“A nightmare, huh?” Rast glared at her. “What was it this time? Another vision? A prophesy?”
“I saw the same girl that I saw in my previous vision, if you must know,” Nadiah said coldly. “The one who looks like Lauren. She was…” She swallowed hard, remembering the horrible images the vision had shown her.
“She was what?” Rast sounded almost eager. “What? Where was she? Tell me!”
“Why do you want to know what I saw?” Nadiah demanded. “You don’t believe in my gift.”
“I want to know because a girl matching your description disappeared last night.” Rast poked a finger at her. “And I want to know exactly how you’re involved.”
“Wait a moment, Detective. What are you implying?” Sylvan took a step forward, frowning at the human. “You think Nadiah would have something to do with abducting a helpless girl?”
Rast ran a hand through his thick light brown hair in obvious frustration. “How else would she know the girl was going to be taken?”
“She knows because of her gift—because of the Sight,” Sophia said, putting an arm around Nadiah’s shoulders.
“I don’t believe that,” Rast said stubbornly. “There must be some other reason—some way she knew.” He looked at Nadiah. “Admit it—you had something to do with this.”
“Be careful what you accuse my kin of.” Sylvan’s voice had deepened to a menacing growl. “Nadiah is closely related to me—she is what you would call my cousin. I can vouch for her honor and tell you that she would never be involved in an abduction.”
“And she would certainly never have anything to do with torture!” Sophia put in.
“Torture?” A muscle in Rast’s jaw twitched. “Who said anything about torture?”
“That’s what I saw.” Nadiah felt sick. “In my dream—my vision. He was hurting her…torturing her.”
“He? He who?” Rast demanded.
“The AllFather,” Sylvan said. “The overlord of the Scourge. Tell me, Detective, did you happen to find the girl’s clothing all in a pile as you did in Lauren’s case?”
“We did.” Rast frowned. “But we assumed that whoever had taken her took the time to undress her first.”
“I don’t think so.” Nadiah shook her head. “She was taken the same way Lauren was—with the Scourge molecular transfer beam. That’s how he got her.”
“And why are you so determined that Nadiah had anything to do with it?” Sophia asked. “The last time she talked about her vision, you mocked her because of what she saw.”
Rast looked uncomfortable. “The details she mentioned…they checked out. The girl disappeared from the place she talked about.”
“What place?” Nadiah asked, truly mystified. “I didn’t see anyplace in particular. I just saw giants kissing.”
Rast cleared his throat. “Maybe…maybe you’d better come down here. I’ll show you what I mean.”
For some reason Nadiah’s heart started racing. “Down to Earth? Right now?”
“After the things you accused her of?” Sylvan frowned at Rast. “I don’t think so.”
Rast frowned back. “Look, if you and your wife will vouch for her, I’ll take your word that Nadiah isn’t connected to this. But I need her to look at something. To see the spot where Tabitha disappeared.”
“Tabitha?” Nadiah asked, raising an eyebrow.
“The girl who was taken.” Rast ran a hand through his hair. “Her parents are frantic.”
It was on the tip of her tongue to refuse but at the mention of the girl’s parents, Nadiah felt something loosen inside her. She lifted her chin. “I’ll come. But only if you give your word to treat me with respect. I don’t care if you believe in my gift or not but I won’t be verbally abused by you or anyone.”
“Fair enough.” Rast nodded shortly. “I’ll meet you at the HKR building in half an hour.”
Sylvan frowned. “I have not given my consent for this.”
Sophia shook her head. “Honestly, Sylvan, when did you turn into such a caveman? Nadiah can go if she wants to.”
“Not if she’s heading into danger.” Sylvan leveled a stare at Detective Rast. “See that you treat my kin with the respect and courtesy she deserves, Detective, or you’ll have me to answer to.”
“You can think what you want about me but I’d never harm a woman.” Rast’s voice was harsh. “I’ve devoted my life to finding and protecting them, damn it.”