Me, too," she murmured. "Night, Chaos."

The corner of his lip quirked up, and he flashed her a bright-eyed look. "Night, Trouble."

He turned and strode for his cabin, his hands shoved in his pockets,  eyes on the woods to the left, and his breath freezing on every exhale.

She turned to go inside, but Gentry called over his shoulder, "Hey, Blaire?"


"If you're into macaroni, it's happening at eight in the morning before I  head into town." His wicked grin was back as he stood in the middle of  the shadowy parking lot.

He was giving her a charming smirk that probably got him whatever he wanted with other women. Dangerous territory, that one.

Blaire leaned on the railing of her porch and played coy. "I'll have to check my schedule."

He narrowed his eyes and nodded. "Probably best if you're busy. I'm bad news for a woman like you."

"What kind of woman is that?" she asked, trying not to let her teeth chatter.

His grin slowly grew. "A good girl." He gave her a wink and turned, his  gaze lingering on her for a moment before he gave her his back and  walked to his cabin without another look.

Oh, that man knew what he was doing. He knew how to play games. For a  moment, she'd thought she was the feline, but he'd reminded her she was  the tiny mouse instead. He'd known the exact thing to say to dare her  into joining him for breakfast. Call her a "good girl," and everything  in her wanted to prove him wrong, especially after what they'd done  tonight.

"Hmm," she hummed, narrowing her eyes as he closed the door to his cabin behind him.

She had the marrow-deep feeling that for the next week, Gentry Striker  was going to be a beautiful distraction from the mess her life had  become.

Chapter Five

What the fuck had possessed him to do that? He'd jizzed all over her  like a dog marking his territory. And in a way, he was! His wolf thought  that was a great idea, spraying her stomach like that. He hadn't meant  to do it, though. He'd meant to keep her clean, but when it came down to  it, she tasted so good, felt so warm and soft against his body, smelled  so damn good, made those sexy little bedroom noises every time he  touched her, he hadn't been able to stop his wolf. Shit! He couldn't  lose control like that again. He'd been fighting his inner animal half  the time they were fooling around. And he was letting his armor slip.  She'd asked him about the cold not affecting him, but she hadn't bought  his excuse. He could tell. Blaire was a smart woman. She would figure  him out quick if he didn't get control of himself.

Kissing her? It was against werewolf law to mix with humans, and he  hadn't even made it a damn night before he was on her like a rutting  animal.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Wolves didn't fool around with  humans like he was doing with Blaire. She wasn't supposed to call to  him, and yet here he was, pacing the living room, completely consumed by  thoughts of her.

Okay. Settle down. There is a logical explanation.

Dad just died a week ago. Gentry was spiraling, in a place he hated,  pissed at his brothers for staying MIA, and he was horny as fuck. Yeah,  that was all this was. He would bring them back around to the friend  zone tomorrow, keep his dick far away from her, and in six tiny days,  she would be gone forever.

A long snarl blasted from his throat that he had to swallow down. He was  breaking apart! Gentry needed to do something because pacing the living  room wasn't helping, and he had another boner just thinking about the  way Blaire's tits had looked all covered with his semen. God, he'd  wanted her so bad. He'd wanted to be buried balls deep inside her more  than he'd ever wanted anything. It was a miracle he didn't go too far.  No, fuck that, he'd still gone too far. He'd kissed her and touched her  and made her come twice, and then he'd freaking marked his territory  like an animal. And she wasn't his! Not even close. Could never be his,  so again, what the fuck was he doing?                       


He wanted to kill her ex for making her feel invisible, and he didn't  even know the asshole. He wanted to feed her, and not macaroni like he'd  joked. The first thing he'd done when he came back in was pull out a  sirloin from the freezer to thaw because Blaire deserved steak and eggs  and food fit for a queen. She was a queen. Classy but with a secret  freak-side he found so damn sexy. Would probably make cute little  red-headed pups. No, not pups-she was human. Something was wrong with  him, or broken. And, hell yeah, he was panicking. He'd never even met  another werewolf who hooked up with a human, and here he was imagining  Blaire holding his firstborn kid. Fuck!

Gentry needed to Change.

His entire body was humming and felt like it was being shredded. This  was going to suck with a healing rib, but there wasn't any help for it.  He would never sleep until he let the wolf roam the winter woods  outside.

He undressed on his way to the back door, leaving a pile of jeans and  boxer briefs in his wake. Outside, the snow prickled against his bare  feet, but it still wasn't uncomfortable enough to make him wince. He  froze and listened. Blaire's soft voice was so quiet behind the walls of  her cabin he could barely make out her humming. She was happy.


"Stop caring," he growled out to his asshole wolf. "You're going to get us killed."

And worse than that, he was going to get Blaire hunted. A relationship  would be dangerous for both of them. Werewolves didn't go too far off  the beaten path. Not even rogues paired up with humans. It was taboo. It  wasn't just frowned upon either. It. Was. Forbidden.

Breeding with humans would be the end of the species. It would mean no  more werewolf pups being born. It would mean exposure to other humans  and certain death in some government testing facility somewhere, or as  war-dog weapons in human wars. There were rules in place for a reason,  and Gentry believed in the need for those rules.


"Fuck you."

His spine cracked, and Gentry bent in on himself suddenly. His wolf was  punishing him by crippling his body and Changing slowly, breaking one  bone at a time and drawing out the pain.

He gritted his teeth against the urge to grunt. That would only make  Wolf happy. He hated when it was like this, when he and the animal were  fighting. It was times like these that Gentry realized just how much  control Wolf had.

Minutes of torture dragged on, but still Gentry refused to cry out. He  wouldn't give Wolf the satisfaction, and the last thing he needed was  for Blaire to come out and investigate a strange noise. He hadn't made  it far enough away from the house and was breaking apart in the snow  just on the edge of the back porch light.

Those minutes felt like an eternity, but at long last, the pain  subsided, and Wolf lay panting and whole on a layer of ice. His fur kept  him warm from the stiff wind, and he could smell everything, see  everything, hear everything. Blaire was singing a bluesy song about a  man falling from everything to nothing. She didn't sound unhappy,  though, despite the song choice. Pretty voice. She would make a good  she-wolf. Pretty howl. Too bad his bite wouldn't turn her. Only ten  percent survived the bite, and most of them were men. His bite would  poison her for three days until she passed away in a slow death that  would turn any witness's hair gray.

He wasn't supposed to kiss her for a reason. Werewolves liked to bite  when they fucked. The instinct had been there tonight, overwhelming  almost. All it would take was one hard kiss, a bleeding lip just deep  enough, and he would be the death of her. Fragile humans. Easily  poisoned. Easily killed.

He couldn't be the death of her.

Wolf stood and shook snow from his coarse, gray coat.

He wouldn't hurt her. The woods blurred by as he loped through the thick  trees and brush. He couldn't hurt her. She was his to protect from the  Bone-Ripper Pack. At least for a week. He wouldn't bite her too hard. He  would be gentle with her always if it meant he could keep her.

We can't keep her, Wolf. The human side of him was Logic.

But Wolf was Instinct. Wolf was Want and Desire. Fuck you, Logic.